As I visited yesterdays fundraising event for a new Skate Board Park, I simply needed to see the demand before I actually dug my heels in deep with serious consideration to build one locally.
So here's what I need from ALL of you. IF you're truly interested in a Skate Park, I need you to contact ALL of your Skate Board Friends and get them on here commenting and letting me know just how serious ALL of you are about this Park.
The reason being is, I am considering opening up a 13,000 square foot INDOOR SKATE BOARD/BMX PARK in the Salisbury area. However, it will depend on ALL of you. If I get the response I'm looking for, I'll move forward. If it dies out and no one is really serious, well, I'll let the City/County build you a half a$$ed Park.
I have provided a link below to a smaller Park to give you an idea of what I'm looking to possibly do. Take the TOUR and see what the inside looks like. It's bitchin!
GO HERE to see a sample of what I'm talking about. Take the tour of the Skate/BMX Park.
The Park I would be proposing would also have a Pro Shop with Bikes, Boards & Sneakers. Let's see where you go with it from here on out? I have a location already secured so spread the word and let's see if you guys/gals are for real?
Oh, for those who might get on here trying to rag on this Post, I will not ask the City/County for any financial support. This will be built at no cost to the Taxpayers. An Indoor Park will allow 24/7 access, rain or shine.
Joe...I think it would great for a skate/BMX park in our area. I would be willing to work there seeing how Im to old to participate. I hope u go forward with your plans. The kids/adults need a place like this in Salisbury. Thanks!!
Are you done with it yet? Bring it on!!!!
You should consider combining it iwith a climbing wall like EarthTreks out of Annapolis and Timonium. They throw camps and great birthday parties that involve climbing --could be an awesome thing!
Hey look there I am in a picture on your blog! There is a great deal of interest in a skate park. But with people like me heavily involved in this project from the jump over a year ago, YOU had better be on the line about this. If its support you want, you can have it, but understand with you a lot of us know its buyer beware. In case you are trying to figure out who I am, you will know by the disagreements we get into. I hope to use your money to open a skate park for all skaters in the tricounty.
I think this is a great idea!
I don't think that it is the governments job to entertain our kids.
The developer who built Butlers Village here in Pocomoke didn't want to take on the liability of a 'tot lot' so he gave the city $25,000. to go into the city park.
They are building a skate park under the Pocomoke River Bridge, and the final costs is going to be around $50,000.
While I'm not crazy about the developer passing the buck, at least more than half is being paid for with private money.
I just don't understand why our only park is along the deepest darkest river for width in the world.
I cringe when my kids want to go there. As the river claims a kid or two every few years or so.
If you build it, they will come. Remember the indoor one in Berlin a few years back? People drove from SBY all the time to hit that one. SBY needs one. Did you know that the original bowl at the civic center was only the third ever skatepark in the country when it was built! We need to get back on track.
but i dont know how many 'kids' know about your blog...no offense.
he y dude, I really like your idea of a skate park. We have no where to go in this town. A lot of skaters and boarders would support this. If you don't support the youth they will do other activities to occupy their time, some not so good. remeber idle hands will do something even if its the wrong thing.
I went to the event yesterday to support my son in skating. I think a park in Salisbury is long overdue. However, I would rather pay for him to skate in a supervised controlled area than I would have him go to a city owned park where the majority of the time there will be no adult supervision.
I think your plan is great. I hope you get enough positive response to move forward with it.
This is a great oppurtunity for the youth in our community. Build it and they will come. I believe you will get an overwhelming amount of support for this.
Mr. Joe. please build it and we will come there every day.
Joe, wasn't there a skateboard park built in the vicinity of the civic center years back and then filled in or destroyed somehow? I think you should go for your idea...and I know I am too old for a skateboard.
Joe, Can you please give some insight on what happened to the one they built by the Civic Center. If it was the same thing and why they closed it. Just curious. Anything that gives kids some good clean fun and exercise is good. I agree if you build it they will come. Then they won't have to hang out downtown and to get some good grinding. We lost Skateland but this could be bigger and better. It will be one more thing that helps move Salisbury forward as a progressive city. We already have enough stores, banks, restaurants, churches, and medical offices.
how much will it cost to skate/bike there?
And much the same can be said for a dog park.
We need more activities for our children. Getting them off the computers and out doing anything physical would be welcomed. I hope you do it.
There was an old skate park at the Civic Center that was covered up. However, the park I'm talking about would be very state-of-the-art, including a pro shop, tournaments and most importantly, indoors. It would make for a great place for young people to hang out but let me assure each and every one of you, NO DRUGS! I have owned a chain of Upscale Billiard Rooms for Families in the past and let me tell you what I did right up front. We arrested people immediately whenever they came around trying to sell drugs. I would not hesitate for a second to have someone banned for life and or arrested. This kind of business can attract this kind of problem, unless you nail it right from the start. So beware of the outcome!
WHY WOULD WE EVER EXPECT THE CITY TO DO ANYTHING RIGHT? So far they haven't shown the capacity to create a plan and execute it without managing to screw it up in a major way. As long as there is a private citizen ready, willing and able to create a skate board park, it will have to make sense, because it will be a business. I'd love to see Joe do this, and have it be a huge success. If SBY did it, it would probably be upside down, or have huge cracks in it...wait, that's the floor of the new fire station.
The old Salisbury park was poorly designed and not planned or constructed by skatepark builders, simple as that. Times, skateboards and parks are now much different than they were in the 1970's.
I'm not so sure about this.The folks (and I guess I'm one of them since I helped out) who worked on the fundraiser put out alot of effort for a not for profit project. Who would run this park/shop? You? All the time? Really? Indoors sounds great, doesn't usually work out too well.But all of you know that since you skate, right? Who would own the building? Would they sell it out from under us? How about replacing the wood? Wears out alot faster than concrete. Oh yeah, climbing walls and birthday parties. That sounds sweet and all but...what's next skeeball and clowns? C'mon.
Money, Money, Money. Sounds like a money making venture to me. Guess what? Never works. Privately owned parks are a bad, bad, bad idea. Ask Vans (you know, the shoe company). And what happens when everyone gets bored with the little park? Do we start over? Those kids out there yesterday weren't little dollar signs cruising around on fad toys. They were dedicated skaters who need a safe, legal, PUBLIC place to skate. Taxpayers, I understand you don't want to pay for a skatepark. That's fine. Next time I don't want my taxes paying for something, I won't have to right? OH, OK. Cool. No PROBLEM. And what's the deal with the drug comment? We skate, so automatically we're drug abusers? Are you kidding me? I've been skating for nearly 28 years and I don't recall ever seeing anyone light up a joint at a skatepark.Maybe I was too busy skating. For the record, I speak only for myself and in no way do I claim to speak for any of the other wonderful people who are trying to raise the money for a public park.
Scott Aaron
Joe, I am not a skater of any kind these days. Last time I skated we had to tighten them down to our sneakers with a skate key. LOL Anyway, I think combining skating and biking is a fabulous idea as long as it is affordable for all to participate. Maybe sell annual memberships or semi annual memberships at a discounted rate. A lot of the things in this city costs a lot for kids to participate that's why so many hang out and end up in trouble. Not to long ago it only cost $5 a kid to play little league baseball, now its up over $50. How many families with more than one child of little league age (7 to 16) can afford that? I'm sure you get my point.
Thank you for participating.
"Who would run this park/shop? You? All the time? Really?"
I spent many years of my life playing Professional Pool, touring all over the United States. I eventually opened up a chain of Upscale Billiard Rooms and am very familiar with how to manage this type of business. Would I run it full time? I would think my Son would be more interested in doing that as I'd make him my partner right from the get go.
"Who would own the building? Would they sell it out from under us?"
I'm not willing to expose who owns the building at this point. However, I can assure you, our original agreement would be a 5 year lease with a 5 year option. Should it fail, I'd open another business right behind it. That's the risks you take going into any business.
"Sounds like a money making venture to me. Guess what? Never works."
Sorry my friend but you're very wrong here. Nothing lasts forever but let me assure you, I know how to make money. You worry about your money and investments, I'll worry about mine. Fair enough?
"Those kids out there yesterday weren't little dollar signs cruising around on fad toys. They were dedicated skaters who need a safe, legal, PUBLIC place to skate."
You build yours, I'll build mine. I'd be happy to support yours as well.
"And what's the deal with the drug comment? We skate, so automatically we're drug abusers? Are you kidding me? I've been skating for nearly 28 years and I don't recall ever seeing anyone light up a joint at a skatepark."
Nice try! However, when you can come back to reality and or you have a relapse, come back and fill us in when you're in the moment. I'm glad you say you've never been involved in drugs. However, I don't care what you say, I'm not buying it. Far too many kids will tell you differently, including my very own kids. Stop the theatrics.
I have read your blog. I think the important thing here is that you would be building a skate park because you love skateboarding and want to make the skate scene better. I assume you don't skate, and believe that because of a benefit, you see a place to make money on something, at the current moment, that is being neglected. Running and maintaining a skate park is nothing to be taken lightly, and most likely more often than not, makes little to no money.
you will spend considerable time building ramps, and then maintaining them. If you have no skate background and no idea what kids are looking to skate, then you will build a park that is obsolete, and then in turn will get little use.
I think, you should channel your efforts into helping the community establish a free, skate park that can be used by anyone. private facilities are a huge hassle and I would hate to see you get the hopes up of kids and parents alike only to pull out at the last minute.
you may ask why I am being so negative? well, it's not so much negative, but more realistic. I
have owned a private skate park and have also helped several communities build and maintain public skate parks. both are/were very fulfilling, but with out the love of skateboarding, something you see as a great idea can turn into more of a headache that a "place for the kids".
If you want to see a very nice skate board park, go to Easton. Theirs is fenced in and all tricked out. Problem is that not very many kids even use it. They seem to want something and then quickly lose interest once they get it.
I would certainly agree with the fact that I would not be in it as a Skater. Interesting how you would take such a wonderful opportunity for young kids and turn it into something so horrible?
I will always be in the business to make money, at a fair rate. If it wasn't fair, people wouldn't come and I'd lose out.
I agree that a public facility should be built, AT FUNDRAISING EXPENSES. I have already donated and if you truly got moving forward with real sponsors, I would again pitch in and help out because I believe you're right, it's needed and it's free.
Just keep in mind, you can go to the YMCA and play a game of Pool or you could go to a nice local Upscale Pool Hall and play on well cared for tables and a nicer environment.
When I was a kid, I couldn't afford the nicer environment, so the free location always had to do. Funny thing is, I became a Professional Pool Player after spending most of my young life playing on crappy tables. I guess it made me better?
There's room for at least two locations and I'd rather have the place in which it would be a TREAT to visit and enjoy.
If you build it they will come!!!
I will skate it myself.
Then ride my unicycle in 'Unbeatable Banzuke' style.
I'd like to think you have the best intention of skaters at heart. I'm going to just assume that at this point. When I'm talking about money making ventures never working out, I'm talking about skateparks.I'm sure you're good with money, more power to you.I do worry about my money, and I worry about other people's money. I am more worried about exploitation of a culture I have been actively involved in for most of my life.
You say you'd be happy to support the other park as well? I'll just take your word for that. From what I understand you did anyway, so thank you. I mean that sincerely. Hopefully we're all on the same page on that one.
As for my comment on the drugs...drugs are prevelant in every area of society, especially among the youth.High school football captain; yeah he's a stoner.Drop out; yup rollin' one in his bedroom. Furniture salesman; snortin' a line on his break (I know this one first hand).Oh yeah, upper class mom and dad, Ralphy is a user too. You wouldn't know because you are spending so much time at your community functions.
Joe, what I'm asking is, why the "no drugs" disclaimer? I am here on earth with the rest of you, I know it happens. But Joe, who's going to go to a skatepark to get high on drugs? Wouldn't the myriad other lower profile locations be better places to engage?
These haven't been theatrics Joe. It's just a subject I feel very strongly about.You strike me as an intelligent man. I hope to have your support even if you do run with your idea.
My friend's grandson came to visit from Hatteras, NC on his spring break a couple of years ago. We nearly froze our butts off, but we had to drive him to OC to that skateboard park. He was the only kid there (all here in school) and had a blast. I assume this is what it would be similar to. If I remember correctly, I was told years ago the skateboard park here, which as Joe says was too small anyway, was closed as they were afraid of being sued.
You'll have my support, period. However, none of us were born yesterday and you even admitted yourself, drugs are pretty much everywhere.
Let's agree to disagree, OK?
Build it. The kids will skate it.
We can agree to disagree, but at the heart of the matter I don't think we disagree too strongly. I do not in any way support drug use, I think it wastes talent and destroys lives.There have been many examples of that in skateboarding. But, there have been plenty of kids saved from that type of destruction by skateboarding.People are people no matter what activities they partake in. I'm sure a man of your experience as a business owner and pro pool player (nice, by the way.Sounds like a neat career.)has seen that.
If it seemed like I came out of the gates all willy-nilly it's because I'm passionate about skating and skateboarders in general. I did not mean any disrespect to you or your ideas.Just do it right.I'm begging you.Skaters need support from all sides; parents (that's a bigee), business owners, the city, and each other.
Thank you for replying to my posts.
Great idea Joe, an indoor park for year round use, with a pro shop and supervision, maybe even rent boards, helmets and pads. The pro shop can offset some of the cost and reduce the cost of membership for using the facility itself. Maybe donations can continue even after it's opening, to help low income families get memberships for their children.
The old skateboard park was closed and buried, because there was no supervision, it ended up being a place to hang out, drink beer and smoke pot.
These youngsters aren't bad kids, but to keep the park functioning with all legal activities it will be in need of supervision, to make it drug and alcohol free and assure parents that their kids are safe and sound.
I've heard they want to use the OC skate park as a model of sorts adding some new ideas. You must be willing to change with the times if you are going to keep up in any business.
I hope between all involved it can be something we can do better as a business than if the government got their sticky fingers in it.
Kudos to all in this wise endeavor. I don't even have young kids but would gladly donate some money to improve their quality of life. If you are against this skate park, than you are for young people skating in a more dangerous setting out on the streets.
The Easton park is a HORRIBLE excuse for a skatepark. Check out the Bowie skatepark if you wanna see something impressive. Crowded as heck every single day, as are most of the other concrete, outdoor parks here (OC and Ridgely) and on the western shore.
And yes Joe, thanks for your support, the BMX angle may be a more practical approach in this area.
Let me assure you of one thing. Whenever "I" do a project, it's done right. I created the Upscale Billiard Rooms when everyone said it couldn't be done successfully. I wouldn't have retired at 40 if I didn't do it right.
Joe, I know when EXODUS used to be in Berlin there were always people there. There is definitely an interest in the area for an indoor skate park. And like you have mentioned, it will provide a positive recreational activity for kids and keep them off the streets.
I think it's a shame that you seem to be using all of the interest that has been generated by the Salisbury free, public concrete skatepark fundraiser to drive your own private, for-profit endeavor.
This is what this post is all about. I want to hear both sides. If there's support and interest, cool. If not, cool. I don't have to do it at all and I can keep all my money to myself without the risk of losing hundreds of thousands of dollars. Get it now?????
It would be great for about a year, and then they would stop going. Remember the mini golf out by Kmart. Gone. Remember the play zone out by the car dealerships. Gone. It would be a good idea in OC, but Salisbury won't support such a venture year round. You would be wasting your money. Just donate some to the fundraiser and move on.
If you want to see a GREAT municipal skatepark check out the one in Palm Desert, California.
Supervised 100% while open and fully fenced with surveliance cameras when closed.
It's $5.00 for a membership and follow the rules while you are there.
My mother lives in Palm Desert and my 8-year old has been a member for 3-years now.
I will dig up some pictures and post them...
But its killer and in a functional municipal center one can walk too, across from a sports complex with gym and indoor pools, then on the other side is the Police Dept, City Hall and offices.
They actually planned for the long-term somthing you don't see much on the Eastern Shore
coco's won't last either
If you think you are going to make money off of 400 kids, you are mistaken. Do the math on how much they would have to spend for you to break even. Skateboarders talk a big game, but there is a reason they ride skateboards. They can't afford cars.
check out the web cam on that nc park you linked. nobody home. money loser.
Having both skate parks is not a bad idea either. Kids can't skate outdoors in inclement weather so they'd go indoors. Kids will skate where they can, when they can. Why does everything have to be turned to a negative? I would support both efforts. Has the thought crossed anyone's mind that one park might not be big enough to accomodate all that come to skate at the same time? Has it crossed anyone's mind the fundraising that could go on in both venues, increasing participation. Competition is healthy and a good thing. Winning awards is a good thing. Competitions could be held to award scholarships, fund other needs of todays youth. The possibilities are endless. Like it was said earlier, if Joe makes an investment, it is his money to invest, if he takes a loss, he takes a loss, it's his to take. On the other hand if the fundraising builds a free park will the same fundraisers continue to raise money to maintain and staff this location? Will there be volunteers to staff the free park or paid staff?
Whatever way a park is built, for profit or not for profit, let it be built and let it be built soon. These kids need something to do with their time and someplace to expend their energy. Not every kid plays ball.
On the matter of drugs, drug dealers will infiltrate any place their are kids. Look at the schools. There should be a no drugs, no alcohol permitted and it should be known from the outset.
I'm all for it. Let the good times roll.
awesome idea. The climbing wall would be a great idea!
rock on, my kid needs this
My son was a skater in a large Southern city 20 years ago. No skate parks then. He skated on the concrete sides of access roads to major freeways. Scared the crap out of me. Kids weren't allowed to even take their boards into the malls let alone skate in them. A park that can be used year-round would be great. Good luck.
The answer my friend is -- not enough to warrant spending any public money, so if you want to blow some of yours, feel free to do so.
May I bring my dog?
Someone mentioned mini-golf. Mini-golf has a history of not succeeding in Salisbury. Besides the latest mini-golf place in the Kmart shopping center closing down, the Oaks mini-golf and driving range on South Divisiong Street closed. Remember the indoor mini-golf that used to be in the Skateland complex years ago? It closed too.
I think an indoor skateboard and bmx place is a good idea. I am also all for a public free place though I worry the city will screw that up like it does everything else.
Is there even a decent place in the Salisbury area to buy skateboards and parts anymore? I'm too old to know where they are anymore but used to be big into skateboarding as a kid.
How about a dog / skate park combo?
"....the Oaks mini-golf and driving range on South Divisiong Street closed."
Only because the land was sold in a scam to build housing for "empty nesters". Now it's going to be party housing for the college.
The area needs great draws done right for constructive activities. Don't forget if its a good park you can host competitions, both with Pro's and Amateurs.
And coupling it with other attractions which were mentioned would widen the draw. I couldn't imagine not having a place to play ball when I was younger and I had them. I doubt I could fully know how these kids feel.
Skate on guys and get active. You'll learn alot!
Being a little dense at times, will someone please explain to me how the city can get open space money for a dog park yet won't get it for a skate park for the kids whose parents pay taxes? Am I missing something here? A half acre can build a small skate park and better accomodate the kids in this area than it can accomodate the 10,000 dogs in the city.
Unless some anonymous's are the same person this topic generated 53 posts. Isn't that close to a record. Most were in support. Joe, maybe this forum should be used by all potential entrepreneurs as a preliminary feasibility study. Anyone up for a pistol range, Archery center, woodworkers co-op center, ect.
Dad would always say, 'it doesn't matter who wins, it just matters if you have fun.' Simple. Our purpose of building a public skatepark for Salisbury is to give skaters a fun and challenging place to skate without being hassled. FOR FREE! We are having fun raising money and will have fun skating the park. Making money should not be the reason to make a skatepark. -Bobby Schaller
Most businesses will be profitable if marketed and managed properly. This proposed park has the potential to provide a place which will be maintained much better maintained than any govt. run facility. If it costs a little something to use - so be it. You get what you pay for. I can imagine large events, competitions, and guests of notoriety.
There is plenty of room for 2 skate parks in Wicomico County. They dont have to be next to each other. So put up or shut up. As we have seen, indoor for profit parks rarely last due to cost of operation. A handful of voluteers have spent tons of time struggling w/ 0 money to get it this far. Yeah it may not be moving as fast as any of us would like, but they didnt wait for someone else to do all the leg work to see if people were interested than try to make a profit off others inspiration and persperation. I dont remeber them having fund raisers and community meetings to put up crown sports center. Im sure the county skate park will always serve a certain clientel that your larger/ more expensive park will not and vice versa. Similar to Crown vs Salvation Army vs Tom Brown Rookie League. SO dude bring it on. Cant wait to see it and skate it,
but dont come in on the backs of others hard work and expect to be the white night riding in to save the day to make a profit.
wow joe... 57 replies on this post... nice... i guess this shows you and a lot of other people that there is in fact interest and a need for a skateboard park in salisbury! but i have to ask you a question. i've seen 4 relatively small articles here on your blog regarding this topic. 2 we're little more than posting the flyer for the event with some positive comments. 1 was after the event, larger, and even more praise for the effort and the people that put it on. you even stated that you "donated" to the cause. i got a really good feeling after i read it, and even thanked you for the donation and the support. then... the last one... i feel like you've done a complete 180 and now you're backing another horse! you even went as far as to call our future park "half-assed"! so my question... why the change? and don't blame it on the city council or rick pollitt.
We are interested. There was an NBC story on Sunday about the addition of skateboarding to gym class at school. It has been a resounding success. I can see kids forming teams, getting more fit, having good fun. Win,win,win. How about it WCBOE?
Nobody wants a piece of garbage modular indoor park! This town needs a REAL outdoor cement skate park that everyone can use.
No one wants some piece of junk metal or wood indoor park that they have pay you to use.
Obliviously you are not a skater and just don't get it, just some rich dude that sees a chance to make a buck off a bunch kids.
Get a clue dude pay-to-skate parks don't make money and close down shortly after they open, especially modular wood or metal ones. But if you were a skater you would know this and just open a shop, leave the parks to the professional outdoor builders.
my son and nephew (and all their friends) skate and i hate that it has to be on the streets! my son attended the sunday skate event and had a great time. i think it would be an excellent addition to our community and keep kids off the street but still on their boards. i think you will find support for your idea. you certainly have mine! oh and btw, that dog park thing? no, please no!
Joe, you have my full support on this idea. Not that it may matter to you but you do.
I just have a few questions, & maybe i missed the answers in previous comments (i didnt read all 65). First off how is this building going to be supported? Cuase after its built there is going to be electric to pay, water/sewer bills, not to mention im sure your liability insurance is going to cost a pretty penny. So are you going to charge the kids to use the park? What about those kids who dont have the money? How big is the property? Would it be possible to build an outside skate area that was free to the public? Or is this something you arent willing to do. Just asking cause as far as im understanding the park the city wants to build would be free.
When you are ready to put your plan into motion let us know... There are lots of us out there that might not support you but will be very supportive of this idea & any thing that will get kids out from infront of their Xboxes & Playstation 3's.
My facility would not be free. Perhaps if you read the Post it clearly stated it would be 13,000 square feet. I'm confident you know just how large that is.
I have no interest in competing with the City/County. If they want to build an outdoor park, let them. Then there's no excuse as to people not being able to afford to skate, right?
I would build this facility for profit, period. There will be good years and there will be bad years. I, more than most, know how to park the money and save it for a rainy day, the bad years. Many people going into a business like this would be doing so to make a living. I do not depend on that, therefore there would be no banks involved and no debt. That would make for a very reasonable charge to get in and enjoy.
However, you're right. There will be electric bills, insurance, cam charges and everything else that comes along with running a bueiness, including rent.
The building I speak of is owned by someone elsse and there would be substantial rent to pay. That's my risk and no one elses, should I choose to go through with the idea.
I hope that helps answer some of your questions.
You were safe on the assumption that i do know how large of an area that is.
Go for it & let us know when you do... Salisbury needs something for its youth.
With the rash of bull you give everybody in govt offices do you realy think they are going to grant you a permit for a sand castle, much less a skate park. You will have every inspector so far down your throat you couldnt breathe. Hey go for it, see you at the grind rail!!!!
You're in it for the wrong reasons. You are not a skater and you don't seem to understand what matters to them. Indoor parks are not good. Pay parks are worse. you may see a business opportunity in front of you by exploiting the fears of young children's parents, but when those kids get older and better at skating they won't support an indoor park or one that they have to pay to use. There are many examples of this around the country in case you think you're on to something original. And remember, serious skaters are not small children, they are adults and they have their own income to support their sport and they choose not to skate indoors.
If you don't understand the culture of skating then you really have no business being involved in it. This is a lifestyle. Your attitude reminds me of the big companies like Nike, jumping on the "bandwagon" because they think they see an opportunity to earn profits on the backs of the skaters. They were not here to support us 10 years ago when times were lean, and neither were you - beacause you don't skate and you don't care about skaters. Joe, I think it's time to stay out of things you don't understand and let the people of the community build a proper, outdoor, concrete park that all can use freely.
I think you have a wonderful idea and believe that if you're gonna do something do it right, and from the sound of the success you enjoy from your upscale pool halls I believe you feel the same. I'm not from your area so I'm not familiar with your local culture, I grew up in SoCal, lived half my life in Hawaii, now reside in Japan (not Military). I learned of your concern to build a skate park from a skateboarding message board.
You stated your not a skater, so, I hope you don't mind some advice from an adult / father who skates and would love to build an indoor skatepark myself one day here in Japan.
As a parent I like the idea of a supervised environment, as skater I don't like the Idea of a modular skatepark, reasons being the same as already stated by others who have replied on here, and I wouldn't get my hopes up to having any major competitions or much business from travelling skaters except for those who happen to be in the area for other reasons than to skate (yes, people do travel just to skate a word class park) if the park you build is similar to the one your link led to.
You might want to look into having a professional skatepark company such as Grindline, or Dreamland design you a proper concrete park to fit within the space you have available. Another option I'd consider would be to open a skateshop with some enclosed wooden bowls, halfpipe and small street style area ( check out Hickam Hanger on Oahu, Hawaii http://www.50-50.com/contribute/skatemap/hawaii/hickam_hangar.shtml )
Good luck on you venture.
joe albero said, "I would build this facility for profit, period."
joe... thank you for anwering one of my questions, sort of.
but there's still one that you haven't answered. what is the fee going to be to use your facility?
Imagine riding some nice concrete all afternoon,... Getting some good food than skating to an indoor park with a real good vert ramp. Makes me smile. I guess some things cost money and some things don't. Mr. Albero, i'm glad your saying that your not trying to compete with us although the timing was a bit shady. Keep us updated. -Bobby Schaller
Glad to see the support for BMX!! I'll be there on my bike for sure. When Exodus, in Berlin, was open, the bike night was a huge success. People came from all over Maryland and Delaware.
Mr. Albero,
Here's a idea that would prove your backing of the public skatepark. Come to our next fundraiser and volunteer yourself for the dunking booth. I think the potential monies to be raised through this would be pretty good and dunking booths are fun anyways. -Bobby Schaller
We are building a larger and better orthopedic complex. A couple of the doctors in our group were concerned that we were over-extending ourselves. It doesn't look like it now. Thank you and good luck.
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