Just follow this truck! This time I'm not going to claim to be an expert but my GUESS would be that this guy was hitting speeds of up to 90 mph on Rt. 50 to get to the Fire in Ocean City.
Oh, he was cool all right. He had those emergency strobe lights in the front windshield AND the back windshield, letting everyone know, GET THE F OUT OF MY WAY, I'M A FIREMAN!
No, I do not believe this was an official Fire Station Vehicle. I believe this was a personal vehicle and while we pulled away from the light at the Shorebirds Stadium, he was able to get everyone out of his way eventually with his flashy lights and take off like his Wife and Children were on the roof of the burning building and he was going to get there to save them.
Mind you, some Fire Trucks passed me along the way and I was very cool with that. However, I watched them STOP at red lights before they continued through. I will check with Sheriff Lewis today to see if in fact the lights on this vehicle are even legal? Does anyone out there know if it is or not?
I had a Fruitland fireman (of a certain higher rank)almost run me off the road (Morris Mill...this could be a whole separate topic of how inadequate this road is for speedy travel)twice in a week or so last year. I am sure he was racing to something much more important than my kids in the backseat car seats; I am sure someone's feral cat had an asthma attack or something-there certainly was no smoke, accident or subsequent ambulance dispatched. Briefly, I considered just following him to the station and raining blows on his little redneck head; but you never want to be part of the problem and not the solution. Get a tag number and call the police and the fire chief. Remind them of some of the recent "accidents" involving twitchy responders and the subsequent liability due to their deep pockets. Its like letting artillery or an air strike take care of the dirty work for you.
Even police are to express all traffic laws while on duty. I know they don't....I've seen them turn their light on, cross through a red light on the shoulder, then turn their lights back off, in no rush to get anywhere. It's crooked. But everyone, once in their lifetime, has tried to get away with something. It's going to take a major car accident or a loss of a close family member/friend to slow these dumbasses down.
Joe, thank you for posting my pics of the fire on your blog. I thought you would get a kick out of the pics of all the firetrucks lined up 2 blocks away from the site. You have to admit, though, the way the fire was controlled before more major loss was quite impressive. That old wood burns quickly.
No, lights on a personal vehicle in the state of Maryland are NOT legal!! Statue states a vol. firemen must follow all traffic laws while responding to an alarm. However if they were in Delaware a Fire line officer or Fire Policemen may have a blue light on while responding to an alarm however they still must follow all traffic laws (stop signs and light and speed limits).
Transportation article 22-218(c)(3)(iii) states:
in each volunteer company, no more than five of the following officers may have their privately owned vehicles equiped with red lights
1) The fire chief, or highest raking line officer
2)one or more of the assistant chiefs, or deputy chiefs (Second in comand)
3) the emergency medical services comander
See http://mlis.state.md.us/asp/web_statutes.asp?gtr&22-218
Hold on. Are we praising the firemen and other ems people for a job well done or are we bashing them for getting to the scene of a rather large fire in OC? I and others like me need to know these things.
Chief officers and I believe chief engineers are authorized lights in MD. This guy was responding in his POV at his own expense, just are your suggested happen with firefighters in the Cambridge fire. Which way do you want it, Joe???
Sorry to bust your bubble but Chief officers in Vounteer FDs may have emergency lights on their personal vehicles. No sirens allowed and they must obey all traffic laws but lights are allowed.
This matter is under investigation by the Ocean City Fire Company. Md. law does provide for a red light in a Chiefs personal vehicle, and ambulance captain. This was not a Chiefs vehicle. We would ask that this isolated case not detract from the job everyone did yesterday, and trust the OCVFC will handle this accordingly. Thanks Joe for your concern.
This is why some of us citizens go out of our way for organizations like OCVFC to get the message through their thick skulls that the solution to problems is never to move fire personnel or apparatus further from the scene to make a policy/political point. If this fire would have occured during Summer season with an already obsolete/ineffective drawbridge traffic flow inhibiting response time from west OC we may be looking at a much less touchy-feely outcome. BTW why does it seem like the more Chief Larmore wants responsibility, the more he is "on vacation" or "returning from the airport". If he is missing all the action recently shouldn't we turn over control to whichever secondary officer is actually manning the front lines of these fires?
well wen your house catches on fire ill do the speed limit.... wait ill just take my time, maybe get some gas on the way. grow up. come on its not just firefighters who speed. its everyone. get over it.
12:34 Theres one in every crowd, nothing suits people like you, wonder how much help you provide to your neighbors.
cadets are just as important as the other firefighters, in some cases cadets do more. those boys and girls work there ass off. wat aer your kids doin? smokin weed, drinkin and drivin, these guys know wat they are goin to do with there life. why are yall bashin firefighters? you guys aint got nothin better to do so get off our balls
Anon 2:11
Learn to spell and write. Your point has some merrit to it but when you can't spell it makes you look stupid.
I provide a similar service to my neighbors as Mr. Albero performs for the community at large. I point out hypocrisy of people who take advantage of certain positions for their own selfish benefit at the expense of the community. Give a real good explanation regarding how you can defend a VOLUNTEER fire company of a city on a barrier island consisting of quasi-driftwood buildings often exposed to tropical force winds, that swells to the second largest in the state during Summer tourism,that even gives a tacit threat to move two minutes further from where the metal hits the meat (across a drawbridge that always seems backed up past Outback). I am not a fireman hater-please, seriously, explain it. I want to understand. I understand if marked, lit-up and sirened vehicles have to go forward-get out of their way. But if some of you (it is probably a minority)are living out some sort of Talledaga Nights meets Backdraft fantasy to get to OC (as has been stipulated regarding current photo posts)because you consciously moved out of that town/jurisdiction, I am not sympathetic (and you can stick that "well I'll do the speed limit when it is your house" in the same place where bad policy is allowed to flourish....it is a place lacking sunshine).
To get from the light at Shorbirds Stadium to the end of the Rt 50 Bridge in 15 minutes you would have to do 105 non-stop.
Still, obeying traffic laws means obeying the speed limit. While this person was heading to the scene of a fire he was putting hundreds of peoples lives at risk on the road. If he had caused an accident it would have been a long time for help to arrive since everyone else was tied up.
Hey, we don't tell you all how to stock the shelves at Wal Mart. The next time one of you fails to give me one of those smiley face stickes at the door, I'm getting on here to complain!
Ok ok ok now please, lets stop bashing the firefighters who go out of their way to save our lives and property. lets atleast pay this one a little respect and let the issue go. All firefighters on scene of the fire in Ocean City did a superb job and nobody got hurt. Lets please dis-continue the subject.
BZZZZZZZ...strike one....we must focus enough to answer the question hose boy.
There is no reason whatsoever for this private vehicle to be going down Route 50 at 90 mph from Salisbury. Just what was he going to do when he got there? The situation was already being taken care of. I'm a volunteer fireman, but I'm not that stupid.
And what question is that Joe?
atleast change the picture
where is the traditional speedometer photo to prove this?
Could he have been a Fire Police? OCPD was requesting assistance from area Fire Police to help them with traffic. Several DE Fire Police responded with lights on to the area.
And what question is that joe?
It doesn't matter what his position is. NOTHING justifies him going down Route 50 at 90 mph in his private vehicle.
There is still NO proof he was doing 90 MPh just 1 person has said that
You can sit on RT 50 on any given weekend with MSP in the summer while they run radar and see hundrends of people speeding to the beach. I for one got a speeding ticket doing 79 last summer. I paid the ticket and went on with life. Not the end of the world!
Yes he may have been driving in Excess, but he/she is not the only one who has ever done this.
If your so worried about driving 90MPH why did you follow him so closely and keep up? Your just as guilty as he is for speeding!
I find it very hard to believe you made it in 15 minutes!
The title of the post was sarcasm.
Look here, in this person's defense there is absolutly no proof that this vehicle has done anything wrong besides driving with the illegal lights. It is all just one persons opinion. I imagine at least one other person would have complained if this vehicle was driving as crazy as you say it was. Yet, Joe is the only one complaining here. Everyone else just goes off of a simple over exagerated complaint.
I agree with the EMT. This is totally out of proportion, everyone drives fast but when you single out a brave firefighter responded to the biggest fire recorded in OC history, and compare him to a beach go-er going that fast to a vacation... Your bashing on the wrong crowd here. Grant that the firefighter is in no way justified for speeding BUT, let he who has never sped before cast the first stone!
And let me guess, if he has so many lights on the front of his truck, and if he is indeed passing you at 90 MPH, i assume that car in front of him is ALSO doing 90... and the picture isn't blurred! It doesn't take a Pro Photographer to tell you that anything moving at 90MPH is going to blur ! this looks crystal clear to me.
i agree strongly you are just as guilty as he is. and so wat if that one guy has bad spelling, is that the only thing you can pick on. come on, that makes you look stupid.
Well Joe while you are admitting sarcasm please tell us what else isn't exactly true... b/c this individual is probably about to lose his job thanks to your SARCASM!!!
Typical Volunteer Fireman!!
What does that mean?
TALK ABOUT A RANT! This simple observation turned into a seven dimensional discussion (I use the word discussion loosely). There will always be people who take advantage of what they perceive as an opportunity. In this case it is a volunteer firefighter who is a little bit gung ho about getting to a big fire. How many times have we seen various police cars go past us with lights and sirens blasting, only to have them turn them off as soon as they're thru the traffic. Irritating, but as long as no one dies not worth fretting over. Some of these people have too much time on their hands, and need a hobby to keep them busy.
P.S. Is commenting on a blog considered a hobby?
Really Joe, you need to clean up your info here before you really hurt this individual's future career!
This may be a hobby but it is a poor way to spend your time. Accusing people of this and that...
anonymous 6:54,
Obviously you don't like to read the original article. I stated that they do NOT train Firefighters to drive this aggresively in private vehicles. Police Officer are in fact trained to drive that fast.
To the earlier liar that stated this was his best friend and lied stating he didn't have the flashing lights, kiss my a$$. I am NOT a liar and I know what I saw. It has also been confirmed, so you know.
Back to Mr. Anonymous 6:54, someone didn't get killed this time. However, someone did get killed in Hebron not that long ago. Grow up, act responsible and listen to your CHIEF!
umm volunteer firefighters are they biggest heroes i know. they risk their lives everyday for nothing in return.maybe we should be putting them in a different light than this...
and once again there is no proof for this particular persons 90mph
you certainly must have been going as fast as them to get a photo.
nice try however
The photo provided, again, was not while he was doing 90 mph, or so. Again, try reading the post all over again and you'll see he was pulling away from Perdue Stadium and once he got this guy out of his way with his flashing lights, he was off like a bat out of hell.
The deal is this guys and gals, I was there, I saw what this kid was doing and as I accelerated he was not only pulling away, he was a mile ahead! The boy was flying, trust me on that one.
So if this guy took of like a bat out of hell, why didn't ayone else complain... hmmm prob bc IT DIDN"T HAPPEN. sounds like your the one that was a little to excited at that point in time.
What is a Vol. Firefighter
-He's the guy next door - a man's man with the memory of a little boy.
-He has never gotten over the excitement of engines and sirens and danger.
-He's a guy like you and me with warts and worries and unfulfilled dreams.
-Yet he stands taller than most of us.
-He's a fireman.
-He puts it all on the line when the bell rings.
-A fireman is at once the most fortunate and the least fortunate of men.
-He's a man who saves lives because he has seen too much death.
-He's a gentle man because he has seen the awesome power of violence out of
-He's responsive to a child's laughter because his arms have held too many
small bodies that will never laugh again.
-He's a man who appreciates the simple pleasures of life - hot coffee held in
numb, unbending fingers - a warm bed for bone and muscle compelled beyond
feeling - the camaraderie of brave men - the divine peace and selfless
service of a job well done in the name of all men.
-He doesn't wear buttons or wave flags or shout obscenities.
-When he marches, it is to honor a fallen comrade.
-He doesn't preach the brotherhood of man.
-He lives it.
This Kid??? Sounds like you may have a personal issue wth this individual....
I wish you could know what it is like to search a burning bedroom for trapped children...flames rolling above your head, your palms and knees burning as you crawl, the floor sagging under your weight as the kitchen below you burns.
I wish you could comprehend a wife's horror at 3:00 in the morning as I check her husband of 40 years for a pulse and find none...I start CPR anyway, hoping to bring him back, knowing intuitively it is too late, but wanting his wife and family to know everything possible was done to try to save his life.
I wish you knew the unique smell of burning insulation, the taste of soot-filled mucus, the feeling of intense heat through your turnout gear, sound of flames crackling, the eeriness of being able to see absolutely nothing in dense smoke...sensations that I've become too familiar with.
I wish you could understand how it feels to go to work in the morning after having spent most of the night, hot and soaking wet at a multiple alarm.
I wish you could read my mind as I respond to a building fire, "Is this a false alarm, or a working fire?" "How is the building constructed?" "What hazards await me?" "Is anyone trapped?"
Or to an EMS call, "What is wrong with the patient?" "Is it minor or life-threatening?" "Is the caller really in distress or is he waiting for us with a 2x4 or a gun?"
I wish you could be in the emergency room as a doctor pronounces dead the beautiful five-year old girl that I have been trying to save during the past 25 minutes, who will never go on her first date or say the words, "I love you Mommy", again.
I wish you could know the frustration I feel in the cab of the engine, squad car, or my personal vehicle, the driver with his foot pressing down hard on the pedal, my arm tugging again and again at the air horn chain, as you fail to yield the right-of-way at an intersection, or in traffic. When you need us however, your first comment upon our arrival will be, "It took you forever to get here!"
I wish you could know my thoughts as I help extricate a girl of teenage years from the remains of her automobile. "What if this was my sister, my girlfriend, or a friend?" "What is her parents' reaction going to be when they open the door to find a police officer with hat in hand?"
I wish you could know how it feels to walk in the back door and greet my parents and family, not having the heart to tell them that I nearly did not come back from the last call.
I wish you could know how it feels dispatching officers, firemen, and EMT's out, and when we call for them and our heart drops because no one answers back, or to hear a bone chilling 911 call of a child, or wife needing assistance.
I wish you could feel the hurt as people verbally, and sometimes physically abuse us, or belittle what we do or as they express their attitudes of "It will never happen to me."
I wish you could realize the physical, emotional and mental drain of missed meals, lost sleep, and forgone social activities, in addition to all the tragedy my eyes have seen.
I wish you could know the brotherhood and self-satisfaction of having saved a life, or preserving someone's property, or being able to be there in time of crisis, or creating order from total chaos.
I wish you could understand what it feels like to have a little boy tugging at your arm asking, "Is Mommy okay?" not even being able to look in his eyes without tears from your own, and not knowing what to say.
Or to have to hold back a long time friend who watches his buddy having rescue breathing done on him as they take him away in the ambulance. You know all along he did not have his seat belt on, a sensation that I have become too familiar with.
Unless you have lived with this kind of life, you will never truly understand, or appreciate who I am, who we are, or what our job really means to us...
I wish you could though.
anonymous 7:24, grow the "F" up!
Listen i know this kid personaly he is a good boy and young. We all have been there before when we did something we should not have.
The boy in questions punishment from his dad is going to worse then anything you guys can put on here. So drop it not to mention when i get my hands around his neck.
Please tell me that you were not following him to close that would mean that you were speeding to. And all you were doing was to come take some pics of a fire seriously.Before you get to smart i dont agree with what he did but again we all have done it before.
And yes sir Fire Fighters are trained to drive all vehicles both small as well as large. IE: 45,000 lb engines 70,000 lb trucks bigger then any police car.
Tim Jerscheid
I'm much older than you. Sounds like your the one that needs some growing up to do!
listen here you bottom feeder blood sucking leach how the heck would you have gotten the picture if this firefighter was going 90mpg you would have had to be going 86 at least and look at the other cars how far in front they are. if you are going to lie about this be smart.
I was not driving anywhere near as fast as he was. I'm concerned for this young mans life and others. I want to publicly thank this young man for his service as a Volunteer and I would hope this would not distract him in his future with Ocean City.
Please remind this young man of what happened in Hebron recently. Believe me, this young man got to Ocean City WAY ahead of me. I'd bet at least 10 minutes ahead anyway.
At the point I took that photo, and I'll say this for the last time because you're too lame to read all the other comments as well as the original post, we were pulling away from a traffic light at the time of the picture being taken.
I'll add, how many of you text message and or talk on the phone while driving? I took 4 pictures, 4 of them didn't come out because the camera was too high or low. I did NOT bring the camera to my eye, I was winging it and got lucky with only one of the four shots.
Nevertheless, we weren't even doing 40 mph when this kid was on this guys ass, trying to get him out of his way. That's the last time I'm going to answer that.
Just to let you know Joe, i've just recieved a call from this driver and he has been suspended to the fire company due to your sarcasm. You need to tell the truth with the speed. PLEASE. I seriously doubt he was driving to the extent that you describe. PLEASE CLARIFY. This young mans career depends on it!
Let me assure you of this. This young man will no longer race to a scene 30 miles away with illegal lights and or traveling 80 to 90 mph. My figures are NOT wrong. I am NOT out to ruin a young man's career. I am out to make our roads safer for me, my family, you and your family. Again, go back to the recent death in Hebron from another Firefighter.
Don't even think of playing that, it's all your fault Joe crap!
Hey 7:24 (aka Drama Queen...aka my hero)
Save all the hero drama!! I don't know a single fireman that can do anybody any good in an emergency, when on the way they not only put themselves in danger, but other innocent bystanders in danger by driving like a freakin maniac. This one kid speeding like that was not gonna save the day when he got there. Way too immature to respond on emergency incidents. There is absolutely NO excuse to endanger innocent bystanders by driving in this manner. As there is also no excuse to make excuses for him.
You just can't admit your wrong... that's really sad
8:19 Seems the Ocean City Fire Dept. doesn't fool aound. Set the example for everyone else. Don't blame Joe, he just reported as he saw it. Be thankfull disapline was handed down, the firefighter will thank whoever did that someday. Joe, you agree?
Yes, I agree.
No one has said firefighters are bad. No one believes firefighters are bad. The question is is a single young kid so important that he must speed for 30 miles to get to the scene of a fire. There are so many people in any fire dept. that are trained to run the scene that it isn't possible this kid was indespensible. Therefore he was WRONG. That his photo and story happened to appear on this blog is not the issue. His actions on Rt. 50 on Sunday are.
4:50 & 5:56 hose boy.If you arent smart enough to figure out it isn't Joe mocking you, you will never grasp my original question. I'll give you an easier one;how much more hose will you have to pull to be promoted to hoseman?
One word to you Joe, IMMATURE. The way you handled this incident was totally uncalled for and all you accomplished in doing was doing was embarassing a poor firefighter that was leaving his whole family that is sick and then thanks to your over exageration he loses his job AND gets embarresed by the community. You should have called the Fire Chief and let him handle this. You are of no position to be embarassing heroes at work.
Call 911 next time!
I believe I handled it just fine. Ask the Chief!
The Chief suspended the poor kid! So yes call 911! But if this kid was drivin so bad. Why didn't anyone else call 911???? Seems like you were the only one that saw that bud
hoseboy????? what is that?? There is def no such thing. Everyone works together on the fire ground. No one person can physically pack all the hose alone. That doesn't even make sense.
Oh my god can you guys be any more stupid? You guys are as dim as the waitresses we used to send to 7/11 for a keg of imported steam to prepare the shrimp.
Grow up Joe, seriously.
Why was this person allowed to have a red light if he wasn't a chief officer? Why did he think it was urgent for him personally to be there?
The vehicle doesn't have a red light... nor was he RESPONDING to the scene. When he passed me around fort whaley he was not doing any greater then 65 m p h. Idk where the 90 came from but several other vehicles passed me doing all different extremes of speed going to the fire. Why single this one out? And when i later saw the vehicle and spoke with the firefighter he stated he had taken it upon himself to put the lights in. They are illegal though.
ok, two comments. I was a volly in Northern VA, and then a police officer. When I was trained in EVOC (Emergency Vehicle Operator's Course)as a firefighter, I was taught that 15 mph over the posted speed limit was the limit, and anything over was dangerous. It was also stressed that "It's not your emergency". It was also further stressed that you can do no good if cannot get to the call because you wrecked!
I have been trained in professional course to operate a well maintained, and well built vehicle at speeds that exceed the posted limit. A personally owned vehicle is not always maintained on the same schedule as an emergency vehicle is. From the picture it seems as though the vehicle is newer, and in good shape, it is still a dangerous proposition to speed like that. Nothing exempts this volunteer fire fighter from the laws of physics, and it is only a matter of time before this reckless behaviour kills another person.
Please understand, I really want people to show up at my house if it is on fire, or if I am trapped in my car, however, I want them to be able to show up, and be in a position to provide the services needed.
Thank you for that comment.
Joe, I am one of the early responders to the scene. I proceded to go about 85 in a 35,passing 3 police officers on route 1, with my WHITE lights flashing on my personal vehical, which are 100% legal in Delaware on a personal vehical while responding to an emergency :). just think, if we had all taken out dandy time, how many BLOCKS of ocean city would have burnt? who knows, but when your house or business catches fire, dont expect me to respond, if I do I may just walk to the station with a blinky light on my belt as to avoid people like you who just need someone to bash on because they have nothing elce to do. Just be happy we responded the way we did to controll that inferno. And thanks to ALL who responded!
Have a nice day Joe.
- Firefighter from Sussex county
Who cares! All the vollies need to continue responding to fire scenes like they always have! Have a nice day!
I was supportive of you guys until you made a habit of looking like out of control rednecks on this posting board. Its like a bunch of Cliff Claven wanna-bes with tiny hoses.
8:11 There are a few bad examples that post often, that bring discredit to everyone. The reality is, most people that volunteer for anything, do so for the satisfaction of helping someone. This news blog is very informative, Joe does a great service, however I hope it doesn't reflect that the majority of the fire service is made up of anything less than great people. Please don't see past so much good, because of so few bad.
Thank you for the sincere reply. Most of us try not to paint with a brush that is too broad; I know you have an uncontrollable minority sometimes. That is why I believe this issue has triggered passionate response. I probably differ from Mr. Albero regarding fire response issues; at times he believes there is too much. I believe this argument has merit but yes if I am in a foxhole, slugging it out with Charlie, I don't care if it is Army, Air Force, Navy/Marine (Salvation Army)ordnance; put it down on my perimeter. My concerns revolve around the opposite phenomenon, that I have never ever seen or heard of before; a "volunteer" organization that does no respect to their oath by saying we wont fight fires....unless.I am still just honestly waiting for ANY fireman of ANY fire company to justify taking their gear further from where they are needed the most. Doesn't it concern anyone that it took several other local fire departments away from their own jurisdictions to take on a blaze that might have overcome local resources but for the fact there was poor weather and low off-season crowds. Fact is, I have revived two people who were either choking/drowning as a parent/lifeguard-I dig the whole good samaritan thing. That is why we as Jose Your Next Door Neighbor don't want to hear chicken-poo policy squabbles about how you can't stand adhering to the stated policy of the town you purport to serve. Because you live in Sussex County or Salisbury and choose to serve in OCVFC that is cool. But don't expect us not to be angry as you drive your large pickups dangerously close to our families passenger vehicle at an unsafe rate of speed because you have made a conscious decision to relocate further from the front line.It is a hypocritical stance.
I agree with 12:22 but there is still absolutly nothing proving this particular vehicle was exceeding the speed limit! It is dangerous to drive fast and personally as a volunteer firefighter myself, i get to the scene quickly and safely i confess to speeding but around other people and vehicles i use extreme caution. These people responding to emergencies are not big head red necks that think they are exempt from the law, they are selfless individuals who only care about the safety of all people they come in contact with... WOULD YOU GIVE YOUR LIFE FOR A STRANGER??
just because he has lights does not mean he was using them in any wrong way. if there is no photo evidence proving that he was using his lights then you should not say he was using his lights. if it was true then why didnt you call the police when you seen him supposidly doing what you say he was doin. i am so tired of people saying fire and police obuse thier light privilages. you complain when we dont get there as fast as you want us to. but when we try to get there faster you compain and say your going to kill somebody. i wish people would realize how hard it is to live the life of a fire fighter. we sacrifice alot just to get bashed down and never hear a thank you. you should get real evidence and facts before you right a story about something.
i agree with the sussex firefighter, if you really need someone to pick on and bash don't pick on the people that may one day be driving fast to save your life or the life of a loved one.
GROW UP! What do we have here, High School aged kids writing in defense of this kid?
There was in fact a piece of equipment on his vehicle that could tell how fast he was going, hence the punishment as an end result.
Keep digging till YOU get YOUR facts straight.
We know that joe and it was inoperable! Nice try but if your gonna dish out stuff you don't know about... atleast be able to back it up with evidence of the recorded speed! Thanks to you and only you. He has lost his position and job with the fire company and can no longer serve his community. Just because you had to be sarcastic as you need to admit!
And here is a whole other layer to this onion; why should we as taxpayers have to even depend on volunteers rushing to the scene to supplement that which we should have already paid for. Volunteers should be a valuable community supplement. Any community anywhere in America should feel that there will be enough butts already in the station when the bell rings to knock down the problem. What if police departments were run in this fashion?
i gurantee if it was your house on fire you would want the fire fighters to get there faster but being it was not your house you feel like you have to bash fire fighters for driving fast. you should get real evidence before you go writing a story bashing the fire fighters. the life of a fire fighter is hard enough with out you bashing us down.
1:19 Joe can defend himself, but maybe he will let me do it first, JOE WAS NOT SPEEDING, OR USING THE LIGHTS, THE YOUNG MAN WAS! MAYBE BY JOE POSTING THIS, SOMEONE'S LIFE WILL BE SAVED! Don't kill the messenger. As far as "the kid not be able to serve his community" one can only have a little faith the department passed down a fair punishment, any other time everyone criticize they covered it up. Good will come from this, no-one needs another Hebron incident we are still not done with that tragedy.
1:19 Maybe you should try backing something up, would you like to disclose where you heard he "lost his position and job" bet you can't, because he hasn't. I hope there is more going on today in school than a bunch of kids surfing the net, and if this isn't "kids" then it's adults acting like kids.
Yes but the boy was unfairly punished. I know for a fact, as a witness that he was not speeding over 75 MPH and certainly not 90. He was not breaking any laws besides using his lights in the back window to merge into your lane bc you were to busy taking pictures.
Why do you think these are kids??? This boy is a fine young gentleman that wants nothing more to serve his community and all you can do is bash and point fingers!
your the one acting like a kid, and how come you cant post the ones with a good arguement, afraid its gonna make you look bad?
anonymous 2:01,
You're a liar.
The boy has been punished and has in fact lost his job for the time being and no telling wether he will obtain it back. And i don't give out my resources but i'm no liar or child. I know the boy personally, have discussed the issue over with him, and everything i say is the truth. He has no reason to cover up anything at the cost of Joe's OPINION. This is and OPINIONATED blog anyway isn't it? Anyone can get on here and say whatever they want and its unfair and unfortunate that this boy was the poor recipricant of Joe's rage against POV responders.
prove it then..... all you got is one picture. let me see your speedometer
Well Joe it looks like you are the liar here. Many different counts from witness' and all you have is a SWAG at how fast he was going. The majority of what you do on this blog is cut people down and lie your way to a good story. You've gone to far this time Joe.
And i don't believe your a sworn police officer or anyone trained in public safety so all your "accusations" here should be dismissed
Let me say this. First of all, MY speedomiter wasn't anywhere near as fast as his was, he pulled away like there's no tomorrow. Nice try!
As for my OPINION, "I" didn't know "WHO" was driving that vehicle. YOU make it sound as if I was out to get someone/him. The bottom line is, he was more than just speeding and didn't receive a ticker. The young man should be happy he wasn't nailed by the Police instead.
Lesson learned, this time.
but he was suspended, who knows if he will ever get back in. bastard
OK big mouth. First of all, there's not ONE name up here proving any witnesses. You're simply trying to defend this kid, I don't blame you but you're liars.
No one else passed me and could have paced that truck in the first place. More evidence that you're lying. I stand corrected. There was ONE Fire Truck that passed me. No one else was pacing me, you're full of crap.
I should add, if YOU were pacing that truck, I would have had a picture of you too. What say you now, smart ass?
2:09 "lost his job", and what job might that be? 2:04 if your not the same "kid", no-one has said he isn't a good kid, but maybe he should admit he made a mistake. IF he used the lights at all, which the picture shows he did, and if he sped, 70, 75, 80 or up, which he did, HE WAS WRONG. Maybe he or you, will learn, it takes a man to admit his mistake, a "kid" will keep lying about it.
Interesting point, If I was a true witness to defend the kid, I would for sure sign my name, just to help this "poor boy" out. Joe has been very clear with what he saw, and has not waivered once. Now, ummmmmmm to that "boy".
2:01 "not breaking any laws" except not over "75", and using "lights" what part of the "laws" do you not understand? Or is it STUPID that you don't understand.
Joe, GROW THE F UP JOE! come on man, your anal about one person trying to help many others, who knows, if he were not there something way worse could have happened to the buildings in question. SO GROW UP MAN COME ON THIS KID WAS TRYING TO HELP PEOPLE AND YOUR GETTING HIM SUSSPENDED FOR SAVING LIVES. F U MAN.
-Sussex county Fire Fighter.
3:01, come on my friend, do you want to lose this entire argument claiming that one cadet could have made the differance.
OK, kid goes into a store, shoplifts a candy bar, store owner catches him, then when someone tries to teach the youth right or wrong, it's the store keepers fault? What part of wrong don't you understand Mr. Sussex Firefighter. You are the same one bragging about driving 50 miles over the speed limit, what would your chief say to that? Ask Hebron what they would say right now?
Im about sick and tired of hearing about fireman this and fireman that. Yes that is there job. We are very appreciative of this. But what about the police/sheriff. Wicomico Co and Ocean City have been through the ringer recently and all you hear is how police are corrupt. Well, im here to say that I appreciate all that the POLICE do for us. GOD MADE POLICE, SO HOSE BEATERS WOULD HAVE DAMN HEROES!!!!!!!!!!
i believe that the man driving the truck did nothing wrong, he was going to a fire to HELP unlike you people that just sit around a take some pictues when you could be helping....!!!!!!!!!!
CRACKER??? Well iwont even go there, but make sure that guy is also going real fast when a small child runs out in front of him and he smashes him/her all over the roadway. Bottom line is, they have no right to go that fast because it dont help anyone. COPS have to obey all traffic regs and so do the hose beaters. Yes its a great thing what they do...but its not safe and they think they are more then what they are.
Big deal. I go 80-90 mph to OC all the time. Im not trying to get there for a fire. I just want to catch as much of happy hour as I can.
This was a cadet and he was suspended indefently. his behavior is and was unacceptable.
Uh Guys,
To inform you, I am trained and certified to 140 Mph. I am a retired Police officer. Explain how I am a teen-aged kid trying to deffend my friend? I have no idea of who the boy in question is, nor do I wish to know. So please stop with all the rude gestures and grow up, grow some balls as we used to say in the day, and give the boy in question a break.
I know, as an ex. Police officer, I would have pulled the vehicle over, spoken with the driver, and since it was only a child, called his parrents. then gone about my day WITHOUT writing him a ticket.
Thanks all, The Sussex County Fire Fighter.
doesnt look like he is speeding in this picture to me isnt even tailgating the car in front there is no way to prove a vehicles speed by taking a still picture yeah anybody and speed up to 75 mph and take a picture of a vehicle infront of the along with the their spedometer that says 75 ,but all that says is that youre breaking the law and doing it dangerously by taking pictures and worrying about other people seriously joe you should mind your own business and quit stirring stuff up because like all other people out there who tend to do that and make people angry you may come across someone who doesnt care and might get into your business
joe i have been reading your blogs for some time now and have agreed with many but this time you are just being an buttface sniffer and i think that you have serious problems if you are entertained by taking pictures and putting false statements as the title. SO GET A LIFE.
First of all, it's Joe, not joe. Secondly, I have a Blog, not blogs. Finally, if there's one thing anyone out there can tell you, I kiss no ones ass.
its me again joe and i am telling you that you could not get any lower then you already have and how did u know how long it took the fireman to get to ocean city?
last fall a guy i know who was in the westside fire department was stupid enough to go to walmart and steal halloween strobes and change the lenses to blue and red. he proceeded to "look cool" and drive down the road from a friends house with the lights on and less than a mile down the road and was pulled over by a female state trooper. she took both of "his" "double-a" battery stobe lights and his north carolina tag that wasnt registered to that vehicle. she explained to him that they are not legal except on certain vehicles in the FD and his was not one of them.
The parents of the cadet corps. and the directors are seeking the removal of the Fire Chief that passed this punishment down, and they should. No evidence other than what is here, and the kid was dropped, thats the Chief they need alright.
That's a complete LIE! The Father had a device in the vehicle that would tell him EXACTLY how fast the kid was going.
So PLEASE, stop your bullshit lies. The Son was also allegedly pulled over for doing above 90 mph in a 50 mph zone. Dad got him off on that one allegedly?
This young man IS a good kid, so I'm told. However, he has a serious issue with speed and speed kills in that business. Hence, Hebron.
The bottom line here is, I know for a FACT this kid was speeding. Being that his Father is in the Police business, there's NO WAY he got the results of his speed, varified by what I stated and feels the need to stand up for his Son and fight the Chief. Nice try!
I no the boy driving that truck and you are a jackass for taking his picture and getting him in that much triuble now he has lost hope of his once to be drean of being a firefighter.
I am a Career Firefighter, and have a few problems with this 'rant'.
1) There is no excuse for going 90 mph to any alarm. I drive the rig for a living, and while I do not drive slow enough to get beaten in my first-due, I never, ever risk the lives of civillians or the members on my rig to get there. Almost 50% of us (firefighters)who die in the line of duty do so in Motor Vehicle Accidents
2) For the ignorant post about the rigs parked 2 blocks away at the OC job...we do not necessarily need to have every rig parked 2 inches from the scene...makes things a little cluttered. But what we do need is the manpower. That being said, let us know when and where we can show up to your place of business, so we can share our equally ignorant observations of what you do for a living and how you go about doing it. Perhaps if you thought about that first, you would have not seen the need to make such an ignorant post
3) In refrence to the nefarious picture. I have a hard time he was doing 90 and you caught that in your cell phone unless you were pacing him...just looks bad. I am not defending the Red Pick up, just making an observation
And on to my personal favorite:
'I no the boy driving that truck and you are a jackass for taking his picture and getting him in that much triuble now he has lost hope of his once to be drean of being a firefighter.'
1) Learn how to spell.
2) If he is a 'boy', he has no business in my profession.
3) If he indeed was doing 90, with the lights flashing, and all his buffy little fire sitckers adorning the rear window, and was punished, then he got what was coming to him
4) A speeding ticket will not prevent someone from being a Career or Volunteer Firefighter permanently.
For the rest of you taking pokes at the fire service...I personally apologize for the knuckleheads that adorn their vehicles with enough lights that could light up a stadium, AND, drive like morons. However I must ask that you think about the 100+ firefighters who give their lives in the line of duty, get injured (some permanently disabled) in the line of duty, and to those who unselfishly run off to the firehouse for an alarm during dinner, during little Johnny's championship baseball game, Christmas Dinner...etc.
Paid or Volunteer, fire never stops you in the hallway to ask how much per hour you are getting paid and adjusts accordingly.
Rant over, thank you and good night!
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