While Granddad got up in front of a large crowd Tuesday night to discuss the Crooked Oak Park project, he obviously was showing the "techniques" of ski jumping and how to do it right.
Just how much drag is on that old gut there old man? LOL They better deliver my Daily Slime soon before I go ticking everyone off.
Dude...that's gay that you would say that. LOL. Thats really not my stomach, it was the way the shirt was made....plus I had just eaten...plus the lighting was bad....lololol. That's it! I'm getting a membership at olympia!
Don't forget the camera adds 20 pounds! ;-)
how many cameras are on him?
A handsome man....and smart, too.
AND, willing to take a stand.
You think Granddad has a gut, you ought to see Pop-pop. LOL
farm boy
hahahahaha!! that is so very true dad... maybe you should turn to the side just a little more and stick your head out just a little bit... lol... jkjkjk...
Hey Bride 2Be,
Word from the wise! Don't get married! LOL
P.S. Could I get your phone #?
I'm in a Knot dude!
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