The Volunteers at 40 are sad to announce the selling of Engine 402, a 1987 Hahn HCP-15 1500GPM/500GAL Pumper, Selling Price of $52,000, Contact any Chief Officer at Station 40
Like I said, the Salisbury Fire Department WOULD NEVER consider such a fine piece of equipment.
Think about why they are selling this piece of equiptment. The engine is 21 yrs old. Why would Salisbury buy a used engine and place it as a first run unit. Obviously this unit has served its life span. Busy companies don't buy used equiptment. You don't see DC, Baltimore or New York buying used trucks they buy new. Salisbury is no different.
So why are they selling it Joe? Bet you my paychesk its going to be replaced with a BRAND NEW piece.
why don't you buy it and start you own fire dept.?
From what I found with a quick Google search it's common to replace fire engines every 20 years, 68,000 miles, or 10,00 service calls.
matt said...
From what I found with a quick Google search it's common to replace fire engines every 20 years, 68,000 miles, or 10,00 service calls.
9:18 PM
So WTF was your google search and how did you come up with that information? Funny I can't find WTF you are talking about.
Joe, Buy this firetruck and the siren and flashing lights will enable you to move quickly around the County and not miss anything Barry or anyone else does.
anon:7:45pm - You are correct about the equipment the city departments buy . BUT look at the equipment , they do not buy chrome or aluminum to make it look all pretty . They only buy functional equipment and do not go for all of the bells and whistles that our SPOILED ROTTEN BABIES (Fire companies ) here always want . Take some of the trim off of these trucks and start getting real with what is purchased and you will find you could get more equipment for less money that will do the same job . Look at most of the trucks in New York and you will find they don't waste money on what is really not needed . The volunteer companies here are needed more than most folks here understand and are not given the credit that is over due to them . It is no secret that Salisbury wants to run the show and if they had their way all the companies here would have to answer to them . With the recent waist of money at the new fire station it makes you wonder WHAT ARE THEY THINKING - cracks in the floor already , could it be its built on top of a old DUMP . I Guess there is one thing good about that though . When it falls down we can just dig a hole and push it in . The upper management does not care about all of this because after all IT'S NOT THEIR MONEY . Folks it's time to get a leash on all of this over spending .
when you run 10 trucks to shed on fire those miles are quickly used up.
@ anon 7:45
um, yeah... i'm so sure that salisbury is as busy as D.C., Baltiomre, and N.Y.
@ anon 7:45
um, yeah... i'm so sure that salisbury is as busy as D.C., Baltiomre, and N.Y.
8:16 AM
It's not that Salisbury is as busy as NY, DC or Baltimore, however, the City does run more calls then any Fire Department on the Eastern Shore atleast that was the case when I volunteered for Salisbury about 8 years ago. Use your brain Joe, why would Salisbury buy a used piece of equipment? No warranty??!! Perfect example of the current Truck 16! Why dont you do some of your investigative reporting to see how much tax money that has been put into the current USED 100 ft Mack to keep the citizens of Salisbury safe. When is the last time you have seen a City the size of Salisbury by a used piece of fire equipment. Do we buy used police cars, trash trucks etc?? I dont think so....
Sure go ahead and buy someone elses problem idiot! It's for sale for a reason in case your too stupid to realize it idiot. A small department who does 10 runs a year it would be fine for but not Salisbury who does 20 runs a day at times. Just goes to show more of your bad reporting. Get a clue idiot!
Fire Chief
Talk about nickle and diming the tax payer if Salisbury FD would buy that fire truck.I would rather see them buy something new rather than someting used cuase a used vehicle doesn't last as long as a new one.
Hey Joe how long did station 16 have there old fire trucks actually two of them are still in service and one of them is a death trap.
Of course you would, you don't live or pay taxes in the City, Mr. Anonymous. Come on Firefighters, stop being pussy's and start using your names.
90% of the people that come read your blog is to see if your can out do the crap you write the day bofore.
Truck 16 is a used fire truck and it loses it brakes allthe time..and it doesn't even go on all the calls Salisbury has.
and it doesn't even go on all the calls Salisbury has.
Since when does truck 16 not go on fires in salisbury?
Well it doesn't go on rescue or medical..
The first comment wasn't comparing Salisbury to the big cities in this country. It was made to simply state the obvious fact that busier compainies do not buy used fire equiptment. As Salisbury has found out in the past used trucks were somebody else's problem. Salisbury specs are not fancy but more of work horse than a parade piece.
Why would a truck need to go on medical, and rescue calls?
Well the truck went to the medical at the highrise on the river. I Beleive you spoke about it. Also Joe the manufacturer of that fire truck in the picture is out of business. By it so you can just look at it when you can't get parts.
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