On page C-9, in today's litterbox edition of the Daily Disappointment, David and Hanna Miller's home on Woodland Road is up for foreclosure. They are big time FOB's. David has gone through a family fortune. If you're not familiar with the name, FELDMAN'S should help ring the bell for you. The Feldman's Building is also currently for sale.
You will also see that Shanie Shields home is back up for foreclosure AGAIN!
i like that part of town. What is the address??
The Millers are wonderful people, and I am so sorry to hear of their misfortune.
6:13 PM said:
The Millers are wonderful people, and I am so sorry to hear of their misfortune.
Nice try Barrie
David Miller is a weasel, and deserves worse than he gets. He has been sucking every dollar out of that building downtown and has never put a dollar back into the building or the community. The building is a disgrace. And so is he.
Where are you seeing this foreclosure information on the Millers and on Shanie Shields?
If you READ the article it clearly says to look at page C-9.
The weasel comment is most appropriate....
Circuit Court of Maryland
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Case Information
Court System: Circuit Court for Wicomico County - Civil System
Case Number: 22C08000355
Title: Burson, et al vs Miller, et al
Case Type: ForeclosureFiling Date:03/04/2008
Case Status: Open/Active
Case Disposition: Disposition Date:
Plaintiff/Petitioner Information
(Each Plaintiff/Petitioner is displayed below) Party Type: PlaintiffParty No.:1
Name: Burson, John S
Address: 13135 Lee Jackson Highway
City: FairfaxState:VAZip Code:22033
Party Type: PlaintiffParty No.:4
Name: Murphy, Jason
Address: 13135 Lee Jackson Highway
City: FairfaxState:VAZip Code:22033
Party Type: PlaintiffParty No.:2
Name: Savage, William M
Address: 13135 Lee Jackson Highway
City: FairfaxState:VAZip Code:22033
Party Type: PlaintiffParty No.:3
Name: Britto, Gregory N
Address: 13135 Lee Jackson Highway
City: FairfaxState:VAZip Code:22033
Party Type: PlaintiffParty No.:5
Name: Brown, Kristine D
Address: 13135 Lee Jackson Highway
City: FairfaxState:VAZip Code:22033
Party Type: PlaintiffParty No.:6
Name: Yoder, Erik W
Address: 13135 Lee Jackson Highway
City: FairfaxState:VAZip Code:22033
Defendant/Respondent Information
(Each Defendant/Respondent is displayed below) Party Type: DefendantParty No.:1
Name: Miller, David F
Address: 1204 Woodland Road
City: SalisburyState:MDZip Code:21801
Party Type: DefendantParty No.:2
Name: Miller, Hannah M
Address: 1204 Woodland Road
City: SalisburyState:MDZip Code:21801
Document Tracking
(Each Document listed. Documents are listed in Document No./Sequence No. order) Doc No./Seq No.: 1/0
File Date: 03/04/2008Close Date:03/04/2008Decision:
Document Name: Payments Received
Appearance Fee $10.00 3/9586 3/04/08
Clerk Fee $80.00 3/9586 3/04/08
MLSC $25.00 3/9586 3/04/08
Certified Copy $5.00 3/9586 3/04/08
Doc No./Seq No.: 3/0
File Date: 03/04/2008Close Date:Decision:
Document Name: Line to Docket Foreclosure
Noted in Land Records. Liber 1365 Folio 470
Doc No./Seq No.: 4/0
File Date: 03/04/2008Close Date:Decision:
Document Name: Substitution of Trustees
Doc No./Seq No.: 5/0
File Date: 03/04/2008Close Date:03/05/2008Decision:
Document Name: Affidavit of Compliance with Maryland Rule 14-204
Doc No./Seq No.: 6/0
File Date: 03/04/2008Close Date:Decision:
Document Name: Attorney Certification under Rule 1-313
Doc No./Seq No.: 7/0
File Date: 03/04/2008Close Date:Decision:
Document Name: Deed of Trust
The complete case file can be obtained from the Circuit Courthouse.
Looks like they have both been deadbeats for a long time.
Yep, they're loser Friends of DingleBarrie.
Are you going to buy it??
I am not Barrie. I taught the Millers' son Howard and came to know and respect them. Also, she does excellent work for Barnes and Noble as a community liaison.
Why do people take delight in others' misfortunes, especially without knowing the full story? Foreclosures, unfortunately, are hitting many people; one hears this on the news every day.
I am one of the dealers at Feldman's Mkt. St. Antiques. True, perhaps David Miller has made some business decisions that have proved costly. Despite the high cost of keeping Mkt. St. open, a major reason he is doing so is that he doesn't want to see all of us small business owners suffer. He cares about his fellow man, as I have come to find out. He is most surely not a "weasel." He and Hannah are both delightful, and I feel so bad for them to be put into this situation.
As for Shanie Shields, we may not agree with how she does her job on the City Council, but there again, what does this have to do with foreclosure on her home. I find no delight in stomping someone who is already down.
I am another dealer at Feldman's Market Street Antiques and couldn't agree more with my counterpart. David Miller is not a weasel and has been kind to me. If not putting money into his downtown building makes him a weasel, then why not start a listing of all the other property owners who not only are not putting money into their buildings but perhaps is letting them sit idle and falling down. This is just mean spirited!
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