States Attorney Davis Ruark returned to his Office today in what may prove to be a very controversial decision and creating a ton of debate. While the Daily Times has used this situation to "sell papers" more so than any other article we've seen in the past few years, I'd expect them to see this exclusive news and jump all over it. They're desperate and failing miserably and rather than showing respect, they'll drag this one out into the streets bare fisted and attack him like there's no tomorrow for that paper.
Before everyone freaks out, it's my understanding Davis has returned for one week only and plans to head back out of the Office for a few more weeks, taking the time off he deserves and hasn't done so in many years. I also hear he's got a Court date for his Trial in May. Well, there it is Folks.
The Daily Disappointment revels in the opportunity to attack individuals in public office. They do not concern themselves as to the truthfulness of what they say. Bassett and the boys have been practicing "Attack Journalism" for so long they believe what ever they say the public will buy into.
Now the above is in no way my endorsement of Mr. Ruarks decision to follow the course he has now set for himself. However if the "DD" is just going to repeatedly spew the same old story in lieu of new information than they are what they are, "Grocery store check out stand pukes,"
I'm having second thoughts about
Mr. Ruark.I don't think he
should leave his job or be fired.
I wouldn't be fired and I wouldn't quit my job.After all, it is a job.
He did a bad thing and I realize he should set the example.He will be punished.
I don't really know what to think of Mr.Ruark because I have never been on the wrong side of the law. But I of course have known people who have in one way or another, but if I myself were to be arrested for drinking and driving in Wicomico county for the first time most only recieve PBJ but I have had a friend who got a DUI in Ocean city and she lost her license on the first offense. So how will it look to the citizens of Wicomico county if Davis loses his license and has to take the bus to work? So if my friend who is an upstanding citizen for the most part except for her one bad decision loses her license I think Davis should lose his as well, if he keeps claiming he is just a person like the rest of us that is what he should get, but like all things we will all have to wait and see the outcome. I keep though thinking about the comment Mike Lewis made that if one of his deputies was stopped for DUI they would be fired NO QUESTIONS asked! So why should our states attorney be any better than those men and women who put their lives on the line to arrest murderers, thieves and drunk drivers be held at a different standard than the man who prosecutes the people those men and women arrest everyday. Someone needs to explain this to me.
WOW! You are the bomb with breaking news around here. In my opinion Mr. Ruark looks like he just came off a three day drunk. Bags under the eyes. What about the talk of going to rehab?
Joe ~
Mr. Ruark is no better than all of the people he put in the slammer for the SAME thing he did. He should be held to an even higher standard with his position.Oh, and by the way...not everyone receives a PBJ for the first offense.
Anon 10:50AM,
You say, Quote: "The Daily Disappointment revels in the opportunity to attack individuals in public office. They do not concern themselves as to the truthfulness of what they say. Bassett and the boys have been practicing "Attack Journalism" for so long they believe what ever they say the public will buy into."
Do you not see that on here? On Joe's page? Wow...I must be living on the wrong side of the Sewage Plant.
I have debated with Joe about this in the past. If you don't see this on here, you have already drank the Kool Aid.
"Attack Journalism" is what you see on this site. I will give his site one thing. It is entertaining.
Mike W.
How many high ranking officials in the past do you think were stopped for drunken driving but released because the officer felt challenged?? You would be surprised!! Humans are humans and we make mistakes, pay your dues and carry on, just don't be a repeat offender!
Please don't become another Bassett-hound by dumping on Davis at every turn of events.
How would Barrie treat any police officer that stopped her while driving under the influence? One can only imagine the abuse that officer would suffer. An SPD officer wouldn't dare stop her for fear of losing his job and the security for his family. Now if a member of WCSO stopped her she wouldn't carry the same weight with them so her intimidation tactics would be wasted. An MSP officer...well just go ahead and try those same intimidation tactics with one of them, I dare you Barrie.
Barrie didn't drive herself to last weeks council meeting, she had Bubba bring her. Who she left with one can only guess. Seems like everytime Chief Webster is at a meeting Barrie leaves right after him. Is he her designated driver?
Come on Barrie, give these fine officers a chance to show us all what they are made of.
Davis Ruark is a criminal. Anyone wanna refute that?
i just wanna know who was driving the Mercedes SUV that hit a pole on Carroll St. in the early morning hours (last year about this time) and shut down the DD for quite a few hours.
How about the DUI check point this weekend. The local Police let some people call a cab that should have been arrested. It is all who you know. Why isn't our law enforced equally here in Salisbury?
I hope you look into this and your beloved Mike Lewis.
Sheriff Lewis said that if any one of his officers were caught driving drunk, they'd be terminated, no questions asked. So why do we give Mr. Ruark a second chance? Yes, he's been a good state's attorney. But that does NOT make him beyond reproach. And it's not the first time he's driven drunk. It's just the first time he got caught. Period.
Joe, I don't know Mr. Ruark, but I do believe everyone deserves a second chance, I would like to know how so I can discuss a case were I know someone who did something and got away with it, but I know he's a busy man, no one else cared, I wish sheriff Lewis would have time to listen as well, but know that he is busy as well, mean while, I 'm suffering what someone else did. But yea he does deserve a second chance after all there just misdemeanors, EVERYONE DESERVES A SECOND CHANCE, EVERYONE.
I know first hand for fact that this is just his first time getting caught. If he had been caught in Wico co we would no have heard anything about it. It would have been hushed up. County and City policy is. If caught with any amount of alcdohol in you , you are fired NO questions asked. No ifs and's or maybe's youre done. If in an accident NO matter how minor you go for pee test and if found with alcohol or drugs you are terminated. So with this being said Why does Davis Ruark still have his job? He was caught in a county car, he should have been fored on the spot just as any other city or county employee would be. Not to mention drunk and with a loaed gun. He and Mike Lewis knows the laws very well. Mike was a policeman for how many years and he and Davis didnt know? this is a crock. THEY KNEW! and further more Mike Lewis said that he brought the gun back with the understanding that no charges would be brought, well if this is true and they thought that it was legal for Davis to have the gun and the car then why did Mike bring it back to Wico after he dropped Davis off in OC? Joe answer this. WHY DID MIKE BRING THE GUN BACK TO WICO WHEN it was said that they didnt know it was illegal. Things dont smell right here. Mike is neck deep in the cover up. If OC had not released this we would not have known.
interesting about the comment regarding the Mercedes SUV hitting the pole and not hearing about who was the culprit. Was is someone "important" who was left off the hook? Is Ruark going to have a day in court?
A high power job means he is held to higher standards than most. It is disturbing that he doesn't view the mistake he made as being a let down to the public who voted him in step down. Had he wrecked that car and killed someone, the tax payers would be the one paying the tab. Thanks for your time in Davis, but it's time to remove yourself from office.
Trials are open to the public and I plan on attending Davis Ruarks's trial on May 12 at 9:00 AM in Ocean City's district court.[6505 Coastal Highway].Barry Tilghman has asked some of her friends to go and support justice.I am honored to be one so requested to attend.
Driving under the influence? How many of us have driven while under the influence of something? How about driving while mad at your lover or spouse? Driving while tired - the influence of exhaustion. Driving while eating - under the influence of hunger. Driving while talking on the cell phone - under the influence of a friend's call. whatever. Here is the question: Was anyone hurt? Was any property damaged? WHERE IS THE FOUL? It isn't politically correct to speak about the REAL PROBLEM - Statutory Law. Statutory Law is not constitutional. We don't live under kings and queen's law. Why all the statutes? Thou shalt do this . . . and thou shalt not do that . . . what is this crap? So we feel the discomfort of a Prosecutor of statutory law when he gets caught violating the same exact statute(s) he has been prosecuting. Sad. Most people don't even recognize the real problem. The problem is statutory law. We need to go back to common law and use our common sense.
Hey cowman idiot. What about the people he's had put in jail for the same infraction? Common sense? The common sense thing would be for this CRIMINAL to step down and go on with his life.
Honor and Integrity are the standards by which the executive branch of Government is judged. When either is compremised we have but one decision to make. Raise our head and resign. I am not saying Mr Ruark is a bad man. I am simply saying that when one violates the communities trust integrity is lost. Honor demands his resignation.
At least New York Gov Spitzer had the class to resign when he violated the public trust. No such luck with Mr. Ruark but thats no shocker when you look at local politics in Wicomico County.
I'm sorry that you have not chosen to publish more supporter's comments. I sent in one as others have that do not want to crucify Davis even with Easter being near.
Davis is no better than any other person in Wicomico County and he should be punished just as his office would try and punish a "Normal" citizen. 1)Drunken Driving from Salisbury to Ocean City?? 2)Driving a County Car that was given to him in his capacty as State's Attorney for Wicomico County? 3)Carrying a loaded Firearm while intoxicated...All (3) offenses are grounds for termination of any Police Officer and should be the same for the one entrusted to uphold the laws and procecute anyone who does'nt obey the law. This time he was caught I only say how many other times has he done it and not been caught...Just think of what could have happened had he been involved in a accident and who would have been liable...The citizens of Wicomico County...
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