Mayor Barrie Tilghman has proven once again that she couldn't care less about the Citizens of this City and instead partners with Developers who get kick backs, (developer reimbursements) and are the center of ALL attention here in Salisbury.
Not only is there trash everywhere, just go down there and look at what the dingbat did. They took away almost every Trash Can there was down there. You know how I know this besides being there to see it? I picked up all that trash you're seeing, confident there was a trash can near bye to throw it in. Low and behold, I went to throw it away and ALL of the cans were gone.
Who was the Idiot who came up with that idea? You see, many have complained that the people living in the apartments were filling up the trash cans almost instantly, so they took ALL of the cans away. Now the trash lies all over the place, planters are knocked over and let me assure you, I was there for hours yesterday and not one Police Officer came by and saw the planter knocked over. I'm not suggesting this is a big crime or anything of that sort. However, someone knocked it over and while this may be small, it grows from there. The more they can get away with, the worse it's going to get. Especially of no one is around to stop them. I know, how about a camera on the Plaza Chief?
Anyhow, hopefully Jim Caldwell sees this mess and gets his crew in there to straighten things up? Salisbury is falling apart under the current leadership, both in the Mayor's Office AND the SPD.
Come on . . .we don't really want a camera on the plaza do we? Isn't Big Brother already big enough without more eyes? There really are much more important issues to talk about here in Salisbury and beyond. For instance, LOOK UP! Someone is spraying us. Have you notice the airplane pollution lately?
I personally feel the city should clear the Plaza and reopen the street. This is the only way that the downtown area will ever recover. It is sad to look back at photos and see the way this area used to be. It would encourage more business and pedestrian traffic if they would make it a real street again. Make it one way to the west and have diaginal parking on one side. Just do it !
Now the question is, are there any overflowing dumpsters?
The plaza looks like crap because of the kids on skateboards down there, tearing everything under the sun up. I almost hit a whole group of them the other day as they shot out from the sidewalk across the street in front of me. The parents need to get those kids under control.
Joe,You were on the Plaza for 4 hours and the CHIEF didnt show up.Damn maybe he has seen the light.HARDHEADjojhxnkw
i was parked down on main street the other day, and i watched as some people from out of state watched in horror then proceded to move their vehicle from the punks on skatebords. i really do like skateboarding, and i like watching some of the neat stuff that some talented kids can do on them. but crashing into other vehicles is NOT INCLUDED. and i've told some of thos punks, i see any one of ya crashed into someone's car or truck, i'm gonna bust their asses - plain and simple. their parents oughtta have better grip on them. and i've seen SOME parents bring 'em down there, drop 'em off - knowing the're gettin' ready to go out 'an ass up somewhere.
anonymous 2:17, aka, JR, is back!
what did you do kick the pot over before taking the picture of it. Ive seen worse in other cities.
Obviously you're clueless and that's why I allowed your comment. ANYONE who know the Plaza would know what one of these pots weighs. It would take a vehicle to knock it over but nice try Barrie. LOL
Kids on skateboards isn't a problem. I used to skate and every time we would even pass through there the cops would be on our @$$es. I really don't think that skateboarders is the problem.
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