The photo map has the Kiwanis Pavilion at the upper left of the colored box; N. Park drive goes thru diagonally from the lower left.
The soil classifications are:
KgB Klej-Galloway complex, 0 to 5 percent slopes, Partially
LO Longmarsh and Indiantown soils, frequently flooded, All
W Water, Unknown, Hydric
Hydric soils are defined by the National Technical Committee for Hydric
Soils (NTCHS) as soils that formed under conditions of saturation, flooding,
or ponding long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in
the upper part (Federal Register, 1994). Under natural conditions, these
soils are either saturated or inundated long enough during the growing season to support the growth and reproduction of hydrophytic vegetation.
The dog park would be in the KgB soil area for the most part
That site is in the federal (FEMA) flood hazard zone, too.
This site becomes more asinine by the minute. The City and County should get together and do seveal parks, including one at Winter Place, but none in the City Park.
dont worrry Barrie, somehow we'll spend all that money so you, the co and state can raise our taxes more real soon
Am I the only one that sees this Dog Park for what it is? I am not, in any way against a dog park however, I am against taking money for the sake of spending it anywhere on anything just because you can. A dog park would be a great place to have for those that would utilize it and respect it for what it is. I also know a group of citizens have been working to bring this project about, for quite some time. Having said all of that, does anyone find it odd that Barrie would make such an announcement not long after blaming dogs and other wildlife for the pollution of the river? Does anyone else find it strange that such a nice warm and fuzzy project would emerge right after Barrie and her cohorts were just slapped down by the only 2 members of council that bother to do their homework? Does anyone else see this as nothing more than a DISTRACTION to the real issues in the city? Sewage spills, appropriation of funds, poor audit scores, etc, you get the picture.
Barrie and Gary are becoming more transparent as the days go by. Sadly our city government is becoming muddied faster than the Wicomico.
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