Wendy Elliot brought to my attention the following article.........
MD Coast Dispatch
Vilified Cabbie Helps Saves Man's Life
By Shawn J. Soper, News Editor
Originally published March 21, 2008
OCEAN CITY- With an ironic twist of fate, an Ocean City woman vilified last summer by the local and national media when she was charged with murder in the death of her unborn fetuses was a hero of sorts this week when she helped save the life of an elderly man who collapsed in a West Ocean City store.
Christy Lynn Freeman found herself in the right place at the right time this week when she helped revive and later comforted an elderly man who collapsed from an apparent heart attack while in the checkout line at the Staples store in West Ocean City. According to witnesses, around noon on Tuesday, an elderly man waiting at the copy center in the store keeled over and hit the floor and Freeman, who was near the victim in line, first performed basic CPR techniques on him and helped keep him lucid until paramedics arrived.
According to Staples copy center manager Natosha Collick, who was on the scene on Tuesday, the elderly man collapsed and hit his head on the floor after what appeared to be a heart attack or stroke. Collick said Freeman immediately began basic CPR techniques on the victim, perhaps saving his life.
It appeared that he had a stroke, she said. He was unconscious for a minute or so, but she [Freeman] helped revive him. She said she had taken a CPR course and it looked like she knew what she was doing. She checked his vital signs after he was revived and she did a very good job.
After 911 was called, Freeman stayed with the victim and continued to monitor his condition while waiting for paramedics to arrive, according to Collick.
She held his hand and kept him alert, asking him silly questions he should know the answer to, she said. He hit his head on the floor when he fell and she sat there holding his head in her lap until the paramedics got there. She really had no concern for herself during the whole thing.
As most will remember, Freeman was arrested late last July when police found the remains of her stillborn infant wrapped in towels under a vanity in the bathroom of her Ocean City residence. The case against Freeman escalated when the remains of two more fetuses were discovered at the bottom of a trunk in her bedroom and fourth was found in a recreational vehicle parked in the driveway.
The strange case created a national media circus in the resort at the height of the summer tourist season. Most of the major networks set up shop in and around Freemans residence on otherwise quiet Sunset Drive in Ocean City as the story unfolded.
Freeman was initially charged with murder in the death of the first fetus discovered, but prosecutors later dropped those charges and proceeded with a murder charge in the death of one of the fetuses found in the trunk believed to be a twin born sometime in 2004.
During a jailhouse interview following the discovery of her most recent fetus on July 27, Freeman told an OCPD detective one the fetuses found in the trunk was the first of two twins she delivered in 2004, which she allowed to die in the toilet. The admission led state prosecutors to drop the charges against her for the death of her most recent child in late July and apply first-degree murder charges against her for the death of her full-term or near full-term infant in 2004. Freeman later said she made the confession under duress out of concern for her longtime boyfriend Ray Godman and the couples four grown children.
In August, States Attorney Joel Todd presented the preliminary evidence to a Worcester County grand jury, but any indictment was put on hold pending the final report from the state medical examiners office. In September, the medical examiner said the cause of death of three of the fetuses was undetermined and the manner of death was ruled not applicable, which essentially meant they were not viable fetuses at the time of their death.
Basically, the medical examiners report said there was no proof of life with any of the fetal remains examined, and without proof of life, there could be no prosecution for homicide. Todd then recommended the grand jury not indict Freeman based on the findings of the medical examiner. In September, all charges against Freeman were dropped and she was released from jail after several weeks had passed since the initial discovery back in late July.
Seven months later, life goes on for Freeman and her family. Their Classic Taxi business, which took a big hit during the weeks and months after the case began to unfold late last July, now goes by the name Flashback Taxi, but the unmistakable cars are still seen prominently on the streets in and around the resort with Freeman often seen behind the wheel.
This is still weird as all getout.
thank you joe, u da man
I guess this makes up for her killing her children...maybe?
I smell BS! Were these employee accounts verified by professionals? I find it unlikely that he recovered from not berating, a non sufficient heart beat, and without the use of an AED before paramedics arrived.
She'll get no credit in my book. To be completely honest, I would have rather died in Staples than have her help me. I would never be able to thank her for helping me, knowing that she killed her own babies to birthed. No matter how many good deeds she does, she will always be labeled a "baby killer" and will never make it in this town again.
Still doesn't change the fact she killed her own children, not 1 or 2or 3 but 4!!! All the good in the world she could manage to do at this point in her existence doesn't count for a darn thing in my book...I would rather walk thru fire then ride in one of her taxi's also!!! I'm also with the other person, I would have preferred to have died on the floor in staples then to have that women touch me!!
The question I would ask her is "Why did you not try to save your own babies ? Instead she apparently "saves" some man who fell to the floor in front of her. How gracious of her but yet, let her babies to die in the toilet! She will never get any praise from me if I happen to cross paths with her. The Dispatch must be hard up for news!
GOOD question, anon 2:19!
bob p
We all developed our opion of this person from the news with what we got. Read the state forencic report, those babies were still-born. I do believe she has a mental problem to leave them laying around. I dont think she killed them and I dont think she'd gotten off if there was even the slightest bit of evidence.
Anon 11:46 What are you new.Or did you just want everybody to know you know what AED stands for. How do you think we saved lifes when you were eating glue and before AEDs.
Some of you sound crazier than she is suggested to be (and you proved it in writing whereas it is merely heresay with her). For the record Richard Speck can give me CPR if I am choking out.......moobies and all.
FOR ANON 3:41---
You MUST be family of Christy. For you to think she did not kill her children. Meet her. Get to know her. She sat on my couch quite a few times while her car was getting worked on at my shop. Furthermore, little do you know, the police were sifting her property longer than expected because she admitted to 6 BABIES BURIED at her lot. Evidence means nothing, she admitted it (crazy or not). She did not get what was coming to her on earth. She will not have pearly gates at her death. May she burn in hell!!!
Atlantic....you are a motivational speaker at Chuck-E-Cheese aren't you?
It might be a novel idea to focus on the elderly gentleman who collapsed. His family has more time with him; he gets to see another spring. That his life was saved might be worthy of note.
CHUCK E. CHEESE? Dig deeper. You must not understand what kind of name Christy Freeman put on her living children. Her oldest daughter was working for the town of OC when she was arrested. Her children will never be the same. I watched her walk out of WaWa a few weeks ago while people called out "baby killer." She deserves everything she gets.
Also, Mr. "Chuck E. Cheese" you forgot to sign your name, PUZZY!
“Anon 11:46 What are you new.Or did you just want everybody to know you know what AED stands for. How do you think we saved lifes when you were eating glue and before AEDs.”
Hmm, sounds like a good ol boy redneck to me. I’m glad you were able to save people back in the day. Do you want a cookie? When you get a chance slip over to Wor-Wic and take an English class.
This is sick'
Baby killer saves a old man . But can't save her babies . And to let her babies die in the toilet . She is a baby killer in my book . And to get away with it . Then show her face around town driving her cab . I feel like a lot of others that feel the same as I do she is a baby killer . I see her every time I am working in ocean city . Gets me sick every time I pass her on the road .
When I have peopled asking me for a cab I tell them the story about freeman . Get another cab , don't use hers . You need to get out of town
Freeman . How dare the newspaper writes about you save a man life when you can't save your babies .
Whoever said I was a "Mr."? Educated women also know the rantings of a lunatic when we read it.
I am not even gonna waste my time and write much, all I gotta say is she is nothing but a piece of shit. She has threated to shoot OCPD officers AFTER that incident last summer. She and that piece of shit Ray Godman are nothing, but pieces of shit. BURN FU$*$&@!! I cant believe they still have a business. Worthless bastards. I hope they read this.
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