The document above is an official court document showing the outcome of Judge Beauregard. Wayne wrote a lengthy letter, (7 pages long) to the Anti Albero Bloggers making the exact following statements to them as well as the Delmar Fire Department.
"I was also given a “no contact” order for 30 days on Joe Albero. His grandson was never mentioned during the court case"
"Again nothing was said about the grand child."
Again, his 7 page letter filled with lies clearly shows, (IMO) this man has some VERY serious problems understanding law and order. Read lines 3 & 4 Wayne, or should I say, Elmer W. Barrell.
The documents do NOT lie, Elmer W. Barrall does. I can only hope the Chief of the Delmar Fire Department realize just how habitual this guy is as well as his denial of the law.
Aren't there some decent and caring men in the Delmar Fire Dept.?Why would they want Wayne as a member? I would try to distance myself from such an undesirable. Is Wayne that influential? Are they afraid to make him unhappy because of what he may do to them?It is truly a shame that a respected fire department like Delmar has to deal with this.I know there are many old fine members there.
Line 4 seems to make it pretty cut & dry...
Maybe this guy can't read
You have to realize the fire department is like any other organization. You have to have a reason to kick him out. I don't think the Delmar Fire Dept. has that reaseon. Yeah, he does have this order against him but it seems as if it was a disagreement that was taken to court. If the fire department kicks him out Wayne may have a case of his own.
The Delmar Fire Dept. is just like any other organation it has clicks some good some bad.
Joe, Wayne is the Barney Fife of
the eastern shore.He is a little bit over weight and head strong but other than that, he's just
another blimp who gets out of
breath when he takes more than 2 steps.The shore is loaded with them.
Joe, I'd mail a copy to the Cheif, just to make sure he knows the truth....liability wise.
I looked. WB said "His grandson was never mentioned during the court case until the judge had already given her decision on the case, but allowed Joe Albero to say his thoughts on the matter."
He never said never. I think you may have taken that out of context.
I'd like to hear the audio. Did you you get it yet?
T. Andrews
Big deal, you nor Wayne is a no body. So why is this news?
Who cares?
You just cant let go of the fact that Wayne kicked your ass on this and got off scot free with a PBJ. Kinda like Joe Perdue kicked your ass over the WMDT links. You seem to always getting outfoxed by firefighters. No wonder you hate them so much.
Unfortunately, Wayne sees to not be able to own up to his actions. What a shame. I lived in Delmar from the time I was a young child till a few years ago, and I assure you that his attitude and hatefulness does not reflect on the dept as a whole. Joe, we all know the truth, anyone who knows this guy knows the truth; he is a hot head that has a lot of growing up to do. As I said, I do not always agree with you Joe, but right is right. Hopefully someday, Wayne will grow to see the err of his ways before HE has grandchildren that he will have to set an example for.
You know how those good ole boys operate, they like to find a little dirt on everyone so they think people will back off and let them get away with whatever they want.
He would need a big bag of skeletons for me to ignore his BS.
What comes round goes around
I don't normally read or comment on your firehouse follies stuff.
But: it's time to give this a rest. As another commentator asked - who cares?
OMG his real first name is Elmer? Is that not the official name of all "good ole boys" on the Eastern Shore?
shhhhh I'm a huntin' wabbit
Who is the person in the order referred to as your grandson? By your own admission, the child that lves with you is not your grandson. Wayne can talk to him all he wants without violating the order. I hope he gets the chance to tell him what a slimebag you are.
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