Not too long ago we covered the Ocean City Drive In Theater, this is Delmar, De.
The Delmar Drive-In opened in 1950. This single screen drive-in had a capacity for 750 cars. The Delmar Drive-In closed around 1985.
The facility is still in decent shape, considering.
Prior to the VCR, this was the place to get your "fix" for porn. X-rated on friday nights, and XXX the following night.
Er...well....that's what a friend of mine told me. lol
Looks like a good place for an ARTS CENTER?
If I remember correctly, not many watched the screen. Too many steamed up windows to be able to see the movies very well. Most of the X or XXX rated action was in the backseats. LOL
I thought that was art its as good as any Ive seen lately from the gov.
The Delmar Drive-In used to be a family Drive-In in the fifties.
Don't forget the one that was in
I remember sitting in the back seat of my Dad's Chevy Blazer watching Star Wars. I was five or six at the time and it was just about the coolest thing I had ever seen in my young life.
Joe why don't you buy the drive in with your millions and reopen it?
I guess I am older than most of the people commenting. But there
was a time they showed Disney and
family movies the same as regular
theaters. This was in the late fifties and the sixties. I even remember a band set up and entertaining on the concession stand building.
Now the place has been deserted for
many years. And I know that people have gone in there and stole anything they could find of value. Although there is nothing of value there now. I know of one guy that would steal the speakers that went on your car window and any other metal he could find just to sell for scrap metal. It certainly was not his to sell.
It would be interest if someone would open a drive-in theater today
just for the novelty value. A lot of the kids of the eighties and ninties have never been to one. It would probably do well. I am not sure but I believe there is only one still in existence on the Eastern Shore and it is in Virginia.
There's still a working and very enjoyable drive-in in Felton, DE.
I take my kids there. It's cheaper than the mall movies and you get 2 films for less than one at Regal! It's alot of fun and I believe they should be brought back to life. Some good old fashioned fun for the family is due nowadays.
there was a fellow who really wanted to restore this facility but ran out of funds, he even had another screen which he removed from another drive in.
Any idea who may own the property or tried to restore it?
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