"We're sorry but we're having a production problem. You will get your paper later today, if that's what you're calling for."
If I didn't have this Blog and I didn't need that paper daily, honest to God I would have cancelled that paper long ago. Their service SUCKS, their printing SUCKS, the new layout SUCKS and Salisbury News Rules. There, now I feel better. Good Morning Everyone!
I always wonder when the subscription I cancelled is actuall going to stop. Everytime the paper is not there(which is often) I think they finally got a clue.
I have not renewed my subcription and I am STILL getting the paper (most of the time its late)....Their
system is so messed up....I really wanted to get word out on a new product that our business was offering but hesitate to use the Daily Times due to the poor
print, layout, color, etc etc....and still pay the high
price that they quote.
I'm still getting a paper too. (after canceling). I just put it in a plastic bag and toss it on their parking lot on my way to work. I dare them to bill me!
Twife wife was reading the DT Sunday morning and asked me where were the advertistments?I never realized they were missing. I returned to the Royal Farm store on South Div. ST. and they had about 75 papers with no advertistments.they Never recieved any all day.I did get a free monday paper.Tthe wife said this paper sucks. AMEN! HARDHEAD
The "DD" aka daily disappointment, has got to be a Terrorists Psychological plot to drive its subscribers crazy.
No, not for profit, business can be this screwed up without a deliberate attempt to be this screwed up.
Don't you have to wonder if Corporate Gannett ever sees how really bad the "DD" is.
Anon 8:41... THAT IS TOO FUNNY!!!... i just about sprayed the water i was drinking all over my computer screen when i read that!
when i called about the paper today, it seems the customer service was located out of Kentucky, this may be true, because the person i spoke with could not pronounce wicomico correctly. This would be sad if the daily times does send some of its customer service to a call center in Kentucky
Anon 3:46
We would probably get the paper earlier if the "DD" had it delivered from Kentucky, God knows it could not take any longer.
You have to wonder why Gannett does not have some really good newspaper like the Washington Post print a paper and just but the Daily Times header on it.
But you know I have noticed since the "DD" went smaller and more blured, my vision is getting better from straining to read such small print. In addition my appreciation for colors has been enhanced as a result of the color distortion in the "DD."
How is it the "DD" can foul up every body's front yard with that piece of s--- in and orange wrapper and cannot deliver the "DD." on time.
How about every one who gets the orange wrapper take it back to the "DD" and throw it in there yard like they do ours.
Does anybody know where the Bassettman lives I sure would like to throw that rag back in his yard.
I don't know what you get so excited about. The news is already 24-36 hours old when the paper prints it. What's another 4 or 5 hours. LOL
Ever notice how their banding machine destroys the top copy?
farm boy
If somebody had the skills, their bundle wrapper should be able to be adjusted so not to tear the paper up. If not, the answer is simple, just don't try to wrap so many in the same bundle. idiots
I was wondering. Correct me if I am wrong. Why is it you only talk about The Daily Times when they have problems that make the paper late? I mean this am my paper was there just as it should have been along with many other days in the past week. No mention of this! Just a question for you Joe.
Thanks from a Daily Times subscriber and a sbynews reader who can understand everyone has problems, especially under new conditions.
Have a great day all!
To anonymous 7:32 p.m.
It is not The Daily Times bundle machine that delivers your paper. If the copy is messed up, the carrier gets credit for it and therfore shouldn't deliver it to a customer.
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