Not while Mayor Barrie Tilghman is in Office, that's been proven. However, with a new Mayor, Salisbury can get back to normal and the people can demand changes for the better.
Everything in the Tilghman Administration has been about "The Developers" and NOT the people, unless you wanted massive water and sewer increases as well as tax increases to pay those Developers off?
It's time to make a difference and boot that woman out of Office. It's a long shot but my hat is tipped to the people interested in going after a Recall against her. If I lived in the City I'd even consider running!
Can the downtown plaza be brought back to life?
Probably not.
Times have changed from the heyday of the plaza.
I can't see how one could think that "back to normal" would equal having the plaza crowded and bustling as it did back in the old days. It's just impractical to think folks would want such a thing.
Parking is practically non-existent in that area, and you have to pay to park nearby. Have you ever tried to get a parking space on main street to conduct business at the courthouse or the GOB only to have to park blocks away in one of the municipal lots or parking garage?
Folks these days look for convenience over nostalgia.
We have had not one, but 2 bypasses built around the main street downtown area. Congestion simply got too great to keep forcing everyone to drive through the city. Imagine what it would be like if all the traffic on Route 50 still had to go through the "Plaza"?
If you want that type of nostalgia, then go live in Millsboro, DE where they still force all the traffic on Route 24 to go through the center of town. It's a nightmare, I can assure you.
wow, elephants on the plaza, who would imagine. Whats the date of this photo? I take it the circus was in town? Cool pic, ty. It'll take many years to recover what the BT administration has done to our city and co.
Just remember it was quite a horse ride out to the Centre at Salisbury in those days. Maybe that's why you see so many people shopping downtown in this picture rather than trotting out to the mall.
My girlfriend and I ventured there today... it's very sad, because the stores are trying so hard and they're absolutely wonderful. Everything is unique and it has such a great vibe, minus the pedestrian traffic needed to make it feel more alive. Is the commercial rent there subsidized? I've visted other successful areas that have that type of plaza and it's the best feeling to enjoy during a nice day... especially eateries with outdoor seating, etc. Perhaps additonal entertainment options are needed. I recall Gillis & Gilkerson wanted to do a project there with a parking garage, housing and commercial space... any chance of bringing that back to life? Developers coming late to the game with high priced condos on the water is not going to help like once thought. So close, yet so far.
I believe in urban living so my views may not appeal to most people. I think the plaza should be getting a lot more attention than it does from locals. In my opinion that is the only nice place Salisbury has to offer. Retailers should be begged to open up down there!
A small food store (that's open on a regular schedule) to support the growing number of residents would make a huge impact. Let's get a Trader Joe's already folks. I would prefer to shop there any day over the huge mega super wal-marts and malls any day!!!
As for parking, 2 hours of FREE parking is available all of the time. You have to walk through to the plaza side but people go to that horrible mall and walk around for hours.
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