After we were brought into the Conference Room the very first thing I noticed was the SOLID OAK base molding. I thought to myself, this has got to be at least 6" tall and "I" don't even have solid oak base molding in my home and I can afford it!
Honest to God, Ladies & Gentlemen, you have commercial grade carpet and a drop ceiling in this room, what in the heck do they think they're doing putting in solid oak trim for? I mean, quite honestly, some Redneck chose this and I guarantee they'll have cherry furniture in the room, you mark my words.
The Trailer Trash got their first taste at a free checking account and went out and bought what they thought was the very finest. IMO, what a waste of a tree and the environment for a cheap thrill! Vinyl base molding like ALL other commercial properties would have been just fine. However, someone in a trailer with faux oak on their base molding wanted the real thing and at your expense, they got it.
I'm more concerned with the size
of the room. I don't believe they needed that large of an area for
a conference. How many conferences do they have? Who attends these conferences? Looks like wasted space , could have been in a much
smaller room .( Maybe Bingo)
I gotta agree with you there, typical vinyl would have saved money but I dont think they ever cared about saving tax payers money.
who picked out the trim
Who approved these blueprints and specs should have to pay out of their own pocket. If they don't they should have to reinburse the Taxpayer even if you have to get a court order and garnish their wages until we are reinbursed for all the unneccessary expense. That is from the Mayor down to the lowest person who approved these plans. Also no County money until these corrections have been rectified. aen
Have you seen Chief See's home? It's a tiny 1,200 sq. ft. prefab home on Jersey Rd. It's probably loaded with country crafts, he seems to be the type. Many would call that a starter home. Since he went bankrupt, I guess they're right. It certainly explains the oak molding. Next we'll be seeing Longinburger baskets all over the place too. Yeppers, it's a redneck palace. After all, you have to get these guys out of their trailers and into the luxurious home in order to get them to stick around.
maybe somebody wanted some oak baseboard for their home. be interesting to know how many feet were purchased and how many feet at in the clubhouse?
I will be very interested to see what kind of furniture and other equipment goes into this place. If the baseboards are any indication you can expect the taxpayers to be shelling out big bucks for desks, couches, recliners, and big screen hi definition plasma TV's. Let's see what they think the firefighters "require" while on duty.
Looks like it's pretty wide grain to be oak. You can do a lot with stain and varnish
I know my wood, after all, I'm an expert at everything. LOL It's oak.
your an expert at being D***head. Quit bitching people, the fireouse is here. The firefighters will be moving in soon, to protect you, me and everyone else under the sun. Apparently your upset because they have better stuff than your own. Dont be jealous. Join if you wanna be a part of it.
Jo, your just to fricking funny ROTHLMAO
"Quit bitching people, the fireouse is here."
"Apparently your upset because they have better stuff than your own."
INTERESTING! You see, you self centered Firefighter, everything in that building BELONGS TO ME AND EVERY OTHER TAXPAYER IN SALISBURY, NOT YOU!
That's where you people just don't get it. More than likely YOU pay NO taxes in the City, yet suck at the tit wanting more and more out of US!
You're pathetic!
10:35 Yeah, but wait untill "it's never enough" pay raises coming to, just watch! FIRE DEPTS never spend money like it's thier own. NEVER, it's a shame.
AND, the waste of money is compounded by poor workmanship, that really sucks.
I would love to meet you Joe to show how pathetic i am, however i know how you are and i would end up with a criminal record. I am not a firefighter, nor do i care to be one, however those guys and girls deserve to have a decent place. I do pay city taxes and alot. Am i happy about it NO. But these guys protect me, you and our families. Leave them alone for once.
Ahhhhhh, you don't bother me. Any pansie in denial who threatens me and refuses to use their name is a pansie. Are you afraid to come out of the closet, Big Boy?
It's a Private Club House and one of the finest ever built on the entire Eastern Shore.
You're welcome by the way, Antwan.
Is that Duct Tape on the carpet covering up tears where the floor under it cracked?????
Anonymous said...
Have you seen Chief See's home? It's a tiny 1,200 sq. ft. prefab home on Jersey Rd. It's probably loaded with country crafts, he seems to be the type. Many would call that a starter home. Since he went bankrupt, I guess they're right. It certainly explains the oak molding. Next we'll be seeing Longinburger baskets all over the place too. Yeppers, it's a redneck palace. After all, you have to get these guys out of their trailers and into the luxurious home in order to get them to stick around.
9:31 AM
Yep, him and gordo picked out the oak. Oak is expensive and outdated. No one uses oak these days for anything. Way outta style.
Anonymous said...
I would love to meet you Joe to show how pathetic i am, however i know how you are and i would end up with a criminal record. I am not a firefighter, nor do i care to be one, however those guys and girls deserve to have a decent place. I do pay city taxes and alot. Am i happy about it NO. But these guys protect me, you and our families. Leave them alone for once.
10:50 AM
Yeah Right! We all know you are a "farmin." Good try at trying to look like Joe Citizen. LMAO
Think what you wish, I can assure you i am not a fireman. I work five days a week just as most people do. I make average money and live inside the city limits. However, the continous bashing of public safety officials is out of control. I for one, stand for what i believe. The members of the fire department, have served my family and many others in the past. My house burned about five years ago. These professionals saved alot of my personal items and were very professional. Since that time, my wife and i have both used the EMS serivce and not one time were we treated without respect. These professionals deserve a good "home" to work from. Joe cannot continue his unfair and unjust bashing of these fine people that service the city and him. Afterall if his building were on fire inthe city that he owns, these proffesionals would be the first on the scene to put the fire out. Just remember, what goes around comes around Joe.
This is my first time posting but I was under the impression Joe that you are a Delmar resident and as such wouldn't be a Salisbury Tax payer. I know we could have saved all that money and just parked all the engines in the front yard. You know cause us "rednecks" got to have some kind of vehicle sitting there for the rust to grow. Oh and I'm posting this anonymous because I can't seem to figure out this tv with a typewriter attached to it. Not because I'm scared.
"I was under the impression Joe that you are a Delmar resident and as such wouldn't be a Salisbury Tax payer."
I own 300 West Main Street on the Downtown Plaza in the heart of the City of Salisbury.
The rest of your comment isn't worthy of responding to.
Is that Gordo in the picture with the nasty, unprofessional looking sweatshirt on? What a f@cking bum. Why is that Deadbeat Delmar Reject making the decisions for the Salisbury Fire Department. Didn't the Delmar Fire Department kick him out. If I remember correctly they kicked David See out as well. REJECTS!!!
Please place all blame or direct any and all questions to William E. Gordy 410-726-3264 Wiliam (Bill) single handedly oversaw the project to ensure things were done his way.
the molding commentary should be red lighted. if they had put in lousy molding and then it started to fall apart then everyone would by crying. i think it is a blessing to have such wonderful personnel with adequate equipment to do their jobs.
Why don't you just donate a 52" Plasma TV to them idiot?
Because they have 2 - 42" coming, I know that for a fact
To the anonymous writer who is bent out of shape about the tone of Joe's blogs: why do you care? Why do you continue to read it? What is wrong with you? Just left click onto something else and then. . . poof - your nightmare will end. Really man, left click. Go ahead, you know you want to do it . . . don't even finish reading my comment, just left click . . .
That's where you people just don't get it. More than likely YOU pay NO taxes in the City, yet suck at the tit wanting more and more out of US!
And your trying your hardest and still unable to do anything about it. Think this site may be a waste of your time? You got a son (grandson) to raise. Get at it.
They will be the one's complaining when they don't get the raise they want. You spent your raises on the new firehouse, remember that?
Joe, how many times have you been threatened? Do you have a bodyguard? Do you wear a protective vest or carry a gun with a permit?
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