I recently left the scene of a fire in Hebron on Farm House Drive. As usual, this was again about an 800 square foot one story home with at least 12 Fire Vehicles, (including a Ladder Truck) on the scene. THANK GOD!
I must have screwed up the settings on my camera at the time, just consider it my gift to St. Patrick's Day, LOL It sure is amazing to watch Wayne Barall running around the house taking pictures everywhere, yet he allegedly had major back surgery recently? I'd also like to know how he can run in and around the fire scene right next to the fire, (I do have pictures) without any Fire Gear on? Not that I really care, I just see a liability lawsuit in the making very soon. Especially if he's out begging others to help pay for his court costs the other day when we went to court. He already begged the Public Defender to drop his fees and the Judge allowed because he's on workers comp. Poor Wayne. Stop trespassing on private properties you Idiot and you won't have to go to Court.
I need to add this little tidbit. Last night I was at the Farm Bureau Dinner and Wayne Barrall was there. Now, even after the Judge flat out instructed him to leave after Wayne said, If I'm in Food Lion on isle 3 and Mr. Albero walks in, does that mean I have to move to isle 7? She replied, you leave, period. Last night Wayne refused to leave the building and I have at least 10 witnesses. He's already violated his probation. I wonder if the Delmar Fire Department can and will understand that?
When I'm at a function or in a building, such as my announcement of being at the new Fire Station in Salisbury on Tuesday, I expect Wayne to either leave or I'll call the Police and have him arrested. I didn't want a scene last night but I will be speaking to the States Attorney's Office tomorrow morning about last night.
Anyhow, getting back to the fire scene, it was another joke. You do NOT need 10 to 12 Rescue Vehicles on the scene, period. There wasn't a neighbor there saying, what the hell do they need all these fire trucks here for? If you don't believe me, I gave you the street name, ask them.
I'm also told the County Fire Chiefs set up these 911 guidelines. I'd say, look good and hard at the veteran Chiefs because they're the ones who are screwing up.
This past friday, March 14th, there was a guy burning leaves at his residence next the County transfer station.
It got out of hand and a similiar scenario played out. Next time I'll take my camera and start photographing these incidents.
There was no reason to dispatch the entire fire departments for the entire city of Salisbury to respond to this small fire.
Even the County transfer employee, Lennie, said there was no reason for this type of response.
I'm just curious, what type of response is expected then. Joe what apparatus and vehichles would YOU dispatch to your burning home if you were in the position to dispatch.
Until it's your ass on the line putting the fire out, SHUT UP about the equipment we want there to make sure we're as safe as possible, and to get the job done. You are absolutely clueless!!
{Even the County transfer employee, Lennie, said there was no reason for this type of response.}
And what is Lennie's level of fire service training? FO1? FO2? 3? 4?
I'm sure since he works at a dump for a living, he must be a very educated individiual. LOLOL!!!
Joe would send one engine, let them check it out and when they see that the place is fully involved, dispatch one brush brush truck to mop up.
Dee Dee Dee...if I only had a brain!
I agree that 12 fire trucks would be overkill, however, on my way to work I noticed a sherrif with a flat tire in the parking lot at the Health Department, with TWO extra patrol cars there to assist with lights flashing on all three cars...HOW MANY DEPUTIES DOES IT TAKE TO CHANGE A DAMN TIRE??????
Hey! It takes as many Deputies as damn well needed. If we need a full assignment for backup, that's ok. Besides, it makes us look like we're doing something besides swiggling coffee and eating donuts.
Ok, it's dispatched as a working house fire. First on scene reports smoke from 3 sides of house. Keep in mind Joe is exaggerating on number of "units" as well. He wants you to believe 12 fire engines showed up. I believe there was about 3 engines, 1 rescue truck, 1 tanker. The rest of his "12 fire vechicles" was an ambulance, and utility vehicles used to carry personnel. You know he'd be the first to complain if "1 fire vehicle" was all that showed up to his house.
Let's face it, the entire fire service in your area is a joke. The wannabe's that pretend to protect you are embarrassing. There are real firemen that see more in 20 minutes than your so called firemen would see in 2000 years of phony balony service with a make believe chief. Guess what? If your got rid of the losers, you might be able to recruit some good volunteers. They are just too embarrassed to be a part of the joke you call a FD.
"Joe is exaggerating on number of "units" as well. He wants you to believe 12 fire engines showed up. I believe there was about 3 engines, 1 rescue truck, 1 tanker."
You're a lying sack of sh!t. Then again, you probably never made it past the 6th grade and are now running the family chicken farm.
I not only can accurately count, I have pictures to prove it.
There were at least 10 Fire Trucks there, perhaps 12. That doesn't count rescue vehickes.
Joe. Just curious. It's been rumored you didn't get to far in school either. How far did you make it?
local FF said...
Until it's your ass on the line putting the fire out, SHUT UP about the equipment we want there to make sure we're as safe as possible, and to get the job done. You are absolutely clueless!!
5:45 PM
Putting all this equipment on the scene and killing elderly women in a traffic accident while responding makes it as safe as possible to get the job done. No Local Redneck FF you are the one that is clueless. Everytime a piece of fire apparatus is on the street puts everyone in the community in danger. Many innocent lives have been lost while responding to calls, even the responders.
When is this county going to accept responsibily for allowing these renegades to hurt someone. During the next election the answer is to vote for anyone but the incumbent.
Anonymous said...
Joe would send one engine, let them check it out and when they see that the place is fully involved, dispatch one brush brush truck to mop up.
Dee Dee Dee...if I only had a brain!
6:07 PM
Didn't I see a brush truck in one of the pics?? Dee Dee Dee...if you only had a brain!
Anonymous said...
Let's face it, the entire fire service in your area is a joke. The wannabe's that pretend to protect you are embarrassing. There are real firemen that see more in 20 minutes than your so called firemen would see in 2000 years of phony balony service with a make believe chief. Guess what? If your got rid of the losers, you might be able to recruit some good volunteers. They are just too embarrassed to be a part of the joke you call a FD.
7:28 PM
Well Said!!!
Was the drunk Bush Beach there? How the F**K did he get that name? What an asshole!!!
"When is this county going to accept responsibily for allowing these renegades to hurt someone. During the next election the answer is to vote for anyone but the incumbent."
And just what would you have the county do?
Anonymous said...
Joe. Just curious. It's been rumored you didn't get to far in school either. How far did you make it?
7:56 PM
You could only dream about being as successful as Mr. Albero.
Anonymous said...
"When is this county going to accept responsibily for allowing these renegades to hurt someone. During the next election the answer is to vote for anyone but the incumbent."
And just what would you have the county do?
8:21 PM
Did anyone say anything about what they would have the county do?
Anon 8:21 PM is another clueless redneck FARMIN dat dusent no wat he be talkin bout.
You could only dream about being as successful as Mr. Albero.
Joe, that wasn't the question. You're calling people out for having sixth grade educations. How far did you get?
Anonymous said...
You could only dream about being as successful as Mr. Albero.
Joe, that wasn't the question. You're calling people out for having sixth grade educations. How far did you get?
8:48 PM
Finishing school and getting a degree at the school of hard knocks is two different things. Some people are high school drop outs and they are happy with their lack of education. Then you have people that have to drop out for various reasons, but yet they are intelligent enough to become very successful.
On the other hand you have high school drop outs that become farmin.
Anonymous said...
{Even the County transfer employee, Lennie, said there was no reason for this type of response.}
And what is Lennie's level of fire service training? FO1? FO2? 3? 4?
I'm sure since he works at a dump for a living, he must be a very educated individiual. LOLOL!!!
5:49 PM
I bet Lennie is more intelligent and more successful than you are. What Fire Officer certification do you have?? By the way it is FO I, FO II, FO III, and FO IV. Which one do you have? I bet Lennie makes more money than you do and probably has a better looking woman. Hey, don't you have some soap to pick up in the shower?
Anonymous said...
Joe would send one engine, let them check it out and when they see that the place is fully involved, dispatch one brush brush truck to mop up.
Dee Dee Dee...if I only had a brain!
6:07 PM
WTF is a brush bursh truck?? LMFAO
Yes you do need a brain you retard. I didn't know they had computers in your rooms at the Holly Center.
If you think he's wealthier than myself and has a more beautiful Wife, God Bless the man.
As for education. I value a man's success on what he's provided for his Family and the security he provides them. You'll NEVER find another man you know personally who has done a better job at that than me.
You can talk all the sh!t you want, I've delivered, I've provided and I'm not only successful, I'm very happy to boot.
Joe. Not debating the fact that you are a good provider. That is most commendable and I have to agree, a good measure of a mans success. However, you were slamming someone for a sixth grade education and running the family chicken farm. If that's what it takes for him to provide, so be it. I just think if you're going to bash people for having a sixth grade education, you should post your credentials for comparision. That's all.
When is this county going to accept responsibily for allowing these renegades to hurt someone. During the next election the answer is to vote for anyone but the incumbent.
What the does this mean anon 8:32?
This insinuates that the county should somehow be responsible for the FDs. DUMB ASS
Units On Scene (working):
Engine 507, E/T 5, Tower 5, Engine 74-2, and Engine 903
Units On Scene (Staged): Tanker 5 and Tanker 74.
Units to Station 5 (Stand by): Rescue 74, Rescue 906, and Brush 9
Rescue 74 and Rescue 906 were on scene but were not put to work and then were transfered for the stand by. The fire was in a non-hydrant area bringing the additional 2 tankers. The 2 tankers were staged, not used. 2 Engine crew were on the attack, 1 Engine crew on the search and rescue, the Truck crew was on the roof, and the last Engine was the R.I.T.
Information obtained from the dispatch center and recorded audio.
you dumb ass did you ever stop and think he was there taking photos for a reason just like you were, so he's suppose to run every time you show up at something that is open to the public? Why don't you leave, I'm sure thats what most people want, you gone!!!
Where in the hell am I a F***ing Pre-school class. What the hell is all this name calling bullshit? Joe once again I will say to you Sir, you have no idea what it takes to put out a house fire or the amount of work that is involved. We do not wait for the house to burn down before we put Firefighters and apparatus on calls. Please don't tell me how your valuables are in a safe and your property is insured and it wouldn't matter to you if your house was on fire that's just BS. Sadly not everyone in this area is as wealthly as you and they don't all have the luxury of having their property insured and their valuables secured in a safe. These people don't care how many fire engines are at there house when it is on fire they just would like to have something left when it is done. Tell me Joe our tax money is at work in Iraq involved in a war regardless if you agree with it or not is there to much equipment over there? Should we risk the lives of our soliders because you think there is to much equipment there rather then not having enough. I don't think that we should as i don't feel we should risk the lives and property of the citizens or firefighters in any fire district by doing your acceptable way of dispatching fire equipment sending one engine to check and respond the rest when we get there and find out what's going on. It's all about time Joe fire is a rapid moving chemical reaction and it must be handled like the very dangerous beast that it is. Oh and everyone I do have an education just in case someone wants to question that. Jesus Christ it's Romper Room.
This is where Joe and I part ways. Leave the fire department alone. You don't know their business you know as much as I do about it, nothing. What I do know is if my house is on fire, I don't care if it's a grease fire in a pan, if I have to call 911 I want everything on the shore rolling up to save as much as they possibly can. If they chop the roof up, so what, that is why we have insurance. Its not insured to let it burn to the foundation.
You really need to back off the fire departments and let them do their job the best way they can. You don't know everything so leave the things you know nothing about alone.
You might also want to leave Mr Barrall alone. You had your day in court now leave it alone. He isn't bothering you. You take people to task then when you win you like to rub salt into the wounds. Thats not a man. A man would take the close of the court case as just that, CLOSED and move on with his life. You sir, have no life to move on.
No one cares to read about your daily rantings about the Daily Times. Those of us that get the paper know the condition it is in, we don't need you to constantly remind us.
Grow up. Get involved in something constructive. Quitcherbitchen
anonymous 9:54,
"Leave the fire department alone."
"You might also want to leave Mr Barrall alone. You had your day in court now leave it alone."
Are you kidding me? Mr. Barrall broke the law AFTER he was told to stay away from me and my Grandson and he violated probation. That's the kind of guy that belongs in Jail.
"No one cares to read about your daily rantings about the Daily Times. Those of us that get the paper know the condition it is in, we don't need you to constantly remind us."
Then why do you come here? Do you work for The Daily Times?
"Get involved in something constructive."
Again, why do you waste your time coming here if you're not happy? Might I suggest you leave and not come back.Now I can see why The Daily Times makes you pay for a subscription. If they have to put up with a pain in the ass, why not get paid for it, right?
Why didn't you get out of your vehicle to take your slime green pics Joe? You Skeered?
The only vehicles allowed down that street, (little girl) was the convoy of Fire Trucks. Oh, I stood right there amongst all the Firefighters, who were VERY professional and courteous. There's always a few a$$holes in the bunch but they're the ones with the big mouths like Wayne. When someone stands toe to toe with him like I did, he backs down like a pansy little girl. Oh, then after he talks the big talk, (like you) he then starts up with the back surgery bullsh!t and how he's a crippled.
So act tough all you want, I show up when I'm called, (like I did for this fire) and I receive respect just as much as I give it.
This article isn't about a single Firefighter NOT doing their work. It's about 10 to 12 Fire Trucks being there for one small fire. For those of you who commented a second tanker wasn't on location, BS! They were back to back, right behind one and other. I also believe it was a Delmar Rescue Vehicle that went to cover Hebron's Station AFTER he had been on location for at least 10 minutes. They eventually backed that vehicle all the way down the street and he almost slammed another rescue pickup when he was racing backwards. It was a VERY close call, I saw it and anyone on that vehicle knows that's a fact.
Anyhow little girl, I'll see you at 9:00 AM tomorrow at the Salisbury Fire Station, right?
You know I love reading the post of how fire departments are going to kill someone going to a fire scene. How many of those types of accidents have we had around here in say the past 10 years or so? I believe the answer to be one and that was the one in Hebron, someone talks like every fire department drives like this. Don't blame what one person/company did on all the rest of us. But once again you can tell that person was a paid FF probably from salisbury who seems to be threatened by volunteer firefighters or they wouldn't feel the need to post these kinds of things all the time. We should all work together, SFD can't cover the whole county, for starters the county doesn't have the money to build all new firehouses and equipment to run those houses. Get over yourself a lot of the calls SFD gets turns out to be BS calls too or lets see maybe the house that burnt down near tony tank because SFD just took a truck with no water on it to a smoke investigation only to get there and the house be burning up, boy that took some smarts there didn't it.
Joe, you have illusions of grandeur. You will never succeed as a journalist because of your filthy language. I will go along with some of your gripes but enough is enough. Clean up your act and you will reap more benefits. Give the fire departments a chance and leave personal remarks out of it. Also buy a dictionary with some of your millions to help you learn to spell.
"Joe, you have illusions of grandeur. You will never succeed as a journalist because of your filthy language."
Um, let's see here. YOU'RE here visiting this Site, right? OK, that being said, how am I a FAILURE at what I do? My numbers are so through the roof, you people just can't stand it.
Now you can SUGGEST I'm not doing what I'm actually doing, that's cool with me. However, like I've said in the past, ask ANYONE who owns a computer if they come to Salisbury News and guess what, each and every one of them will tell you, YES!
Get used to the fact that this is the new style. I must agree, the language can get out of hand but let me assure you of one thing, I've toned it down more than you would believe because obviously you're fairly new to the blogosphere because you'd be pleased with what I deliver today verses last year alone.
So thank for helping Salisbury News be as successful as we are and I don't need a Dictionary, I have spell check. It's a new thing and you know what, it works. When is the last time you bitched out the Daily Times for their spelling errors, yet you pay for that paper? So stop feeding me your crap and save your bad mood for the wife.
If my house is on fire , I would not care if fifty units showed up!
Then someone like you shouldn't complain about Ray Lewis stealing from the County because 12 Fire Vehicles and all the diesel fuel they're using for one small fire is almost as bad.
It's like dispatching 12 taxi cabs to pick up a group of people going somewhere. Firefighters are spoiled rotton and have gotten away with poor management for too long now. It's costing the taxpayers MILLIONS of dollars now for a Ladder Truck, we're tired of your BS excuses any more. Start managing fires better and we'll back down. Oh, that's right, you have NO CONTROL over the Fire Chiefs who don't know jack about how to dispatch fire trucks. It's fail prof, their system. Screw it, send em all Earl, can't hurt!
Some vehicles went there even though they weren't called in. I hear this happens often.
joealbero said...
The only vehicles allowed down that street, (little girl) was the convoy of Fire Trucks. Oh, I stood right there amongst all the Firefighters, who were VERY professional and courteous. There's always a few a$$holes in the bunch but they're the ones with the big mouths like Wayne. When someone stands toe to toe with him like I did, he backs down like a pansy little girl. Oh, then after he talks the big talk, (like you) he then starts up with the back surgery bullsh!t and how he's a crippled.
WOW-thought thats why he has a no contact order from ya. cuz he came to show you how to man up and you cried and called the cops. you are such a little baby, you are the biggest instigator on the face of the planet IMO. If I were Barrel, on day 91 I'd find ya and try for round 2,Joe, on day 91 why don't you take wayne up on his offer, rent a place and duke it out since your such a bada##? You can charge admission and donate it to a charity, I'm sure wayne would go for it, especially since the proceeds would go to a great cause.
How on earth would you know that? Did you go write down all the units numbers that were there and then compare them against the call? I don't think so. If you are going to comment, please at least TRY to state intelligent comments. I know it's hard, but I think you can do it!!!
Hey old short arm...I think that was you drinking the coffee and eating those donuts while enjoying all the flashing lights....god knows if I had a flat tire your lazy but wouldn't get out of the car to help.I am quite sure you wouldn,t put your coffee down long enough to make a phone call for me. That being said...I bet your friends Andy and Barny would have helped.(Andy Griffith)
Hey Joe... do you judge yourself as a successful father considering your daughter is a whore with a bastard child? Or the fact that she is a worthless mother and needed a shitbag like you to take care of said bastard?
Get your facts right before making a comment about these units costing taxpayers millions of dollars. Those involved at this scene were all Volunteer Departments that raise a majority of their own money to pay for new equipment, fuel and other expences.
Don't go throwing good VOLUNTEER departments in with the JOKE that is the Salisbuty Department.
Joe please DO NOT sit here and tell me in this blog that you are actually saying that the Fire Depts. are in the same league as Ray Lewis stealing from the county taxpayers. Get the F out of here. These guys and girls go out and put their frigging lives on the line to protect you and the citizens of this or any county and you accuse them of stealing because they take engines and trucks to a fire and burn diesel fuel. Holy S++T you have got to be kidding me. Forget the fact that there was an accident in Hebron and forget the fact that you have a personal issue with Wayne. This is just the dumbest thing I have ever heard you say. As I have said before you make a big point about how Wayne broke the law he should be in jail for coming on your property how he's so bad blah blah blah blah, but I see you are the first one to post that the drunk driving gun whelding State's Attorney is back at work and how much you think of him. He broke the law too Joe he should be in a cell to don't ya think. Oh no that's right he is worth tons of money on the open market as an attorney so that makes him better then Wayne. Just give me a break your veiws are two faced. Drunk driving kills people daliy I doubt Wayne was coming to kill you and he didn't even have a gun.
How do you know he doesn't have a gun, unless you're him? Are you his Life Partner, where you'd know this kind of thing?
Look Joe I am not going to bash heads with you over Wayne. I don't know that he did not have a gun you have a point there. However, the post was not about Wayne it was about making a comparison as to where you stand on the law and how you are tring to lump the fire Dept's in with being complete criminals like Ray Lewis. Please do not disrespect me as I have not disrepected you in any of my posts. Be the professional you claim you are and leave the name calling in Romper Room.
You people can piss and moan and bitch all day if you want, it's rather amusing. But, some ignorant jackoff wants to drag an innocent child into a discussion that has nothing to do with him and I have a real problem. I suppose when you run out of intelligent remarks it's just easier to jab at a child...feel like a big man now?! Pathetic, absolutely uncalled for and sad. Stay on topic or just shut up. Your ignorance is underwhelming!!
Brandi in Salisbury
Speaking of frivolous usage of fire trucks, has anyone noticed that a fire truck from one of the city stations drives up to the Super Giant everyday around 4:30 PM, parks in the fire lane, and 5 or 6 firemen go into the store, apparently to get their dinners. I wonder how much this costs the city taxpayers in gasoline over a year's time.
i like fire trucks... they're so shiney and clean!
Anon 10:21
The fire on Dogwood Dr. that you are referring to was dispatched as an AFA (automatic fire alarm) While the truck was enroute it was upgraded to a house fire. TK16 went on the scene with fire through the roof. Hydrant was located in front of the house, and handlines were put into service. Dont give me the BS that SFD burnt it down cause of taking a ladder truck. The house was well involved and fire took over the attic area. The roof burned off. I WAS THERE. I KNOW WHAT HAPPENED.. Go take your uneducated, pathetic ass to FFI class with Joe. You two may get a understanding of the fire service.
you people are unblieveable. You people have nothing better to piss and moan about? These firepeople put their lives on the line all the time. So they overkilled with the trucks. Big frikin deal...If it were your house on fire Joe they wouldnt have had a enough there.
If Wayne was on a call then you should NOT have been there you were the one breaking the no contact deal. Man get a life.
they dont park in the fire lane anymore. who cares if they get their dinner. working a 24 hour shift they also have to eat.
2:21 So instead of being in station, they were out and still available, ready to respond, can these guys do anything right? WHEN you need them people, I bet you form a differant opinion.
I rode Ambulance and Fire in Harford County, MD for several years. The volunteers in my department had to undergo the same Fire/EMS training as the nearby Baltimore County paid "professionals." My firehouse was actually busier than some of the Baltimore County paid houses. Our drivers underwent all sorts of day, night, inclimate weather and hazardous condition training. In the 5 years I was there, we never had an emergency vehicle cause a 10-50, and only one EMS vehicle involved in an accident. That instance was caused by a drunk driver who crossed the center line and hit the ambulance while it was responding to a call. To give a blanket statement that emergency vehicles are a hazard on the road doesn't paint an accurate picture.
Regarding the quantity of apparatus on-scene, this is determined by the dispatcher based on response guidelines established either by the county or the fire department. In an area where no hydrants are available, we often dispatched a tanker or two and an extra pumper. In a worst-case scenerio, the extra water may be necessary to extinguish the fire.
I also wanted to comment that I've lived in both paid and volunteer Fire/EMS communities. I prefer to live in a community where all-volunteer departments are present. Nothing against paid departments, but the volunteers are (for the most part) riding the rigs because they are community focused and want to give something back to their friends and neighbors. The best part is that your taxes don't go up just because the department needs a new Hurst set on the Rescue Truck, or a new pumper.
Everyone on here should show a little respect for the fire/ems community. They typically give a lot and ask for little in return.
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