This Ocean City Public Works employee stopped, parked and left her vehicle in the right lane of traffic not to do her job but to make a withdraw from the A.T.M. This is not a side street, it's Baltimore Ave. on a Saturday. She was nice enough to put on her four way flashers. The time was 11:42 A.M. and the vehicle # was 563.
So who cares? A public employee is not allowed to make a quick personal stop in their business travels??? I have absolutely no problem with this!!
I see it is business as usual for Ocean City employees. It’s good to see some things never change. Bend over tax payers its budget time and Mr. Dare is after you.
Hey Joe, follow the OCVFC Chiefs Vehilces around... Did you say Food Lion, Dinner with the family...
"So who cares? A public employee is not allowed to make a quick personal stop in their business travels??? I have absolutely no problem with this!!"
I think the point is they are parked in the middle of the road. It is abuse of power. If a citizen did this they would get a ticket!
I think a Fire Chief at dinner is different because they are available to respond to an emergency. I’m pretty sure that the Ocean City Chiefs are issued their vehicles as part of their stipend anyway. If this is the case they can do with it what they please.
how can you prove the time? Without the time there is no crime.
How does the time matter? From the looks of the picture the city employee is parked in a lane of traffic. Who cares if it was even today or last week? This is yet another Ocean City employee abusing their power!
As a goverment employee I will start taking photos of civilians doing stupid shit with their vehicles as you all are doing. Parking the wrong way on the street, Parking in Fire lanes, Leaving animals in vehicles....
I wonder if ole joey boy will post those photos?
Can someone say CRAB ALLEY?
Time out a second. The OCVFC is a PRIVATE CORPORATION. Citizens really don't have a say as to what the Chief does. Sorry folks.
BTW... I'm not a FF.
Wow come on, big deal. The small number of people currently in Ocean City makes this even lesser of a problem. No one is adversely effected by this, anyone needing to pass could easily move past. Imagine if some private citizen drove around New York City all day and took pictures of double parked cars. It would be a waste of time and everyone would laugh at them. If this is what you choose to do with your time Joe, then I hope you're getting some kind of enjoyment out of it, it's not really much of a public service, if any.
Anonymous said...
Time out a second. The OCVFC is a PRIVATE CORPORATION. Citizens really don't have a say as to what the Chief does. Sorry folks.
BTW... I'm not a FF.
6:30 PM
No, but the next time they think about writing a check for a donation it may not happen.
BTW... I am a FF
It is interesting that everyone thinks Joe is the one that took the picture. Is it possible that a business owner submitted this photo to Joe and he subsequently posted it to protect the picture taker’s identity? That SBY News is tricky. It would really suck to get a building inspection for reporting the truth about the continual abuse of public tax dollars. It is excellent that there are people in this world that are in a position such as Joe to expose the corruption of government. Keep up the good work!
To the dumbass who isn't a FF. Check the OC Budget next time you open your mouth and insert your foot. See the MILLIONS earmarked for the Fire Company. Private Corp my ass. We're footing the bill for these PAID volunteers, that's right, PAID (These people receive stipends to serve. volunteer?) to drive all over hell and creation. I've seen them on Route 50 towing boats. And I'm not talking FIREBOATS.
Anonymous said...
How does the time matter? From the looks of the picture the city employee is parked in a lane of traffic. Who cares if it was even today or last week? This is yet another Ocean City employee abusing their power!
5:29 PM
The key word are "from the LOOKS"!!!Without proof of time you aint got sh!t. BTW, I see city, county, and state vehicles all the time in the travel lane. It is hard to work on roads without being in the travel lane. Ever try to put patch in a hole from the side of the road? From this picture all you can do is speculate as to what exactly is happening. If it were me in the picture, I had to stop to pick up some trash that was in the road and noticed a trash receptacle next to the ATM. Or whatever, you get the idea. From the looks of the photo, I dont see too much of a traffic disruption so STFU. Why try to make an issue out of nothing. And to MR/MRS business owner who took the picture, I am sure you appreciate the money that those town employees might spend in your business, especially during the slower winter months. Without the time, there is no crime!!!!ROTFLMFAO LOL LOL LOL DEEE DEEE DEEE
The key word are "from the LOOKS"!!!Without proof of time you aint got sh!t. BTW, I see city, county, and state vehicles all the time in the travel lane. It is hard to work on roads without being in the travel lane. Ever try to put patch in a hole from the side of the road? From this picture all you can do is speculate as to what exactly is happening. If it were me in the picture, I had to stop to pick up some trash that was in the road and noticed a trash receptacle next to the ATM. Or whatever, you get the idea. From the looks of the photo, I dont see too much of a traffic disruption so STFU. Why try to make an issue out of nothing. And to MR/MRS business owner who took the picture, I am sure you appreciate the money that those town employees might spend in your business, especially during the slower winter months. Without the time, there is no crime!!!!ROTFLMFAO LOL LOL LOL DEEE DEEE DEEE
What are you talking about with this time thing?? There are signs up and down that entire street saying that you can not stop in the roadway. It does not matter if it was 6AM 12PM 8PM or 12AM you CAN NOT stop or standstill in the roadway.
What brought this on as I understand it was someone pointing out a county worker stopped at a business during work hours several posts earlier. The comment was then made to start posting photos of such activity. The point I am making is that just because a government employee may be stopped at a business, doesnt necessarily mean that he/she is breaking rules depending on what time it is. This could have just as easily been a picture of some dumba$$ driving while text messaging, or something else stupid that common folk do, But the fact that it is a municipal worker makes me feel pretty confident that the purpose of the post was rather to expose a government employee for doing something during work hours. If you are trying to draw conclusions from the photo, you might also say the picture appears to be taken by another not so smart person stopped in the travel way, but I guess that is okay since they feel they are exposing something. I am not totally familiar with the location that this person is stopped, however, I see no yellow curbing, or no parking signs.
Holly Sh!t guys, are you sure that is a travel lane in the winter :) and if this gets you don't go to the Giant shopping center and watch all the people parking at the curb to get their spirits. The worn out no parking signs can't be enforced since they do not say no parking fire lane. Speaking of enforcing regulations.
soooo, this is done in Wicomico and worse all the time and by county deputies as well.....let those without their hand in that cookie jar be the first to throw the stone........
first of all this is the damn bus lane. second of all if you don't live in ocean city you have no right to bitch. This is not a big deal.
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