Rai Sharma called it quits this morning after learning yet ANOTHER Public Works Employee came forward and exposed even more MASSIVE FRAUD against the County.
County Executive Rick Pollitt said in a Press Conference just moments ago, "Rai Sharma decided to retire immediately." He added, "I respect his decision. Mr. Pollitt wanted to assure the Public that Rai is in no way involved in any of the fraud. More simply, Rai placed trust in hundreds of people and they lied to him and he simply had enough.
More to come........
What in the world is going on in wicomico county ?
Rai Sharma, has been the absolute best department head in Wicomico County for as long as he had been in charge. He has assumed more and more responsbility as the years went by.
There did not exist a department head that devoted more of himself to his responsibilities than Rai. I suspect what recently occurred that caused his premature retirement was the equal responsbility of other dept heads.
Where was the finance dept, where was the County Exec' staff, where was the purchasing dept.
Rai Sharma has always been a man of honor he just proves it again with his taking responsibility for the thefts.
I dare say none of the dept heads I mentioned above will stand up and take any responsibility, no but they will continue to accept their pay checks. Cowards!!!
Rai Sharma's retirement which was obviously brought about as a result of recent theft's from the Land Fill, show the character of Mr. Sharma.
It will be interesting to see if the States Attorney is of equal honor.
The Daily Times will be rejoicing along with Barrie Tilghman over the County's troubles. That paper scrutinizes the county MUCH harder than they do the city.
I am sorry to hear that Rai has resigned. He must feel very betrayed by the dishonest acts of some members of his department. I always appreciated Rai's responsiveness to citizens.
Barrie Tilghman should follow the example set by Mr. Rai Sharma. He is a man of honor. She is the scum of the earth and would never in a million years do more than say "I take full responsibility". RESIGN BARRIE. Let the people say you did one thing right in all your years of screwing the city and its citizenry.
What happened at the Davis Ruark press conference at 11:30? Did he resign?
Rai Sharma is an honorable man. What a loss to the county. If the Mayor of Salsibury was half as honorable, she would do the same. We all know that Barrie has no shame and doesn't know the meaning of honor.
Thank you Rai for all those years of excellence. You were the best of the best. We will miss you.
farm boy
I am sorry to say this, but now is not the time to quit. As an honorable man, I am certain Mr. Sharma is completely disgusted with some of the folks he trusted in his department, but nevertheless, this mess happened under his watch, as well as others. He, and all other department heads need to put their pride, and hurt feelings aside, and see that this situation is remidied before they decide to step down.
I say this with my sincerest respect to Mr. Sharma.
Is that Davis Ruark in the photo with Mike and Rai?
Ok, so Rai retired. How does anyone yet know whether or not he knew or participated in this mess. Obviously he took on too much responsiblity to the point he was in over his head. I don't call that wise. I call that not knowing ones limitations.
If there was this much pilfering going on, he definitely wasn't doing his job adequately.
Joe, I am both confused and concerned. You announced that the States Attn was going to have a 11:30AM press conference, so far no info from that conference.
Then you break the news about Rai retirement and show a picture of the Sheriff and what appears to be a pix of the States Attn in the background. Whats Up, inquiring mind's want to know.
If I were him I would be sick to my stomach of such betrayal and I can't blame him for retiring and washing his hands of the whole mess.
This only adds insult to injury, now we lose an honest hard working person.
I also agree the city administration is reveling in the fact that this scandal has taken some of the focus off of the city's ill's.
Mr. County Exec, you have just lost your most responsible department head.If you let him go, and doubt you have a choice,I would strongly encourage you take a long hard look at what you have left.
I suspect you are where you are now as a result of dysfunctional senior staff. Please take note of and old leadership axiom "Dysfunctional employee,s are a product of dysfunctional leadership".
You took the helm of the ship, but it appears you continue to let the ship be steered by those with nothing at risk. You, however, my friend are well on your way to becoming a one term Executive.
I like you and you are a very caring person, do not let that get in the way of your taking the helm back.
If your style will not allow you to be and A--Kicker than by god man hire one, get rid of the dead wood, run the county like it depends on your leadership, because it does!
so whats the "MASSIVE FRAUD" that Rai found out today?
Time for the FBI!
Ok, so Rai retired. How does anyone yet know whether or not he knew or participated in this mess. Obviously he took on too much responsiblity to the point he was in over his head. I don't call that wise. I call that not knowing ones limitations
What do you call the city's finance department head Pam Oland? She is in way over her head. She is hired on as Finance director then Barrie Tilghman dumps the Purchasing office in her lap then dumps human resources in her lap. She's worked for the city for 2 years and has had it all dumped on her and we've not had one clean audit since. Instead we have money sitting in uninsured accounts, a total of 19 million dollars not being accounted for, just sitting in a heap off the books. Lets have some accountability and not empty statements of "I take full responsibility". It should also be noted that Ms Oland refused more staff to assist her on numerous occasions.
Rai Sharma did the right thing. If he were involved in any way, shape or form Mike Lewis and the WBI would know it.
Rai Sharma is a man of integrity and honor, and I have no doubt that he will continue to assist with the investigation in any way possible. I know that if anyone ever had an issue, Rai would be there to answer it. Each time I ever saw him, he would be friendly and always willing to talk.
It isn't that he didn't know his limitations, he was a great delegator that unfortunately had dishonest people working for him. I'm sure he didn't know how dishonest these people could be.
Thank you, Rai, for 34 years of faithful service.
Can you ask them to send a little integrity to Pocomoke?
man, the pirates are jumping ship, this crap goes real far..... and don't be fooled, folks - remember, look at everybody involved, and not the just the crooks..... may be more "crooks" in this deal than ya think......
"crooks" wear shirts and ties, too.
I have worked for Mr. Sharma for ten years. I can think of few people other than my family that I respect more. He is a man of integrity. I am very sad at hearing this and hope that he may somehow reconsider. There have been so many positive things happen as a result of his tenure and I dont want this to overshadow his accomplishments.
I think Mr. Pollits choice of words was bad. I dont believe hundreds of employees let him down, just a few. There have been many employees that have served Rai faithfully, and have bent over backwards to make him look good.
"Rai Sharma called it quits this morning after learning yet ANOTHER Public Works Employee came forward and exposed even more MASSIVE FRAUD against the County."
What new MASSIVE FRAUD was exposed???
Mr. Pollitt wasn't at liberty to expose the ongoing investigation referencing the MASSIVE FRAUD. I wish I could tell you more but I can't. I have simply exposed what Mr. Pollitt said.
Joe, stop making it look like you know something. You can't tell us more because you DON'T KNOW MORE. Stop trying to make yourself look like an insider. These people can't stand you for gods sake.
Rai was a very good person to work for. I have worked for him for the past 8 years. When you are in Rai posiition you must put supervisors that you can trust. He trusted those people. Ken had been with county for 18 years. He trusted him and Paul. Rai's trust in his employees has been broken. I am sure if Rai went to Ken and Paul and questioned anything, he would have believed them.
YES!!!!!!!!finally! Hopefully now they can hire someone I can understand when they speak..it always sounded like Rai boy had marbles in his mouth. I wonder if he's linked to Al Qaeda???????I'm sure pizza city is hiring RAI!!
Anonymous said...
YES!!!!!!!!finally! Hopefully now they can hire someone I can understand when they speak..it always sounded like Rai boy had marbles in his mouth. I wonder if he's linked to Al Qaeda???????I'm sure pizza city is hiring RAI!!
11:42 AM
Okay, Rai is from India, The people from Pizza City are from Pakistan. Indians and Pakistanis are enemies, have been since about 1945 when Pakistan seceeded from India. I'm sure there are many Indians and Pakistanis that are friends, but to paint every SE Asian as the same is just bigoted and discriminatory. FYI, Bangladesh is also "Pakistani", as they used to be called Eastern Pakistan. They claimed independance from Pakistan shortly thereafter. Also, if I'm not mistaken, Rai is Hindu, not Muslim. Get your racial stereotypes straight, you bigoted son of a bitch.
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