While Joe Holloway came forward right out of the gate after he was elected, he came through in a BIG way for the County when it came to providing another Contractor who was willing to repair the Civic Center Roof for peanuts. He then introduced a small, yet important item, the infamous pen situation. Stevie Prettyman clearly showed there's a serious problem with the Liquor Dispensary System in Wicomico County and soon after came the exposure with Ron Alessi's possible conflict of interest in his company renovating Liquor Stores.
Wicomico County has been out of control for many years and I believe it's been actions and exposure such as these that actually started the County wide corruption. It's like I said to Rick Pollitt last night, you guys are certainly keeping my Blog busy.
Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen have been attempting to expose many questionable items within the City and now there's a comment suggesting Mayor Barrie Tilghman allegedly used Public Works Employees to build a deck on the back of her house. It's been right in front of our noses for years, yet how dare these women challenge the Mayor and others, right?
Yeh, Joe. It certainly has bewen an enlightening few weeks of late.
I have a suggestion on the city accounting problem that I thought of this morning. Why not rehire a person to run purchasing, take that burden away from Oland, then she will not need any additional staff, and can concentrate on keeping our city funds in good order and safe. I also, think Ms. Oland and her people could then run internal audits periodically, to insure all is in order and at the same time make it much easier for the independent auditors to get the annual audit out on time. Makes good sense to me and I hope Debbie and Terry read this and can suggest it. I have a bad back right now and can't attend the council meeting tonight.
A. Goetz
Is Mr. Harris getting answers about the Board of Educ. ENP and employees who are taking the huge bonuses but not retiring? They might say it wasn't a secret program, but no mention of it was ever made in articles about Board meetings. Why write up anything about the Board doing anything if their response is no we said nothing or wrote nothing but it's on our website if you take the time to search for it. Of course, you have to know which department to search and you'd never know if it isn't mentioned so I guess you're supposed to always search them all instead of reading Mrs. Sahler's information. She put many smaller items moneywise in her articles but why would she overlook this program?
Not all people who work for the county are dishonest. This is about Mr. Thomas Field the head of the Board of Educ who did not take the ENP dollars. Mr. Tom could have worked the system but he didn't. He could have pretended he was going to retire after this year to get the huge ENP amount of money too. He knew the Bd of Ed would ask him back for next year to help the new supt. So he would have gotten big bucks and not retired but he did not do that. That's an honest man. I substitute sometimes and people know who pushed for the ENP and is getting lots of money from it but they respect Mr. Field who did not sign up to get thousands even though he could of.
The problem is that some members of the Council were elected because they are regarded as "nice" and/or "good" persons, but don't have a clue about what's needed -- McClain, Cannon, MacCloud -- and the others are made to look like bad guys/gals when they kick butt. How about that vote where almost everyone abstained (outrageous). It's no better than back when Sarbanes and Phil Tilghman were running things.
Salisbury is just as bad if not worse.
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