Remember the guy that showed up at my front door pounding away on Thanksgiving Day scaring the crap out of my Grandson? Well, he went to Court recently for his alleged criminal activity, blowing it off like NOTHING was going to become of it, even laughing at me a week or so ago asking me if I was going to show up for his pretrial hearing. I responded, I don't have to be there, it will take care of itself.
Well, it turns out, Wayne Barrall is in fact going to Trial and his, I'm A Fire Fighter didn't seem to be a sell job on the Judge. Wayne has a history of being Hot Headed and hopefully this time around Wayne will learn his lesson and or the State will put him away for a while to TEACH him a lesson, if need be?
I had wondered why he was so quiet lately, as well as the Local Fire Fighters. Either they didn't want it exposed that he was going to Trial or Wayne has made damn sure they didn't know about it. Now they do.
So even though I didn't go to the pretrial, it's good to know the State of Delaware looked closely at the evidence and feel the need to try this man. See you in Court in March, Wayne.
Rub the salt in the wound Joe.. There ya go, good job.
Is he going to court because of what he did to you on thanksgiving or what? I am sure I have missed some of this along the way so I am a little out of the loop, let me know. I can't hardly stand this a$$hole either.
One of the saddest aspects of this deplorable situation is that a child is involved. How unfortunate the child is learning that adults cannot resolve conflicts calmly and rationally, without emotional and legal distractions. Children today are constantly learning that there is no room for the talking out of differences. Courts are not havens of last resort when negotiating fails; they are the first place adults turn. Of course, settling a dispute in court is better than brawling in the street so one can be thankful for that message at least.
We as fireman could care less of you your grandson and or Barrel of what happened!old news and nobody cares!Barrel was not representing a fire department or firemen that day.
Anon. 1:09
Most fire fighters I know care a great deal about children and people generally....it's why they do their job. For you to say "We as Firemen" is a bit presumptuous. How can you speak for all fire fighters when making such a statement? Perhaps other fire fighter should break their feet off in your ass for making it seem that they don't care about the welfare of children. Get a grip dude......and some english classes.
Yes "we as firemen" do care alot about people in general and I don't know how any real firefighter could say that. I personally am in it to help people, but this is probably a paid firefighter who is just in it for the pay. They are always the ones who firefighters in general a bad name.
If I was Wayne I'd sure want a trial. I just wonder how many dozen ff's he will have to testify that read you "anytime, anywhere" 'I'm not afraid of you" comments on confronting you on this blog. LOLOL...then you go cower in the shower behind a child. What a pussy you are, Joe. BYW, if he loses, he gets a $50. fine. Big deal!! Heck, I'm sure it was worth 50 bucks to him to see you pee in your pants in fear.
Wayne thought the charges would be dropped by the State and he was wrong. The physical threats through letters I produced for the Officer, as well as his actions at my home was what got him in trouble.
He laughed at me the last time I saw him, jokingly asking if I was going to go to Court recently and I flat out said no.
I know you guys, (probably Wayne himself) are dying to get me to say certain things before he goes to Court but unlike you, I'm not stupid.
Yes, I am so afraid of Wayne, he scares me to death and I worry so for my well being as well as my Family.
See you in Court, Idiots. Oh, by the way, what happened to ALL the supporters this last go around in Court? Do YOU know who your friends are? Oh, that's right, it's a BROTHERHOOD! ROTFLMAO!
Wayne is a disgrace to a firefighters name. He should be suspended from being involved with any fire department any longer as this is his reputation and has been for many years.
Kudos for standing up to him Joe. Far too many people have been intimidated by him and never followed through. You're doing the right thing and any firefighter who supports Wayne knows what he's like and it needs to end.
I'm sorry for what happened to your grandson.
Go jump off a cliff and save the rest of the world from your ridiculous stupidity.
To all the fireman who say they care for others listen to this. One of the pictured fireman has been burning leaves in his back yard to point of disrupting any outdoor activity his neighbors may be having let alone not being able to having your windows open to get a nice breeze of fresh air. After approaching this "gentleman" numerous times and asking him to stop burning then going to the chief numerous times no positive results then the Mayor..Finally I had to get the health dept. involved to get this "fireman" to stop burning. So whats that about fireman caring for others. Yes I admit a good part of fireman are respectful but these guys are a joke !
How about this one. A local fire department just got a new website. The guy who is doing most of the stuff on it I know well enough to know he is a good person. Well last night I called him and asked how things were with the site and things and he filled me in on some stuff. He used some photos off of Waynes site to put on there site. Well on there new site when you upload a photo it automatically puts a check mark in a box to use the site holders name as a copyright. Well thing man didn’t either notice it or thought nothing of it. He then told me that yesterday morning some lady called his fire house and spoke with the paramedic on duty. She said she was part owner with Wayne and that what the fire department did was immoral and basically called them a bunch of crooks. He also said Wayne sent him an email saying the same thing and if it was not corrected he was going to send them a bill for his photos. Wayne also added something to his site about this as well. Well the guy who is doing the fire department site said he called Wayne and apologized and fixed all the problems right away. He also said that all it would have taken was a call saying hey you guys can’t do this fix it and that would have been enough. Instead Wayne and this lady treated them like they were common criminals. This fire department made no money off of Waynes pictures and I believe it when he said he didn’t know it put there department name on Waynes photos. If Wayne is in a brotherhood of firefighters and this is how he treats another brother God help us non firefighters if we pee in his cornflakes.
I disagree.
As all of you know, I am no Wayne Barrall fan. However, I am a fan of his First Amendment Rights and his copyrite protection.
He is the one taking the pictures, traveling, time, expenses and the list goes on and on.
If it was so easy to blame Wayne for protecting his rights, why didn't the Fire Department ask him right up front?
I have only denied ONE person the right to my photos when they asked. Trust me, they have asked often, too.
Don't bash Wayne for this, it's not fair. He may have a lot of faults but he's also protected and right is right.
I agree with you Joe. But the department didn't know and I believe them when they say this. There was no malice intended in this case. The guy took care of it in less than 15 minutes after talking with Wayne. He felt it the call to the department and the email and post on fithp.net was overboard. Wouldn't you like to here from me up front, man to man, if I had a problem with something you did and not after a bunch of emails and nasty phone calls? I guess I am old school, come to me first and I will make it right and no one would be the wiser. I like Waynes site, he has some nice pictures and I hope they continue to do so. I just fealt it went along with the header of this post.
but, it has been posted on his site a few times before that you may use his pictures as long as you leave the copyright intact. From what I hear the company in question went as far as to put their own copyright over top of the one already on the picture. but thats just hearsay
How could they not have known? I saw their site a few weeks ago and saw the same thing. You mean to tell me no one from their department looked at their own site after they uploaded a call to the site? How they not see wayne's copyright umderneith theirs. And also no one would have even known about what they put on waynes site if someone didnt open their mouth. It says nothing about pittsville on there. I really don't think wayne was out of line buy asking them to change their site. Its just like joe doing work here and someone just copy and paste his work to someone else site. Its the same thing going on here. Someone does the work and then someone takes the easy road.
Also I am glad to see joe sticking up for wayne's rights on this matter. I wish these two guys would work their problems out without all the court BS. No one here wants to see BS like this go on. I just hope it gets over soon and both parties get along again.
No one said he was out of line at all. But do you really think a fire department, Pittsville or any other, would do this on purpose. Even if the site doe's this automatically, and it doe's, I checked around, maybe they didn't think about copyright infringment. Usually if your not a crook you don't think like a crook. Honest mistake if you ask me. And I did look at the site too and I didn't see where there copyright was pasted over Waynes. It was over the pictures from Willards. I didn't see Waynes copyright at all but the pictures were not cropped because the pictures from Pittsville and fithp.com both look the same. I think Anon 149 was saying if your are truly a brother in a brotherhood act accordingly. I wouldn't have gone to these measures if it was my "brother". One last thing would the "fair use" act come into play here? This is for reporting the news, not for profit.
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