All you have to do is Google Heather Zara Detroit and you'll be amazed at the end results. I was tipped off the other day to do so but have been too darned busy to find the time. Well, out of curiosity I did it today and look what I found!
Heather Zara won a contest, (hat tip to her) and actually won a chance to become the Traffic Reporter for a Station in Detroit. ROTFLMAO!
If she's not reporting traffic, you can probably catch her at a sporting event around town. "I'm a huge sports nut, and I love my Detroit and MSU sports!", she said.
what I wouldn't do to her.
i was thinking the same thing anon 3:12.
she needs a myspace :) lol
She is supposed to be on supervised probation. How can she be in Mich.
Celebrity status, like Michael Phelps?
Anonymous said...
what I wouldn't do to her.
3:12 PM
What I would do to her...
What she say about nuts?
Isn't the Trooper handcuffing whats her name the same one that charged Phelps with DUI?
If so that Trooper has almost as much on the ball as our Sheriff. I wonder which one spends more time stopping cars.
603 If he is as good as Sheriff Lewis than that's great. We have 2 Robo Cops serving the public. Criminals beware.
Heather = yum, yum
For a first offense they probably allowed her to tranfer her probation. If she had lived in Michigan when she commited the offense she'd be back there now anyhow.
With a profile like that in the post picture, I bet she did make good money bartending~! Yuppers
Anonymous said...
Isn't the Trooper handcuffing whats her name the same one that charged Phelps with DUI?
If so that Trooper has almost as much on the ball as our Sheriff. I wonder which one spends more time stopping cars.
6:03 PM
If it is in Worcester County it may not be unless he was working OT assignment. If it is KB I know him and he is a great guy. He knows all to well the importance of getting a drunk off the road. Good work KB.
anon 6:03 &7:55 thanks for the positive comments. The arrest was in Wicomico County at a Check point. With being a supervisor now these stops are few and far between. Hardly any time to work the road.
Kevin Beauchamp
It is sad how criticizing other peoples lives make you all feel better about your pathetic excuses for lives.
Joe, "ROTFLMAO"? what, are you a 15 year old girl? Give me a break you loser.
"What I wouldnt do to her"... whoever wrote that needs to get rid of their computer before it blows up from all the child porn spam you must be getting.
I know Salisbury can be boring but come on. I think you should all be able to find something better to do with your time than this crap. Leave the girl alone, we all make mistakes... and im sure you all have more than your fair share of skeletons in your closet. Heather Zara is a better person than any of you could ever hope to be. You should all learn that before you can judge a person you should try and get to know them first. It is horrible that because you are all so miserable with your own lives that you have to make other peoples lives seem miserable too.
Meanwhile, Davis Ruark and Frank White can apologize for their sins and all's right in the world.
Well.......I'm shocked to hear about all this. All I can say is that Chaldean females are not and never will be what they once were. I don't know this girl and I won't judge her, but I think she is too much on the liberal side. I think she does a decent job reporting, but hearing this story and how she was a dancer sort of gives me a really bad vibe because I just didnt expect that and if I ever had a daughter there is no way in hell I would allow that. I just hope that she is a virgin because thats like the only moral thing I see left. I dont mean to be rude or offensive, I just tell it how it is and if people want to get mad that's not my problem. We are all human and we make mistakes, but I hold Chaldean females to a higher standard. So to that person who was defending her, I think part of the reason why everyone is making comments about her is because they are focusing on her transition from a "criminal" to "celebrity" and they probably dont think its ethical or acceptable. Any job that serves the public and puts you in the spotlight will face this type of treatment. If someone can't handle it they need to switch jobs. She should be lucky she even has a job because most people that do what she did wouldnt even be given a chance. I didnt expect to say all of this, but this was really "ironic".
I watch her religiously every morning when she does the traffic report on WDIV TV in Detroit. She is definitely a very beautiful woman. Hey, what can i say? Get up in the morning, get ready for work, turn on the TV for some news, and there she is all smiling and bright eyed and just drop dead GORGEOUS!!!
to anonymous "she is too much on the liberal side"...
your boy W. was as "conservative" as they get and he was an alcoholic and a drug abuser. stfu with all that liberal bs
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