The loss to Wicomico County Taxpayers is on the rise, BIG TIME! What started out as a $400,000.00 diesel fuel and parts crime has grown throughout Wicomico County Employees and outside services to a $1,000,000.00 level.
Workers at the Landfill are cooperating but as I posted earlier, this thing seems to keep growing like a wild fire. Certainly there have been suggestions that have come in that cannot be supported but it has opened the eyes of County Executive Rick Pollitt, Sheriff Mike Lewis and the WBI.
Imagine the lack of trust these gentlemen will have in ALL departments throughout Wicomico County? That goes with Contractors and Vendors. You have to even wonder if the Old Council had anything to do with any of this? I'm NOT suggesting that any of them did. I'm simply suggesting what has to be running through everyone's mind right now.
I was told by one individual high up in Wicomico County that the biggest problem they have faced is the fact that some of the employees that came forward said they had gone to their superiors, telling them they felt someone was stealing. The problem is, those superiors were involved in the theft and that's how it never got to the Council and even the County Executive.
Fortunately certain individuals found comfort in going to Sheriff Lewis on a Sunday afternoon at his home. Mind you, Sheriff Lewis went to the WBI to expose it and they said, WE KNOW!
Sheriff said in a recent interview, "May God Have Mercy On Your Soul if we have to come to you." He went on to suggest if anyone knows anything, now is the time to let us know.
“Wicomico County Detention Center” has a whole new meaning. Hey guys don’t look at it as getting fired or busted, just look at as a transfer between departments.
Clear some trees off your land, Joe, its time we all move to Delmar!! The city and county are in total chaos!
Sharma must have gone to work or maybe I should say to his office each day and slept being oblivious to all the mice stealing the cheese. I now understand why we have to raise taxes to pay for irreponsible people in charge and the little theives running around.Who knows who is involved and how high does this robbery go? We definitely need an outside audit firm to scrutinize the books over the last 8 years and not any good ole local boys.Good work Sheriff Lewis. Mr. Pollitt needs to walk around and see who else is asleep at their watch. Might be interesting.
Mr. Sharma was obviously asleep in his office for all this criminal activity to go undetected. But the question is, what was Mr. Sharma's boss, Mr. Pollitt doing during this time also? Mr. Pollitt also needs to be held accountable for his actions or lack thereof. Its a little late for him to start pretending that he was on the ball.
If we all get on board and lift than old cap, all this would not matter just raise our tax.
In all fairness, Mr Pollitt has only been on the job a short time. Add to that the fact that his is a new position and anyone with sense would realize how difficult it would be to root out the entrenched thieves in a short smount of time. They have had years to build up protective walls to hide their actions. Give the man a break and let this thing run it's course before we try to lynch Mr Pollitt. IMO he is a late arrival to a game already in progress.
look you Idot!!! Rick just got the job, less time than these jerks have been in power, stealing all of their careers. Give us a break and find something to bitch about like teachers pay now that is an issue. they have been raping us for years and now want more, I saw the pay scale some of those idots are making $80,000 for a classroom teacher.
12 to 15 more arrests!? Are we to expect them to walk free without bond as well? I find it to be a total slap in the face to the taxpayers that these individuals were released back to the streets without even a penny worth of bail money paid! The courts should be ashamed of themselves and I believe the public should call for these thieves to be put back in a cell or placed on a high bond. With the amount of money we're talking about here, as well as potential time behind bars, people choose to do some rash things such as "relocate". Come on people, demand justice!!
The County has always worked on the "FUMU" system of discipline. F*** Up, Move Up. There are numerous individuals in their positions now because of that system. Just keep an eye on how many fade away now thru retirement (wink, wink) or "find a better job."
Yes, a problem that was already in progress when Rick came on board. Makes you wonder what the former County Administration was doing while all this got started right under their noses?
A. Goetz
I'm not saying Pollitt is to blame, but this went on under his nose for a year. I'd like to see him find some long term solutions to the culture of corruption that obviously exists in the county if I'm to give him the benefit of any future doubt.
Poor Ricky has only had the job a short time. Bullshit, it's been an entire year. Wouldn't you be expected to be on top of your job after a year? Didn't he campaign on the notion that he could just step right into the job with no training? He's a dumb-ass.
I see no better time than the present to address how Wicomico County fire service is being funded. Once a year, Wicomico County hands over a check to each fire company intended as operating monies. Keep in mind there’s no accountability what so ever with such a system hence why some stations have thousands or millions in bank accounts. No matter if you are the busiest station or the slowest station, all get the same amount. What kind of business is this? Where’s the accountability? Duplication of services, overkill of apparatus because each station wants to be their own empire. Where does it stop? When will the county wise up, step in and take control over the fire service? The time has come for someone to oversee the fire service and its future.
Anon 3:25 I agree with you. Mr. Pollitt has had over a year to notice this activity. I don't think he is part of it, he is just a lifelong bureaucrat. If that criminal activity happened at a normal private sector company the guy in charge would be yanked in a heartbeat.
The time has come for someone to oversee the fire service and its future.
3:51 PM
So you're telling me nobody keeps tabs on how this bunch of rednecks spends my tax dollars? Wicomico county looks worse everyday.
There better be some jail time with this. Tough to explain to kids how some people can steal and get away with it, while others are punished. They talk about 1 year jail for a DUI - but you can steal hudreds of thousands of dollars and be out walking around! Seriously - this is embarrassing!
welcome to the shithouse of maryland. throw them down Mike Lewis, throw them all down and keep up the great work so we can get some respect back in our county and city
Hell you dont even have to have any kind of leadership training to be the chief of a fire department in this county. Only a matter of time before someone gets killed on a fire scene because of this kinda crap. STEP UP RICK POLLITT, do your job and take over this county nonsense.
I am going to say this and this is FACT!!!! This is the kind of sh!t that happens when people get stretched too thin. Try and save a buck. Unfortunately it is the little guy that gets his a$$ jammed up because he cant keep up with all the work that is getting dumped on him. The county has been doing it for years. When someone quits or retires, alot of times people arent hired to replace them. They just add stuff to other people. No one wants to hear that though when the county says they need more staff, hence tax dollars. As long as the board and sheriffs get theirs, everything will be alright, right? WRONG!!! There are other departments that need things. Unfortunately these bozos at the landfill will screw it up for the rest of the honest employees.
Kudos to Mike Lewis and those that came forward. Now what needs to happen is all of those involved need to sit in the county jail that they stole from and serve their time. Mr. Pollit better wake up as well as the county council. Ray Lewis has ruined the lives of so many people and he's free to live on??? What's that teach the youth of this county? They better look at other county departments including the Wicomico County Soil Conservation District Offices.
Hey Joe, I heard that there may even be some deputies involved in putting some gas from the unmonitored pump in county yard into their personal vehicles. It will be interesting to see just how far this scandal goes and how deep.
Anonymous said...
Mr. Sharma was obviously asleep in his office for all this criminal activity to go undetected. But the question is, what was Mr. Sharma's boss, Mr. Pollitt doing during this time also? Mr. Pollitt also needs to be held accountable for his actions or lack thereof. Its a little late for him to start pretending that he was on the ball.
1:27 PM
Rick Pollitt is no dummy. He has been in office long enough to know what is going on. Who do you think does the budget? Who do you think interveiws all departments and department heads.
Another person you need to look at is the County Administrator Ted Shea who makes more money than the County Executive. Why do you think Slick Rick has kept him on bored (wink, wink).
If you know anything about politics, the county executive or any executive brings in his own team. How coincidental for slick rick to keep all of the current department heads. Folks, that is more than just a coincidence. Wake up citizens and demand action.
Anonymous said...
I see no better time than the present to address how Wicomico County fire service is being funded. Once a year, Wicomico County hands over a check to each fire company intended as operating monies. Keep in mind there’s no accountability what so ever with such a system hence why some stations have thousands or millions in bank accounts. No matter if you are the busiest station or the slowest station, all get the same amount. What kind of business is this? Where’s the accountability? Duplication of services, overkill of apparatus because each station wants to be their own empire. Where does it stop? When will the county wise up, step in and take control over the fire service? The time has come for someone to oversee the fire service and its future.
3:51 PM
yep, no accountability what so ever. They just ask for a handwritten note telling the county how they spent the money. doesn't matter what they spent it on and the county gives them more year after year. The don't buy the budget fire trucks either, they buy the Cadilac Escalades.
I have not seen this question adressed. If Ray & the others were so bold as to take county items as charged what's to say that only a percentage of the dupmster loads going to the landfill were ever hitting the books. If it were true this would lead to the next question were there any other companies hauling trash with the same arraingment.
What ever happened to the additional arrests? Is this going to be tried here and is it going to be open to the public? I think the public has a right to sit in and hear where are money was going. I am sure there will not be enough seats in that courtroom if it is going to be open.
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