If you've never been, you have NO IDEA what you're missing! I had the pleasure of visiting this incredible event Friday night and quite frankly, it was fantastic.
Students showed off their God given talents and put on a show that makes you walk away singing, humming and whistling, you just can't help it. They bring back memories of the Good Old Days and in my opinion it's the most refreshing show I've been to in years.
As you can see from the photos, the house is packed. That being said, what the heck is the City of Salisbury considering building another Theater for? I mean, I never even knew this building was there till last Friday night and look at it! How many days out of the year does this building not get used? Trust me, I'm NOT knocking it at all. I'm simply saying, this Theater crap needs to get thrown out the window as there are plenty of locations around the City of Salisbury to put off these alleged popular shows, NOT! Let them prove they can pack the house every time before they give up the old Fire Station, if you know what I mean?
Nevertheless, sorry I got off track there but it needed to be said. I truly enjoyed myself and you will too. IF you can get a ticket to this sold out event on most nights, you'll certainly treat yourself to a great time. It's like having your own live American Idol Show right here at home. Go, you won't regret it. I should add, the show is around 3 hours long. Can you handle 3 hours of truly enjoying yourself at something in Salisbury????????
Joe, we are not mind readers~ where was this?
Joe- You are right. This show was amazing, I went for my first time this year.... I will be going every year after this...
BTW- it is at the Bennett Schools
That was at the Bennett auditorium, located on College Avenue across from Spring Avenue.
Actually, it is utilized near 100% It is a shared resource between bennett middle, high, and numerous community groups. Scheduling a few hours in there is VERY difficult.
That being said, I do not support a firehouse-performing art center. SU is planning on building a real one.
IN FACT, this building is NOT being replaced when JMB is replaced, it will stay. The auditorium will fit only half of the student body @ jmb.
actually joe, compared to recent years, this year SUCKED!!
Hey Joe,
DO you now how much the School board charges to the groups around here?
Ask R&R how long there were in there, building the set?
Then Go to the board an ask them for rental for the same lengh of time.
Hold on to your bank acc. It's Not cheap. As for a full house, that's Great. An yes, It is used Almost 100%of the time. Also did you see the Power plant outside. That was there to run the Lighting system they had to bring in. Does the firehouse fit the need? NO. To small. No stage area. Does Salisbury need a performing art center? YES. Now the realy question is will (Who ever builds it) Talk to the local goups to see what they need to use it?
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