"What ever happened to that so called "command vehicle" that the county let the 911 center/emergency management buy? What a waste of tax dollars, oops I meant to say grant money!! Grant money or tax dollars it is all the same. We, the tax payers have to pay for it. Joe, if you get a chance to hunt it down try to get some pics of it. Those morons went out and bought a light weight camper and converted it to a "command vehicle" that is hardly ever used. They make real command vehicles for a lot less than they paid for the camper. Does anyone know how much it is costing the tax payers to maintain that camper, I mean command vehicle? Enquiring Taxpayers want to know!"
I believe this is the one you're talking about. I can't say too much about it other than that "I" feel the County has a bit of a problem on their hands when it comes to both the Sheriffs Command Center Unit and this one. That problem is, these units should NOT be exposed to being outdoors 24/7. This is yet another reason I believe the County should consider a new Sheriff's Department whereas they can add storage for such units. Blast away.......
There is room for this never used unit in the sheriff's department but is currently used for storage of the CITY'S XMAS LIGHTS! (and personal vehicles of the county's maintenance workers).
Isn't this behemoth property of the Department of Dysfunctional Emergency Services? Now there's a psychology experiment waiting to happen.
What do you mean???
Anon 8:40
Go to www.dictionary.com and look it up. Then, when you go to work tomorrow, compare what you read to what you see. Comprende?
You spell dysfunctional like this: S a n d y S i l v i a and
G a r y C h a t f i e l d. (I am sorry, I meant useless).
Someone needs to get out there and polish those aluminum rims. Why on earth go to the expense of having them if you are not going to maintain them.
Well folks it's all about empires and control.
I have a question, who controls all the Homeland Security dollars that are fed to Wicomico County?
Anonymous said...
Well folks it's all about empires and control.
I have a question, who controls all the Homeland Security dollars that are fed to Wicomico County?
10:52 AM
Uh.... can u say Sandy Sylvia!!
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