Now This Was A Treat! Coming from New York City, looking at old buildings and especially custom plaster work, that's something I truly enjoy. When I was invited to go to the 7th Floor of One Plaza East to look at this old Ball Room was the highlight of my day!
I learned some interesting things about this building yesterday. When the building was in the design stage, they hired a Contractor out of the Chicago area to do the building. Originally there was supposed to be only 6 floors to the Hotel, (that's what it was built to be) but as they were raising money, they came up with additional funds to add a 7th floor and that's when they came up with a Big Band Room and a Ball Room. I fell asleep at the wheel on this one because if I had seen this 6 months ago, I would have bought it, seriously! It has been purchased by someone and with any hope they'll bring it back to its original state?
The original floor is actually concrete and the studs in the entire building are steel. The concrete floor was too loud to those staying in rooms below, so they built another floor above it to insulate the sound.
The views are just spectacular from up there, perhaps I'll post some of those pictures next? Nevertheless, this is a piece of history I have never seen and I thought I'd share it with all of you. Hopefully comments will follow with everyone's experience and maybe we'll even get lucky enough to hear from those who remember that room from back in the day when Bands were jamming and Ball Room Dancing was the in thing?
I love the detail that was put into rooms such as the one here. The only other rooms such as this that I have seen is in Williamburg, Va. I love to take tours of the old buildings in Williamsburg and if they ever open this one up to the public I would love to see it.
My brother-in-law and his wife had their wedding reception there in 1955. I have attended many dances there until it was closed. Originally, when I heard the Ramada (across from hospital) was going to be built, I misunderstood and thought they had bought the old hotel to restore and was so disappointed when that was not the case. So many in Salisbury have some fond memories of that ballroom.
Basement? Is the basement still usable? We took Ballroom dancing down there.
If in fact there is a Jesus this room (building)will be allowed to become a restored hotel with rooftop casino. As a savvy old soul looking at the abandoned chairs around this table I am reminded of the "Executive Card Game" episode of The Sopranos (featuring a cameo by the Chair-Boy of The Board). Where can I buy-in? Phil Leotardo.
How sad this pride in craftmanship is no longer in use today. Everything is moulded in plastic crap and nailed up on a wall. Take a ride down Camden Ave and look at the beauty of the porches alone. The cornice work is breathtaking. Then again, you must be able to appreciate the beauty of the work as well as the pride taken in the work by the crafter.
The truth is we are a tear down and throw away society today. That is why I love to go to England. They have so much history and we tear ours down. Our firehouse across from the Library should be kept as our old police department. Shame, Shame
I hope this isn't just left to moulder like the old Boulevard.
The way Salisbury (and its mayor) pays lip service to the importance of history, then just lets it rot to demolition (The old Wicomico theater, the Salisbury Mall, the Bouldevard...) is just sickening.
Yep,---- Back in the mid 50's we use to take ballroom dancing in the basement of the Ole Wicomico Hotel (in the area of the Blue Coach Inn)and when we had our annual recital for family and friends, it was held in the Ballroom. W O W --- What a treat for everyone!!! The ballroom was beautiful and as a kid the view from the windows overlooking Salisbury was spectacular.
The ballroom dancing course was taught by Mrs. Peyton Zieger
Oh God, yes I remember that well. All that money my mom paid for those lessons that I hated every Saturday night( or was it Friday)?
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