A Newsletter for Citizens from Salisbury City Council Members Deborah S. Campbell and Terry E. Cohen
February 15, 2008

Debbie Campbell
Debbie Campbell's fiscal management and research experience has resulted in millions of dollars for affordable housing programs throughout the country, including the City of Salisbury. She serves as the director of Special Projects for NHSA-CDFI, a national affordable housing lender.
Debbie's passion for service to local citizens led to her role today as a council member, built on a foundation of work with programs such as Weed and Seed
and continued through her efforts with the Wicomico Neighborhood Congress.
This record of service, including 15 years in affordable housing, resulted in Debbie's selection as one of Maryland's Top 100 Women for 2007.

Terry Cohen
Throughout most of her adult life, Terry Cohen has been an advocate for citizens and a leader in her community, championing issues instead of ideologies and putting the public interest above political gamesmanship.
In 1984 at age 26, she was appointed by the governor to a state commission to guide policy affecting the economic, legal and societal well-being of Maryland
citizens and their families. She was reappointed by the next governor in 1988.
Today, Terry brings her experience in legislative affairs and an extensive background in business (from small companies to Fortune 500 corporations),
education, technology and government to serve citizens from all walks of life.
Good News About Bad News
from the Audit Report:
Driving Positive Change
After years of late city audits and limited discussion about them, Debbie Campbell's dedication to the importance of an audit and sound management of taxpayer money has paid off, aided by Terry Cohen's added voice of fiscal responsibility and
accountability on the council. Here, Campbell and Cohen discuss their specific efforts to bring about positive change.
On February 14, our hard work on behalf of the citizens and taxpayers of Salisbury paid off. Council had a productive work session and arrived at consensus on a number of important next steps to rectify the growing problem of financial mismanagement in our city. This problem has escalated in recent years, according to our audit reports.
1. We responded to the administration's request for staffing in the Internal Services Department without unsoundly throwing bodies or money at a problem before we've determined its root cause. In the short term, the current auditor will provide personnel to bring up to date delinquent reconciliations as far back as
August 2007.
2. We successfully advocated for bidding the services of a regional auditor to examine the city's financial status, as well as the long-term staffing needs for
efficient and reliable operation of our city's financial department. This will result in recommendations to remedy the financial mismanagement that has plagued the city for years.
3. We ensured that the 5-year competitive bid process provided for in the charter was honored with a decision to bid out the annual audit.
The city still has funds illegally deposited in an uninsured/uncollateralized account. Unfortunately, the council president adjourned the meeting early,
before we could address charter changes needed to increase accountability and restore checks and balances. We will continue to pursue these important
components to ensure the health, efficiency and soundness of our financial and governmental operations.
A Special Note for Homeowners About the Homeowners Tax Credit
A change in state law to reduce tax fraud now requires homeowners to apply for their Homeowners Tax Credit, instead of receiving it automatically. You'll find the application form in your Maryland property tax assessment notice this month. To be eligible, you must answer five (5) questions on the application attesting to your home's use as your primary residence. This is a ONE-TIME application, but it
must be filed by April 1, 2008. To file electronically, go to:
Look on left side of this site under property owners for additional information.
Homestead Tax Credit Questions: www.dat.state.md.us/sdatweb/Homestead_app.htm I seem to be having trouble with this link. I'm told if you copy it and paste it, it should work.
Homestead Eligibility Application:
Also remember on your Maryland tax return to note thatyou live within the incorporated limits of Salisbury.
"The City did not prepare timely, accurate, and complete reconciliations of all cash and investment accounts....The lack of timely reconciliations and reviews...has impaired the City's ability to report reliable financial data." -- Trice Geary & Myers LLC Certified Public Accountants/Business Consultants
To read more, contact Campbell or Cohen for copies of the audit communications or internal control letter.
Moving Annexation Policy Forward with Affordable Housing
Councilwomen Campbell and Cohen have continued their efforts to improve annexation policy in Salisbury. They requested a special council meeting, held on
December 12, with the city's annexation consultant, Chris Jakubiak. During this meeting, language advocated by both councilwomen was tightened for the protection of the city and its citizens. A change in contract process recommended by Cohen was added.
Out of this meeting came a request for Campbell to provide a list of resources for affordable housing. Campbell explained that, in the process of obtaining the most current information regarding state resources, an opportunity evolved to bring the state's experts to Salisbury for a forum with developers interested in providing affordable and workforce housing for the citizens of Salisbury. Additionally,
Campbell shared a vision of how to significantly leverage developer contributions from the annexation process.
The model would provide a continuous financing mechanism in perpetuity for affordable housing and neighborhood revitalization in the city, without the
duplication of, or competition with, already successful and available non-profit services and resources in the city that would be encountered with the formation of a city-owned/managed community development corporation (CDC). The model also
maximizes the developer contributions for their intended purposes and could attract additional outside resources. Campbell credits a diverse group of volunteers with thinking through the mechanism needed to make the model a reality for the city. She is also convening an affordable housing forum for local developers on March 6.
Tenants, Homeowners Can Benefit from Rental Registration Information Now Online
Councilwomen Campbell and Cohen both urged the posting of current rental unit registration and landlord licensing information online. Tenants and homeowners
alike are excited about the easy access to information that should assist in assuring safe, code-complaint rental units in the city. Go to:
is it just me, or is debbie campbell one hot councilwoman
Ms.Campbell and Ms. Cohen have again moved out ahead on behalf of the citizens by putting out a newsletter. They are two forward-thinking, intelligent Council members who put citizens and the City first in everything they do. They have style and substance; something which the others would do well to note.
Louise fails miserably in her PAC 14 debute; she is stiff, rehearsed and just can't get it right. Barrie, of course, trys but falls flat in her PAC14 propaganda attempts. She truly needs to take some sort of training 'cause she just doesn't have the face or manner for t.v. at all.
Kudos to this Dynamic Duo!
Now it is up to us to support the only ones looking out for the taxpayers.
Thanx for all you do!!!
Campbell and Cohen are Women Of Substance, and what's not to love?
Each has beauty, brains and bravado. Who else stands up to Barrie like these two? And they do it with facts, poise and truth.
Campbell/Cohen have everything Barrie, Louise, Shanie and Gary wish they had but, truth be told, this Gang of Four has not an ounce of either quality.
C & C:
Mucho kudos!
Vox Populi
Debbie and Terry:
Illegitimi non carborundum!
Anon 1103, I spewed coffee all over when I read your comment. LOL how very appropriate.
Watch Barrie strike back in her next "State of the City" speech. The "Dirty Dozen" will be ditched for the "Dirty Duo".
The Mayor needs to be more worried about her own self being her own worst enemy.
"I take full responsibility."
Yeah. Okay. Whatever. Sure.
these women of substance deserve much for their unflappable demeanor at most council meetings and in general. trouble is that the bastards could get 'em down.
let's hope not.
more power to 'em!
"Campbell/Cohen have everything Barrie, Louise, Shanie and Gary wish they had..."
yeah, BALLS!
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