Gordy & See aren't finished with you yet! After screwing the Taxpayers into spending more money per square foot than almost any other Fire Station in the United States, they're back for more. No, I'm not talking about their $800,000.00 Fire Boat, that's another con job. I'm talking about not one, but TWO new Fire Stations.
They have been BS'ing everyone by suggesting they want to remodel Station II but that's NOT the case at all. In fact, they want to build a brand new Station right next door to the old one and, (are you ready) put the Old Station up as a surplus item too! I wonder what Bill Ahtes plans to do with that one?
Oh, I'm NOT finished yet. They also want to build a brand new Station on Naylor Mill Road. This Station will service the North end of the City.
Now let's see. The City bonds out $10,000,000.00 for the Station above, as if that wasn't bad enough. Then the Mayor suddenly has this need to raise taxes by 14%, all the while there's $19,000,000.00 floating around in accounts several Idiots FORGOT to reconcile into their accounts. HOW CONVENIENT! Now LOOK, all of a sudden were cash liquid and what better time to SCREW the Taxpayers than to suggest two more money makers, (whoops, sorry) expensive Fire Stations without the Fire Fighters raising a PENNY towards supporting it.
This whole thing reminds me of the Zoo. How stupid are the Taxpayers after all? I mean, the Zoo isn't raising next to nothing to be self supportive and how dare someone ask that they ask an admission to help the Taxpayers during rough times. Then comes the Fire Department and their wants, not needs. Now is NOT the time to be throwing money around like it's made on trees.
So why haven't you seen this story in The Daily Times? Well, it truly doesn't matter any more because Salisbury News is now bigger than they are anyway. So IF the Mayor thinks it will get covered up and no one will be listening any more, she's dead wrong. "Enough Is Enough!"
UPDATE: I forgot to mention, they want them BOTH built by 2010!!!!! Will Barrie Tilghman shove these two down the taxpayers throats right away before she's booted out of Office?
You're right Joe! Enough IS enough!!! But, in all honesty, I sure see the need for a fire station on the North side now. Maybe, they can pick up Station 16 and move it up there?
A. Goetz
Fire Fighters raising a PENNY towards supporting it.
Why should I raise the $.I already donate enough time to the city what do you donate Joe?You can't even pay your water bill.,
Once again you only report half of the story. The plan for a station on the North end of the city has been in the works long before the See/Gordy administration. If you'd bother to verify your information first before you post things you'd have a more credible site. When station 1 was remodeled several years ago it was also in the works to do the same for station 2 on Brown street but monies could not be secured. I'm sure this type of rebuttal doesn't meet your needs so I won't be surprised if it doesn't appear. As far as a new building being put up across the street, it is being looked into by the 'volunteer' corporation. Why don't you inquire about the rental properties that the volunteer corporation of station 2 has on Brown Street??? Oh, by the way, before I'm accused by you, I am not in the fire service but am familiar with the fire serice in the county. PLEASE STOP TRYING TO MAKE SOMETHING OUT OF NOTHING.
Oh, I'm NOT wrong! Gordy simply doesn't want this out and certainly you're NOT in the know.
This is once again breaking news that is again hard to swallow, but true. My source is the very best you could ask for and doesn't make mistakes.
Swallow it and learn from it because I'm right on with this story.
Trust me, Larry Dodd DOES make mistakes.
This sounds just like a letter that was in the Ocean City Today and Dispatch written by J. Harrison Phillips, III .
Politics Ruining OC
After much thought, soul searching, conversations with my wife, family and close friends, I made the decision that I can no longer sit back and allow politics to continue to ruin our community. I am not “a come here”. I have lived all my life in Ocean City. When I finished college and law school, it was my desire and decision to come back to the wonderful community where I was raised to help contribute to the continued health, safety and welfare of its citizens. Never did I imagine our future would become molded by the politics and greed that has surfaced.
We have elected a mayor and certain councilpersons, allowing them to remain in office indefinitely, who have their own agendas. No thought is given to the taxpayers or citizens and how their decisions will affect our future. In the past several years they have managed to turn our family resort into a place where families can no longer afford to visit and bring their children. Their ideas are to tear down to build bigger. Now our family resort is overloaded with empty expensive condos, ($1,000,000 plus price tags). Most of the family friendly affordable restaurants and shops have been replaced by these condos.
The council’s latest “project” is to ignore our 100 years plus Ocean City Volunteer Fire Company’s (OCVFC) needs over the paid fire EMS supervisor. What a slap in the face to not only our OCVFC, but also our taxpayers, residents and citizens. A paid fire company could cost the taxpayers many more dollars per year. We are talking about union paid personnel. This has been a wonderful job of manipulation on the part of the mayor and his “cronies”. Little by little, piece by piece, this has been accomplished to the detriment of our community. The OCVFC's service to our community has been above reproach. Its members have been dedicated and caring. The members have sacrificed time with their families to insure the health and safety and welfare of our community for more than 100 years. Shame on you Mayor and City Council for the stance you have taken. What a slap in the face to our Ocean City Volunteer Fire Company, our most cherished asset.
In case your readers are unaware, this is a result of the Mayor and Council last week passing a no confidence vote to our OCVFC. When the Mayor and City Council were faced with the OCVFC problems that were coming forth with the Fire/EMS Director their response has been work it out. How dare the mayor and council ignore our volunteer firemen by not addressing their needs. Remember these men and women volunteer their time for their satisfaction is protecting the health, safety and welfare of our community and for nothing else.
It is about time we come forward, speak up and question the actions of our elected officials. We must make sure their decisions are not made behind closed doors in secret and that we, the taxpayers and citizens use our voice by exercising it.
J. Harrison Phillips, III
Ocean City
Why doesn't the County and City, just once, decide to do something that is in the best interest of both.
If a north end station is necessary now would be the time to consider a Public Safety Complex.
This location could provide a new and necessary location for; 911,Sheriffs Office,house the old fire station on Naylor St(?)expand that stations capability to service the north end of town, in addition to and emergency ops ctr.
For once I would love to see this county get its head out of it's a-- and do the right thing.
Oh, almost forgot they could build a grude for the patrotic chicken mobile.
Anonymous said...
You're right Joe! Enough IS enough!!! But, in all honesty, I sure see the need for a fire station on the North side now. Maybe, they can pick up Station 16 and move it up there?
A. Goetz
10:31 AM
They had one offered to them but it was turned down by the fire department. Gordy and See didn't want it. The old Montgomery Wards auto garage at the Center of Salisbury Mall was offered to them. How stupid of someone to turn down something free like that.
why doesn't the city go with several small station around with an engine with a duty crew, and ems, then have a larger stations to be back up. A 40x60 pole building is more then enough to hold a engine and ems unit. this would make faster shorter response time to get fast control over a situation.
"This has been a wonderful job of manipulation on the part of the mayor and his “cronies”. Little by little, piece by piece, this has been accomplished to the detriment of our community. The OCVFC's service to our community has been above reproach. Its members have been dedicated and caring. The members have sacrificed time with their families to insure the health and safety and welfare of our community for more than 100 years. Shame on you Mayor and City Council for the stance you have taken. What a slap in the face to our Ocean City Volunteer Fire Company, our most cherished asset."
I'm not going to delve into the details of this argument again, but to state what has occurred is the fault of the council is somewhat ludicrous.
Just because you volunteer your time, doesn't mean you're above reproach. And if people knew the true facts behind how the fire service actually works in OC, I don't think you'd see this argument brought up again.
It wasn't a vote of 'no confidence' towards the OCVFC, it was a vote against electing a volunteer chief to oversee all career personnel in a day. If you don't think that request was ridiculous, I don't think reason or logic is going to appeal to you.
Anonymous said...
Fire Fighters raising a PENNY towards supporting it.
Why should I raise the $.I already donate enough time to the city what do you donate Joe?You can't even pay your water bill.,
10:50 AM
Just a minute--How do you know whether Joe pays his water bill or not. The fact you are putting this out there raises a couple of questions for me.
1)If you work for the city, specifically in the Payables office, the fact that you make it a point to look at someone's account says to me that there is no such thing as confidentiality. Now, before you come at me, I realize that you have to print late bills and that necessitates looking at an account, but I can't believe that the citizenry cannot expect to have a modicum of privacy. I bet if the Mare hadn't paid her bill, you wouldn't be saying this.
2) If you don't work for the city, but instead have someone on the inside to tell you this information, I question their ethics. In my job, I have TONS of information I have to keep confidential, so I know how to keep my mouth shut, regardless of who asks.
SOMEONE needs to be looking at how someone's personal information is getting out like this
I thank you and believe you're right on target. However, since they want to go public with this information, allow me to state clearly exactly what's going on here.
While the winter months came upon us, I chose to have the water turned off at 300 W. Main Street because the building is vacant and I'm not going to run the heat throughout the winter for no reason.
Look, if I had something to hide and couldn't afford to pay the bill, believe me, I would have been very upset about such said statements. That's simply not the case. The water is OFF and they CANNOT bill me the bogus amount of money they were charging me while the building was vacant, yet my bill was still through the roof. It is cheaper to have them shut it down and fine me than it is keeping the water running and NOT being used.
So I killed two birds with one stone. The Anti Albero Bloggers think they have one up on me but the fools are actually the City Employees, once again furthering proof that more than likely Barrie Tilghman has encouraged the Anti Albero Bloggers, meaning it could in fact be someone within the GOB.
Many Law Enforcement people firmly believe other Law Enforcement people are also behind those other Blogs and again, they get next to no hits and are getting nowhere fast anyway. I've been at this long enough to roll all of it off my back and I couldn't care less.
All that being said, I respect where you're going and quite frankly what they are stating is illegal. But hey, so what, who cares. I did what I did because I'm smarter than their system. However, watch Barrie Tilghman now change all the rules like she has at the Zoo and even Council Meetings. I'm used to it, no big deal.
"Teacher"lady: It's not personal information. IT'S PUBLIC INFORMATION.
Are you implying that William Gordy isn't an honest, trust worthy man? If so, I AGREE!
Public Servant said...
"Teacher"lady: It's not personal information. IT'S PUBLIC INFORMATION.
3:17 PM
BTW, It's Teacherlady, no quotes around "Teacher". I have my license, and am working. Whatever.
So, let me get this straight--I could call up the Water Department tomorrow morning, and they would tell me whether or not the Mare was current on her bills and taxes? I think I'll get right on that after school.
While you are making that phone call Teacherlady, call Public Works and ask them how many man hours were charged to the city for having Public Works build the Mayors deck at her house on Monitor Court. Ask who paid for the materials to build that deck.
If you know that the city was billed for time and materials to build Barrie's deck, you need to report it.
Anonymous said...
why doesn't the city go with several small station around with an engine with a duty crew, and ems, then have a larger stations to be back up. A 40x60 pole building is more then enough to hold a engine and ems unit. this would make faster shorter response time to get fast control over a situation.
1:20 PM
That is an excellent idea, but the Bullshit already fed to us led us to believe we don't need anymore stations. That is the reason we paid over $10 million dollars for that McMansion in the ghetto. Remember how it was such a great idea to consolidate everything in one location. Remember how that was the best strategy to centrally locate everything. How soon the peasants forget. The best thing you city folks can do is to invest all of your energy into pulling off a successful recall ASAP. It can be done!!!
The volunteer corp. has rental properties on Brown St.????
Under what name? Where?
What is this about using city personnel to build the mayor's deck? And about materials paid for by (?).
When was all this supposed to have happened?
If you know that the city was billed for time and materials to build Barrie's deck, you need to report it.
Report it to who? Chief Webster? I don't think so
Don't report it to Chief Webster, but it needs to be reported. I think the office of the Maryland Attorney General would be the place. You will need an approximate date when the deck was constructed, who worked on it (if you know), etc. She will be asked who built the deck, but I don't think a contractor would be willing to say he did it and risk losing his license, a heavy fine and possible jail time for perjury.
Delmar's already got plans in the works for a substation on the north end of town, in MD.
No new project of any magnitude should be initiated until the budget fiasco is fixed, and all accounts are reconciled, moneys are not out in limbo, moneys are in secured accounts, and policies are in place and are being carried out that safeguards the public $ and trust. There should not be the amounts of money unnacounted for and miraculously showing up after repeated and pointed and relentless probing by some on the council. The city should also rid itself of geary and that accounting firm, and get a completely different one to clean up everything like the county has just done. I vote NO for any major new capital expenditures until all this is resolved.
Could someone please ask Barrie about the deck issue at the meeting?
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