Talk about being a complete biotch! Last Saturday morning around 8:00 AM, Mayor Barrie Tilghman picked up the telephone and called the Pastor of their Church. No, not to get her sins off her chest. Mayor Tilghman called her Pastor because wouldn't you know it, the Ruark Family goes to the same Church and Mayor Barie Tilghman was "GLOATING" over Davis Ruark's arrest.
Yes Barrie, you are the scum of the earth and you'll stoop lower than anyone I have ever known or met. Scumbag comes to mind. This has been confirmed by three sources, so a lawsuit over such is out of reach, UNLESS Barrie wants the truth to become even further exposed?
To the Ruark Family, forgive me for ANY more exposure on this matter but this woman needs to be cut down to size and this is just the place to do it. You won't read about this kind of stuff in The Daily Rag, which by the way JUST arrived at 7:40 AM.
I hope I can help in any way possible to get this woman booted out of Office. That being said, there's a meeting at 10:00 AM at 300 W. Main Street to recall the Mayor if anyone is interested? Turn your cameras on Chiefy! LMAO!
Joe I think we all need to get together and have this picture blown up and put on billboards all over Berrietown as welcome posters for all to see . It amazes me when I talk with customers of mine all over this area that have no idea this kind of crap is going on in their own city ! This woman has got to go , but that will only happen when the great folks of this area wake up and get rid of her . Then and only then respect can be restored to SALISBURY . Her childish games go alot deeper than flipping Joe off at a council meeting and now this just proves it .
Scumbag, cumbucket, what's the difference. She in a SKANK from the word go and her personal hygiene is attrocious. When I walk past her I think I am near a fish market.
You know she's only trying to bad mouth Davis for the mistake he made because she spends everyday making worse ones then Davis EVER would dream of making!...so why not take the attention off her sorry ass self!
Lets all show up with Richard Nixon masks on.
Would she put her hand on a bible in that same church and swear she has never driven after having had alcohol to drink?
It's unfortunate that someone who needs as much forgiveness as she does would delight in the tragedies of others. Her minister must be gratified to see how many of his sermons have reached her. The ultimate hypocrisy is that she would condemn a fellow drinker. Truly, she needs much less power and much more therapy.
It's only a matter of time before she gets popped for the same thing. She does love her JD!!
I just KNEW Barrie would dance at the news about Davis.
I don't know how you got this information, but it's wholly believable.
She walks into Allen Memorial Baptist Church like she owns the place. Barrie Tilghman has no shame or conscience. She hates Davis and has let that be known. One of her many reasons is Davis allowed her precious boarding school brat to be tried in a court of law. Yes, she is gloating. FOR NOW.
Be careful Barrie, what goes around comes around. The entire membership of AMC is not on your side. Keep watching over your shoulder, your circle of friends is getting smaller by the day.
There is a serious breakdown in both our city and county governments at the taxpayors expense. Alleged theft, moneys in unsecured accounts, moneys missing and then being found,budget fiasco, wwtp problems, conflict of interest(ala the liquor board, people with alleged serious drinking problems making policy (not just Ruark), alleged home improvements on taxpayor dime and on and on.
I do applaud Mr. Pollitt's stand on hiring forensic accountants to get to the bottom of the landfill mess---and it might as well continue to audit the rest.
What is Mrs.Tilghman doing to get her house in order? Other than lip service. I am sorry-but she needs to step down. Not recall--Just step down. Any organization's tone is set from the top. She has had how many years to get it right, or at least show improvement. The city under her leadership style has continued its downhill slide. Sadly.
It appears there truly must be something in the water in this town and county-----many of our public servants are morally bankrupt. It is all coming out what a sad, defunct, bunch of leaders(?) we have had setting policy for us poor peons. White collar crime, good ole boys, drunks, and carousers takin care of business. Makes me proud to be from here.
Many of us have absolutely NO CONFIDENCE in your (?)leadership.
Your questionable ethics and style of governing have only widened the divide and contributed to the decline of this town. There is a pathetic ethos that is pervasive in the leadership in the city. (in all fairness, the county, too). At least in the county, the Executive and the Sheriff appear to be trying to reign in some of the wrong doings.
Joe Average Citizen demands change.
Watch Barrie scramble now that she knows the FEDS are in the building. Those Federal agents happen to be more than qualified in detecting CORRUPTION and FRAUD. Have you had your office soundproofed yet Barrie? Is your shredder working overtime? I hope Albero is right there the day they take you and your crooked chief of police out in cuffs. The sun will surely shine on Salisbury on that day.
Takes one to know one, is an old saying that seeems to fit here. BPT ahould step down now and take the three monkeys on the Council with her at the same time! Enough is really Enough!
A. Goetz
For officials to decide not to step down, they must be convinced that their tenure contributes positively to the community they serve. How can that be the case in Salisbury? Nobody can drink enough to make themselves believe that!
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