Last Thursday evening during a Salisbury City Council Work Session a multitude of new issues came up with Pam Oland and Herb Geary.
We are currently 3/4 of the way into this year and the City, (Pam Oland) has only reconciled the books up till August, 2007! That's like not balancing your own check book since last August!
Why hasn't the Council had meetings about the Year To Date Budget to actual, to what was projected up till March?
Then there's the major concern referencing Unsecured Accounts. For the past three years, (could be much longer) Councilwoman Campbell has been bringing up the concern referencing tons of taxpayers money being placed illegally in Unsecured Accounts. While we have seen what can happen in the Banking Industry, the Savings & Loan crisis, the City, Mayor or Finance Department have been on notice for this illegal activity and when asked Thursday night if this has been cleared up and or are there and more Unsecured Accounts, Pam Oland stated 1 has been corrected, 1 has not.
This floored Herb Geary as he was obviously unaware of there being a NEW Unsecured Account. Trice Geary knew this was a hot topic in the past and could not believe the City would be so irresponsible again to allow it to continue, especially since it had been red flagged.
The Unsecured Account is a new account and Pam Oland responded to Mrs. Campbell by stating, It isn't a problem unless the Bank goes belly up. How dare Pam Oland be so irresponsible with Taxpayers money!
In closing, Louise Smith should have demanded Pam Oland be terminated immediately. Considering this has been an ongoing situation, Pam Oland is proving time and time again as an alleged CPA, she doesn't belong running this Department for one second longer.
The Tilghman Administration is failing miserably and with any hope, outside resources like The Attorney Generals Office will in fact step in and protect the Citizens of Salisbury.
On WICO this morning, Bill Reddish did an excellent "View Across the River" commentary on the audit/budget mess in Salisbury. If you didn't hear it, maybe he will send an audio file if requested.
Let's hope that Ms. Oland was better at counting chickens and eggs in her former job, and that she will return to that position.
What does(or will)it take to correct this fiasco? This borders on the surreal and unbelievable! After all the brew-ha-ha I find it totally unnacceptable there should be more unsecured $ in accounts. Or money in unsecured accounts. When and where does the buck stop?
OMG--What did the Council recommend once this little tidbit came to light? I cannot believe Pam will continue after this. Enough is Enough. That department needs to be straightened out NOW!
ANON++4:35,4:43 Answer is removal of the MAYOR.
I have spoken to a former Montgomery county finance employee, she told me it's not just the city charter, that it is a state law that all taxpayers monies be kept in secure accounts.
Did anybody catch what Debbie Campbell said on the 6 PM news tonight -- it was on WBOC, I believe?
Aside from Oland's absolute disregard for basic accounting procedures, she has failed totally in her fiduciary responsiblities. She is the custodian of public funds and she is vested with the duty to protect those funds. With this continued pattern of irresponsibility and mismangement of her department, why is she being allowed to stay employed? She has failed completely in her job--on every level. She has NO credibility now, with the Council and with the citizens. When a department head/accountant loses credibility, there is no need to stay on.
Yep, Pam needs to go along with the mayor and her three monkeys, as well. Boy, the nerve of these people. Don't they realize they are playing with real money that belongs to us citizens? Time for that recall is now!!!!!
A. Goetz
Who hired this twitt????????????
Friend of the mare's daughter. nepotism, cronyism at it's finest i can smell it from here
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