Ladies & Gentlemen, what you are about to read is yet another major cause as to who and how the Wicomico River is being polluted. I was told, "Your friend Rai Sharma had a big hand in the whole thing. All the run off from the Landfill goes right into the Wicomico River and I can tell you how he did it and where to find it."
I listened to Mr. Rick Pollitt this morning on Bill Reddish and once again Rick is claiming Rai Sharma had nothing to do with what's going on in Wicomico County. At the risk of being wrong, I'm telling you he allegedly does have his hands in it and this seriously concerns me for Mr. Pollitt's sake. Mr. Pollitt included Sheriff Mike Lewis into that equasion stating Sheriff Lewis does not believe Rai is involved either. I think Mr. Pollitt should let Sheriff Lewis speak for himself, respectfully. You mark my words right here and now Ladies & Gentlemen, I said it here first and weeks from now you're all going to say, Albero was right.
Is Rai Connected? Follow the bouncing ball............
"Google a map for 28672 Old Quantico RD.
Go out Nanticoke Road, take the first right Old Quantico Rd Rt 815 , walk down the lane that goes between the third and fourth house on the right. Beauchamp owns this property which used to belong to me. There is a huge metal covered spillway there. All the water from the dump eventually goes through there, under Nanticoke Rd. into Parsons Lake under Fitzwaters Street by the City pumping station and out to the river.
When I moved back to Salisbury in 69 there were chicken parts and grease floating on top of this lake coming from Mardel By Products. Are you familiar with them? They were located where I think the county now uses the building for recycling paper etc at the end of Brickiln Rd before the road crosses the railroad tracks. I fought Mardel By Products using the Environmental groups in Annapolis and we caught them red handed pumping chicken mess till it started to flow downhill and into a drain that goes under the road and back into the lake.I took jars of the mess to the County Council Meetings and threatened to uncap and let them smell what was in the jars. I didn't have to....They knew what it was. The health department claimed it was oyster quality water :) Yeah, right. They were supposed to be treating the water but they weren't because they always knew when the inspectors were coming and they treated it then. When they got my complaints they would come down unannounced and they finally caught them. Old history but at least you know the back ground because it gave the County an idea .
Drive up Brickiln Rd. to the first house on the left.There is an old barn in the back yard if it hasn't fallen down and a dip in the road. That is where the water went under Brickiln Rd and into the lake.That is where the old spring that fed the lake was located near the barn. Our lake was all private property... we owned the bottom of the lake. They fouled the lake by pumping the polluted mess on top of the spring. Long story and short story is I made their life a living hell calling Annapolis until they sold the plant .I thought my worries were over. Not so because the County bought the old Mardel Property. In six months the lake cleared up and was almost normal but not for long..
Sometime later I noticed on one of my many trips to the dump a group of men digging a ditch from the right side (dump side) to the left side under Brickiln Rd. It was kind of an odd thing to watch because you could barely see the men's heads because the ditch they were digging was so deep and there were so many men... at least a dozen or more. I called Rai Sharma and he said what they were doing was cleaning out and existing ditch.
A few months later we had a big 5 inch rain.... and the road between the two ponds was under water with fish flopping on top of the road. We could not use the road with the car...My father who built the lakes all the way to Fitzwater St. always told me not to worry about flooding because there was no way they would ever flood and we had many 5 inch rains before. I spent three weeks of my vacation poking in all the pipes trying to find out what was stopping up to no avail. Because we owned the pond we called the State's Road commission and asked them to lower the pond . At one time we had our own wheel and could do it our self. When they lowered the pond so we could work on the spillway we got the answer very quickly. The pipe was not stopped up at all... It was full of water coming through and was taking all the water it could handle. From that point on I was lied to and made to feel like I was stupid by Mr.Sharma. Eventually after numerous run ins with Sharma the County asked for an easement, installed the metal spillway and an 18 inch pipe to replace the 8 inch pipe that was there.
In the end it allowed Sharma to drain the land his Public Works Bldg. is on and ultimately the dump.
The ditch that takes the water from the dump is just before where the road makes a sharp right , It is in between the railroad tracks and Brickiln Rd."
The photos above, (provided by an outside source) show the different ponds, lakes and even pump station that in fact forces the water from a lake far below the ponds, into the ponds and then they run off from there, ultimately to the Wicomico River.
As I'm sure you'll be hearing lots more about this in the near future, I contacted the MDE and they have yet to return my call. How much do you want to bet they'll be calling in about an hour or so? Nevertheless, between the Salisbury WWTP and the Wicomico County Landfill, it's time everyone crack down on the MDE and get them working. dpushkar@mde.state.md.us is one of the main contacts.
Stories like this come along and must be taken seriously. Obviously this person is in the know, just like my source two years ago referencing the Sludge Pit at the WWTP. It doesn't mater WHO they are. It simply matters that something is done about it. I chose to publish this letter for accountability purposes. I want to make sure everyone is aware of the problem and locations so nothing can all of a sudden change.
This information is in the hands of the County Executive and the Sheriff. So why are people coming to Salisbury News first, rather then the Daily Times? Because we not only report it, we get something done about it as well.
Thank goodness you are on the job, but I am starting to wonder where the honest people in county government are. Does everyone either use the system for personal or at least know others who are doing so but remain silent? It seems all are either corrupt or observers of corruption.
I have called MDE, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, and numerous other environmental groups in regard to the proposed 6 foot pipe dumping unfiltered drainage into the river recently passed by Barrie and 3/5ths of council, NOONE has called back or seemed interested in the least. I will NEVER donate money to "Save the Bay", they could care less. Wonder if they will even care about this?
As slow as they moved on the WWTP and the way they never moved on ASAP dumping sewage on fields, I wouldn't count on anything from them. Yet another department that needs an enema.
I too did some google earth and saw that the Delmar water treatment plant discharge ends up the river also.
OMG...You know that just about every kind of chemical or hazard bio-waste you can imagine ends up at the landfill, even if people are illegally dumping.
People put who knows what in their trash cans to be collected by garbage trucks and dumped at the landfill. Are we becoming another "Love Canal?" You know the community in NY or NJ that was one big toxic waste dump.
Something that big just doesn't get done without the attention of supervisors unless they were turning their heads.
you may want to have that water tested befor you speak. you will find that is ground water and is FULL of fish as for the pump in the picture, its used to pump FRESH ground water from the borrow pit. Please get the water teasted, you'll see
Joe at least we know it's in good hands with the Sheriff, Rick I have to question.
Has anyone called the EPA on these issues. The MDE is another waste of taxpayer money!!
Why are they pumping fresh ground water? Is it to water down the pollution that seeps from the landfill into that newly created storm pond that drains ultimately into the river?
For those of you that have been around for a long time, remember how furious we were with Govenor Schaffer when he declared us "the cesspool of Maryland". Well folks, it looks like he was right!!
And they have done studies to see why people on the eastern shore have a high rate of cancer. No doubt, so did the folks at Love Canal.
Well, this sheds more light on the problems out here on the Shore. I would suggest someone check on Rai's plans for the next few days to be sure he doesn't leave the U. S. for his home country, especially if he is involved in all of this, and I'm not saying I think he is, but we best find out soon.
A. Goetz
I find it hard to beleive tha Rai Sharma is completely innocent of having a hand in, or knoweledge of, the recent theft and/or this. So which is it? Was he clueless all these years and should of been gone long ago OR did he know and get a "kick back" to look the other way? ....Accountability.
Come on! Everyone in their right mind knows Rai had to know something about this. If for some reason he didn't he certainly didn't need to be in the job he was and let those guys steal right under his nose. You can't tell me a man that has run that office for 30 plus years doesn't know when someone stole almost a million dollars. If I didn't have anything to do with I wouldn't have jumped ship that quick, I would have made sure everyone knew I didn't have anything to do with it, but no Rai resigns 3 days into the public knowing. Sounds like a guilty man to me.
being allowed to retire was a gift to mr sharma!
It is amazing that everyone thinks that the Wicomico Sheriff's Dept is the only agency involved in the investigation of the landfill deal. The WBI (Wicomico Bureau of Investigations) which includes MSP is working on the investigation but are not getting any credit for it. We just keep seeing the Sheriff on tv and not giving anyone else any credit.
I included the WBI in my comments. I believe Joe did also. This problem may cross several more jurisdictions before it's over.
You should address the other news sources who aren't.
You people are just looking for things to find fault in. That water is fresh ground water that is pumped out of a pit that the landfill digs material out of to "cap" the landfill. The landfill cells have liners in them to keep the bad stuff from polluting the ground water. Im sure back in the day such liners didnt exist however, I believe steps were made to address that issue also. The pit which is pumped down is full of fish. It must be pumped down so the excavator can still dig out material. (otherwise it would be filled with water) Mr. Albero, I dont think you are right on this one but if it makes you all feel good to be paranoid feel free to use your imaginations. BYW there are numerous well heads in the area that are tested by an independent company for groundwater contamination. Guess what I heard, you all will love this, they are pumping it down because word has it that at the bottom of the pit are millions of dollars those darned county workers have been stealing over the years. HA HA HA ROTFLMAO you all crack me up with your paranoia.
I think the man who wrote you this BS story probably is also one of the people that reports ufo sightings.
If it's a bs story then I guess Mardel never existed either? This is where I know it is not BS.
Here is something you all don't know,Fly ash has been used for a base in the new cell.
Here is something you all don't know,Fly ash has been used for a base in the new cell.
6:12 PM
Are you sure of that? Base in a new cell or base of the new collector road.
Why do you think that section of the Nanticoke Rd. By-pass has quietly been moved along around the landfill site so quietly God forbid the State/MDE saw one of our counties dead green chemical cesspools from a landfill that had no liner under it for years! And I'm old enough to remember the days when you just dumped with no supervision at all!
And Joe remember that sweet off the record land deal that's been a done deal and at a sweetheart price adjacent to landfill property!!!!
Why is the biggest crook in dump trucking hauling on the county collector road? Better check those loads, make sure they're full loads. They're known to deliver short loads. Just ask anyone around. Start at the SHA.
with this being caught, and the county will save approx 2.5 million dollars. Does that mean we the people of Wico co get a tax rebate check next year?
Here is something you all don't know,Fly ash has been used for a base in the new cell.
6:12 PM
Are you sure of that? Base in a new cell or base of the new collector road.
6:41 PM
Yes for the new cell.I believe it came from some where in Delaware.
Indian River Power Plant is where it came from.
"Come on! Everyone in their right mind knows Rai had to know something about this. If for some reason he didn't he certainly didn't need to be in the job he was and let those guys steal right under his nose. You can't tell me a man that has run that office for 30 plus years doesn't know when someone stole almost a million dollars. If I didn't have anything to do with I wouldn't have jumped ship that quick, I would have made sure everyone knew I didn't have anything to do with it, but no Rai resigns 3 days into the public knowing. Sounds like a guilty man to me."
You are quite the person to jump the gun. Rai Sharma become Director of Public Works in 1987. He reformed what used be the disgusting "dump" and made numerous changes that benefited the people here. Check again, as a former employee I know the water is pumping fresh water...before Rai came to power, God knows what it was. It take years and years to get rid of sewage build up and what you are seeing is from other sources. Also, if papers are being forged, how is supposed to know money is being stolen? There are hundreds of projects going on in the county, people who were close to him, who knew what was going on, didn't speak up. That's a fact. When they tried to speak up, it was too late. Rai is a good man, an honest man, and I guarantee he didn't do anything wrong. Do you people really think Rai resigned on his own? I mean this is an executive form of government whereby a man gets axed even if he makes one miscalculation. This isn't democracy, it's an autocracy...dare I say a dictatorship. Maybe you should grill Rick about why Rai "resigned," grill him like the cops would. When ya'll find the answer you'll be shocked as all hell!!! Also, if Rick knew a thing or two about the county and actually did his job like he's supposed to, then he would learn much more about this county. Remove Ted Shea and Jim Finnernan from the county and Rick is as lost as fisherman castaway at sea!!!! AND THAT IS THE TRUTH!
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