Today the City Administrator Brenda Colgrove received a letter of intent as required to recall the Mayor of Salisbury. This document is attached date stamped and all. The City has 7 days to process and return to me the necessary recall papers. From there I'll have 90 days to collect the required 3,500 signitures necessary to affect a recall of Barrie Parsons Tilghman. I look forward to comming days and months at the task that lies ahead, as we attempt to end wide spread corruption now taking place in all of Wicomico County. This recall should provide a monumental opportunity for the citizens and students of SU to join efforts as we all seek to improve the quality of life in Salisbury.
Ladies & Gentlemen, THIS IS BIG! Although this is the beginning stage, I suggest everyone come out of the gate full speed. No slacking on this one Ladies & Gentlemen! Obviously there will be more to come and this Blog fully supports this Recall Petition and will do everything we can to make it very clear, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
Hallelujah!!! Finally, someone else has said ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. I hope this person can make a go of this. If he needs help all he has to do is ask, right here on the blog, people will contact him, without a doubt.
Good Luck, Jordan. Watch your back.
This isn't about noise ordinances or other college issues...its about issues that effect the quality of life for EVERYONE in Salisbury. 10 years is long enough, the corruption must end.
Land lords and developers alike have for too long have walked all over the citizens of this great county. The downtown has become abandoned in favor of sprawling development on the periphery that further dilutes city services. Priority number one must be increasing the city police force as crime skyrockets out of control.
Enough is enough!! Everyone needs to come together to end this wide spread corruption. The time for a recall is now...
Is Jordan aware of the requirements for signers on this Petition and how the Mayor changed the Code to make it harder to get enough signatures? In addition to signing the petition, what can we do to help?
Is Jordan interested in going for Louise and Gary while he's out there collecting signatures anyway? Might as well use a big broom and make a clean sweep.
I'm willing to assist.
Be careful Jordan. Your going up against a corrupt individual with the backing of the slum lords and developers.thats my opinion.
Joe could you find out what county voters need to do to recall Mr. Pollitt. Maybe both recall votes can be held on the same day.
Monday afternoon at Food Lion on Snowhill Roard had a 91 year old woman robbed at knife point.
Too bad we can't deal with two incompetent people and add Mr. Pollitt to the recall.
I think we are seeing that the county is just as bad as the city.
At least the county has Sherriff Lewis to root out the crooks.
OMG!!!Bring it on. And the counting and verification of the signatures needs to have oversight from both parties to ensure there is no fooling around like the last time. I personally believe the last petition was legit. Come on folks, this is our chance.
And while we are at it-ANYONE knowing of any legitamate lawbreaking by those holding city office--please bring it on so the heat can be turned up and we can smoke the vermin out of office.
Nalagirl is happy today!!!
The way evryone can watch their backs is to turn out in force. that vindictive mayor can't get everyone.
Anyone up for recalling bubba and louweasel? Otherwise, Bubba gonna be yo nex mare.
where do i sign?
You go Jordan, let us know what we can do to help. E-mail us at wdisharoon27123@comcast.com if we can do anything.
Wanda L. Disharoon
Jordan, you're a Hero To the Taxpayers (where have I heard that slogan before?). But you truly are! Barrie really tightened up the Petition requirements after her scare with Brenda Cox, so be warned. But know that we are all willing to help in any way we can. Barrie has done enough to gouge our City and its taxpayers!
Thank you, Jordan.
Oh you know I'm in...Fire her ass then take down the Daily Times with her...
Ted Nugent
Can county residents sign it? Her corruption hurts us too ya know.
Good luck. You 'tards couldn't arrange a one car funeral procession.
You reading comprehension challenged yokel doofuses won't read the requirements carefully, and will ***k up the paperwork. Just like last time.
County residents can not sign or circulate the petition. However, there is plenty of other work county people can do to support the petition circulators.
jordan you are my hero!! just let us know via the blogs when and how to help!!
ONLY city residents can sign.
ONLY city residents can circulate.
AND they have to sign the affadavit in front of a notary for each sheet.
I got so excited, I looked it up on the website to see what one had to do.
It's a b*tch the way it's set up. But being careful, it CAN be done.
County people can help in other ways, but not in getting signatures.
Include Louise Smith!!!
^5 Jordan. Let the game begin. I'll sign, help circulate and be there to vote on it. A lot of us have waited too long for this, you are da man. As someone already said "Let's Roll."
I was involved with the first re-call. I'm afraid that it is all but impossible to get the required signatures. I wish it were possible. There just are not enough registered voters who understand what is going on, or even care. Most of the registered voters are not paying the property taxes. (renters and students) It is a sad reality that we are stuck with the Mare for the remainder of her term unless she is indicted. Maybe we can get an Ocean City cop to follow her home some night. I know that the Salisbury cops are afraid to arrest her. I don’t even think that the Sheriff’s department has balls enough to arrest her for DUI.
Either way, I wish the recall folks all the luck in the world.
farm boy
This is the greatest day of my life. Take her down... jeez its been way too long listening to her bullcrap. Oh yeah, don't forget to BOYCOTT the DAILY TIMES for their incessant smear tactics and desperate journalism. Tell those bastards to eat dirt and get your real local news from good ol' Albero!!!!! oh wait, thats what everyone does already.
Anonymous said...
.....Otherwise, Bubba gonna be yo nex mare.
4:26 PM
LMFAO... who stole my line??? LOL
Keep up the good work and keep the pressure on!
Way to go Jordan , but be very careful she'll be flipping you off the way she does Joe but he moved to Delmar out of her reach . I guess you will be on the same hit list Joe's on too .
Jordan--get this also on WMDT, etc. and give someplace where City folks can come to you to sign.
Great job, Jordan.
One of the local TV stations keeps plugging this story during every commercial break for their 11pm news. Joe, did they thank you for the tip.
It's not the one with your blog ;-)
As a SU student with a hometown of Columbia, MD is Jordan a city resident?
We do know he enjoys keg parties and beer pong like other college students. He's just anti-noise ordinance.
Lets recall all wicomico office holders. So far we have had pen gate, liquor gate, beer gate, fuelgate, and now it appears a covert car and evidence extraction from o.c. These folks just do not get it about what a special privlege they have to serve the people, not themselves or their buddies. Recall them all, they are disgusting.
County residents can so help circulate the petition! At worst, a city resident has to be the one to sign, but I don't know that to be the case. Many county residents got signatures for the last petition.
Anonymous said...
Good luck. You 'tards couldn't arrange a one car funeral procession.
You reading comprehension challenged yokel doofuses won't read the requirements carefully, and will ***k up the paperwork. Just like last time.
6:22 PM
Gee, Barrie, get off the blog and do your job.
I live in the county, own a rental property in the city limits, am I eligible to sign. Let's get the witch out of office
If Barries hand is in the till as far as everyone suspects, the next few weeks could be very telling. If the recall petition is successful she will start to scrample to tie up loose ends that could reveal any improprieties. Her scrambling should be very visible.
farm boy said...
I was involved with the first re-call. I'm afraid that it is all but impossible to get the required signatures. I wish it were possible. There just are not enough registered voters who understand what is going on, or even care. Most of the registered voters are not paying the property taxes. (renters and students) It is a sad reality that we are stuck with the Mare for the remainder of her term unless she is indicted. Maybe we can get an Ocean City cop to follow her home some night. I know that the Salisbury cops are afraid to arrest her. I don’t even think that the Sheriff’s department has balls enough to arrest her for DUI.
Either way, I wish the recall folks all the luck in the world.
farm boy
7:20 PM
If only 3500 signatures are required then I suggest someone go to the elections office and get the most current list of registered voters in the city and go door to door. Get in groups and give sections of the city to each group and mark off the ones that sign the petition. Go back to the ones that weren't home. Make sure this is done on Saturdays and Sundays and possibly week nights when the voters are more likely to be home. Go out every single day and go for 6,000 plus signatures. Tell everyone to tell a friend to sign the petition and then encourage them to vote. Carpool, offer rides to the polls, just make it happen. This is a grassroots effort and it is time to take our city back.
Barrie, you F##KED me, my family and my fellow citizens for to long now. IT IS TIME FOR YOU TO GO DOWN.
I am tired of waiting for this day, but I truly want to see you go down in hand cuffs.
There is a company that can assist you with petition drives. I don't know the name of it but the local F.O.P. used them to help out with the collective bargaining drive for the Sheriff's dept. They obtained all required signatures needed to make their drive a success. Good luck in all of this and I am not a city resident. Thank God! Tallywhacker
Be careful. There are still some FOB's out there. They are as nasty as she is. Don't be surprised if a number of the names on the voter list are deceased. (They can vote, and often do, but can not sign petitions.) It is going to be a monumental task. We had a lot of people who signed, but had to be deleted when we found that they did not live in the city. I still think tar and feathers is cheaper and quicker. I'll buy the tar, and kill the chicken.
farm boy
The charter petition was under STATE law. That's why county people could help.
THIS has to be CITY only collecting signatures. It's right there in the charter.
Be methodical, son, and good luck.
I didn't see anything on WBOC at 11are they saving it for tomorrow or what?
must be some kind of record for recall petitions...
finally...someone with "sac".
I'd vote for Hillary before I'd vote for BPT...and I'd rather die before I voted for Hillary.
Thus, following the transitive property learned from high school Algebra class;
"If I'd rather die than vote for Hillary, but would rather vote for Hillary than BPT, I would rather die then vote for BPT."
Oh boy, here we go. I'm so glad to see this. Yes, the vicious, corrupt, vindictive, bitch-witch has alot of cronies who are just like her and who will try anything underhanded to keep this from happening so Jordan I wish you luck and and be very cautious and thorough. Enough IS Enough.
Any coverage of this monumental news in the Daily Rag?
Anonymous said...
I didn't see anything on WBOC at 11are they saving it for tomorrow or what?
12:42 AM
I saw where they advertised the story last night for their 11pm news as well. It was advertised during every commercial break to be shown at 11. Isn't that kind of false advertising? How do they answer this to their viewers? My guess is that BPT pulled some strings and had it pulled. It wasn't on WBOC today at noon either. Does anyone know if WMDT aired it today?
Go Jordan! Go. I and my spouse are ready to sign the petition. Bring it on!!!
A. Goetz
WMDT did last night and they are doing a story on the river tonight.
Unless you're a developer or someone who gets personal graft from the Tilghman administration, why would you think she has done anything that would merit continuing in office? At the very least, she polarizes public opinion and has no skills at all in getting people to work together. As my grandfather used to say, "I'd like to buy her for what she's worth, and sell her for what she thinks she's worth".
Anonymous 4:24
I quote "legitamate lawbreaking"
Would you please define? It sounds like an oxymoron to me!!
What a bunch of crooks.
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