99.5% of the Incumbents WIN their races. In the case of Wayne Gilchrest, the Voters spoke out.
The Daily Times and several Blogs are pounding their chest claiming Andy Harris lost the Eastern Shore. OMG, get a grip, you Idiots! Andy Harris, a completely unknown to the Eastern Shore, lost by 64 vote, perhaps less. I heard the other day it was down to 24 votes.
Nevertheless, the ODDS were 95.5% to .05% Andy Harris would lose! This Post is NOT about pounding MY chest in victory. This Post is about REALITY Ladies & Gentlemen. I have been ripped a new one up and down by GA Harrison for going on the attack against Wayne Gilchrest and while I respect GA's position, let's all be adults here and face reality.
Wayne Gilchrest was not re-elected. Each Congressman represents around 450,000 Citizens. This creates a 1st Districts that is NOT just the Eastern Shore. One day it may be but right now it's a very small portion of that District.
The 1st District is also a majority strong hold towards Democrats, yet they vote, (many of them) for a Republican. I'm not going to get into politics here as to why people do what they do. All I'm saying, (which everyone else is afraid to do) is that Wayne Gilchrest has disrespected the REPUBLICAN PARTY by not conceding to Andy Harris.
Wayne claims Chris Meekins disrespected Wayne and that's just not true. Andy Harris said in an interview this morning that the Press left out the last part of his victory statement. He went on to say, "The Press reports what the Press wants to report."
As I do NOT represent the Harris Campaign and I have the freedom of my own opinion and speech, Gilchrest needs to cut the bullshit and face reality, people wanted a change. "People don't like how Congress is working," said Andy Harris and he's right.
I respect the fact that so many like and or love Wayne Gilchrest. I happen to think he's got a Wife that is just out of this world. However, Voters made a choice, the District is what it is and the end result is the end result.
If YOU want a Democratic Congress, vote for a Democrat and watch the end results screw you over so bad you'll never see straight for many years ahead. If you want to gain back the Majority in Congress, please don't blow smoke up MY a$$ and try and tell me Andy Harris will not deliver. Andy Harris will in fact deliver and the majority of the people in the 1st District firmly believe that.
To base your vote on hatred towards me or because Wayne is hurting is irresponsible and wrong. That's MY opinion and quite frankly, (for the second time) Andy Harris beat out an incumbent because he's as REAL as it gets.
Some people want to tell me, don't piss off the Wayne voters. You know what, the Wayne voters are already pissed off and I can't say as I could blame any one of them. If MY Candidate was beat, come on, I'd be pissed off too. However, this happens in EVERY race and we need to stand behind our Party, a great man and take back Congress.
Wayne, I know you follow this Blog. Step up and do the right thing for your Party. You've enjoyed 18 years in Congress and truly, I thank you personally. My God Wayne, don't go out like a Bill Duvall! Remember where you came from and those people who got you there.
The race is over for the Republicans in the 1st District. Stand behind Andy Harris and quit playing the crybaby card based on something a Campaign Manager allegedly said. Speak to Chris one on one and or to Andy and get it from the Horses Mouth. ASK to see Chris Meekin's Speech, Wayne. It's time to move forward as Republican's and I would hope others will agree?
What really spoke out was the medico-pharmaceutical-health care products industry in the US, who want another Bill Frist!
I'm not pissed. Mr. Gilchrest lost. Everyone made a big deal about a concession speech. C'mon, if Gilchrest lost by 1%, that would be in order. But concession speeches aren't necessary when the win is a clear margin.
That said, you can say Gilchrest disrespected the Republican Party, but as an old fart, I can tell you that the Republican Party used to be a moderate conservative party, not the extremist holier-than-thou ill-mannered party it is today. I often thought about changing to independent, but then my vote would be lost for the primary. For many, it was the party who disrespected Wayne Gilchrest.
Do you want a party loyalist or did you want someone who would vote the issues? For 18 years, Gilchrest voted the issues and his conscience. No one who supports that has anything to apologize for, including Wayne Gilchrest.
I'm old enough to that even parties want to see change within, and that's what happened. I can accept that. As should any Gilchrest supporters. Doesn't mean we have to like what our party's become.
It is important to me that Harris doesn't live on the Shore. I'm sick and tired of the Western Shore power elite spitting in our face even as they travel here to their big estates and Ocean City condos. Harris is tied to a power machine, and for all we talk about Democrats and their special interests, well, all we have to do is look in the mirror.
Sen. Harris dodged the question about Chris Meeekins' comments. He referred directly to HIS victory speech, not Chris Meekins' comments during the interview on WICO today.
OK, OK, I give, I forgot to mention Arminio also comes to this Blog daily. Hence anonymous 9:52.
Anonymous 9:58,
I cannot change the fact that each Congressman represents 450,000 citizens. The Eastern Shore is NOT large enough to get their own Congressman, therefore it is what it is and it will not change for 50 more years.
Deal with the fact, (respectfully) that Wayne was in Office for 18 years and that he has known all this time that he could lose.
If you, or anyone else, thinks Andy Harris isn't pissed off at what happened to the Salisbury WWTP, Wayne is STILL your Congressman. Has he been there? NO! During the Campaign he took off like a bat out of hell to get to Hebron's Plant, because it was easy and he needed the votes.
However, he's STILL got a job to do and quite frankly, he's NOT doing it! Why so many of you think he's representing the Eastern Shore is beyond me! Do you realize just how many people cried out what I first discovered the problems 2 years ago at the WWTP? Did you see Wayne Gilchrest's name in the Headlines representing the Eastern Shore in shame? NO!
The Voters want a change because Wayne forgot where he came from, it's that simple. Please respect the fact that Andy Harris has NO SCANDALS behind his name as a Senator. He's been in the Senate for I believe 9 years now. He stands behind his voting record and he's what people want.
Let's also face the fact that the astern Shore has changed. There are more COME HERE'S than there are FROM HERE'S. Hence the almost 50/50 voting between Wayne and Andy.
Let's support and stand behind Andy Harris. He's a good man. I'll tell you what. I will personally set up a Meet & Greet for ALL of you to personally meet Andy Harris. How does that sound to everyone?
Anon 9:58
Gilchrest, or any Congressman, is not elected to vote HIS conscience. They're voted to represent the citizens of their District. I'm no fan of Harris's approach, but Wayne was turned out because of his vote to surrender in Iraq. Its that simple. His conscience, as you put it, does not represent his District.
That's a flat out lie. I listened to that interview and Andy flat out addressed that question stating the press says what it wants to say because they did NOT quote his entire speech. They forgot to add the ending of it.
Now I know you're an Anti Albero Blogger and it's your game to twist thing up. I listened very carefully to that interview and I tok notes the entire time. Go blow smoke up someone else's ass.
I have cast my vote for Wayne in every election except this one. My principles differ from Wayne's.
This is one of the most important elections ever. There is another war going on that most people choose to ignore. It is a war on the individual and the freedoms that are the fabric of our nation. Just listen to any Democrat running for office and count the times you here the word "FREEDOM".
Goverment is the problem and Wayne became Government.
There's a new revolution about to take place and it's starting in Maryland.
See ya WAYNE
I don't "twist things up". I merely am interested in truth. Google "chris meekins victory" and tell me where it provides a link to a speech where Chris Meekins mentions Gilchrest's Congressional service. Andy Harris did, Meekins didn't. If you have a better Google search that will provide the source that will produce Mr. Meekins comments, then please provide it.
You simply don't understand this controversy. Take the time to actually read a couple articles, and my comment, slowly. The controversy isn't about what ANDY said. Its about what CHRIS MEEKINS said. NO ONE, including Gilchrest, is saying that they're upset over what ANDY said. ITS ALL ABOUT WHAT MEEKINS said.
I have been trying to figure out the big deal about Meekins statements. Since when did a campaign managers comments become more important than the candidate himself?
I am glad Meekins respects Gilchrest's service in Vietnam - everyone should.
Did the voters on Tuesday say they appreciated Gilchrest's service? No, they said that they were not happy with what he had done and it was time for someone new.
Sounds like even if Meekins only thanked him for his service in Vietnam that Meekins was just representing the views of 2/3rds of the Republican primary voters.
Representatives are not elected to simply parrot what the majority of voters want--if that was the case, we would just do away with representatives and have a straight up democracy. Instead, we have a democratic republic. Members of Congress should do the best they can to represent their constituents, but they must also listen to their conscience and vote accordingly. They often have more information than the average citizen about some subjects. Gilchrest was a man of honor, even if you disagreed with him. Maybe Harris is too, but his tactics during the election make it incumbent upon him to prove that he will be able to rise above the partisan fray, as Gilchrest did. Count me as one Democrat who voted for Gilchrest every time, but who will definitely be voting for Kratovil this time around. Good luck to Harris, good luck to Kratovil, let's keep it clean!
Final Frontier
There are those who do not lose graciously and those who do not win graciously. This issue is a prime example of both. Not making a concession speech is another of Rep. Gilchrest's decisions about which some members of the public have a concern. Concerns noted, concession not required, move on like the classy adults we're supposed to be.
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