You can clearly see from the looks coming from Rick Pollitt & Sheriff Lewis, these are the "Uncle Tom's" of the Wicomico County Families.
Rick went on to talk about trusting the people who work for the County as if they were an extended Family Member.
Rick then said the County has some serious weaknesses in accounting but the Insurance Company should pay back what the Taxpayers lost.
He went on to say, "Nothing is more important than securing the public's trust."
Taxpayers have been VIOLATED and the fact that so many thousands of gallons of diesel fuel went unaccounted for is simply inexcusable. Tires that had disappeared and such an incredible volume of oil and anti freeze, it just makes no sense.
Now considering I have received certain tips in this case and have forwarded such information to Sheriff Lewis, this case is far from over. There are now additional avenues that will create more twists and turns in a direction no one had thought of because no one would believe it extends as far out as it actually does.
Before you get caught, my strong suggestion is, IF you believe you may be involved in omne way, shape or form, get on the phone and call Sheriff Mike Lewis personally and discuss it right away. I'm serious Folks. This thing is larger than life and if they have to find you, the price will be far greater then if you turn yourself in and help them with their investigation.
Granted, I make no promises and I speak only for MYSELF. However, I personally know where some of this is going because of tips made to me personally and I strongly suggest you make their job easier.
It will be interesting to see just how deep this thing goes and who is involved. I can't believe this guy or guys thought they could continue to get away with this theft racket on our county. No wonder we don't have the money to maintain roads and other intrastructures.
A Goetz
And Gary Mackes gets away with "robbery" (figuratively speaking), too!
Gee, ToTo, we're not in Fruitland anymore!
Mike Lewis is the real leader in this county. This man is waiting on no one. He is paving the way for a bigger and better Wicomico County. Let's just hope he continues to run for sheriff. I truly believe that if he wasn't the sheriff this would just go on and on. You best believe the other criminals in this county aren't sleeping very good at nights.
407 the deputies in the sheriff's office have always been able to do great work all sheriff lewis is doing is allowing them to do it
527 good thing he's sheriff right?
Have they ever come out with the
3rd County Employees name?
Mike is no doubt a "hand's on" type of leader. It's a great example of teamwork.
There had to be many others working on this during the two week investigation. Just happens that Mike is also the spokesperson for his department.
Ricky won't tolerate this? Hell, he wasn't even aware anything like this could occur.
554 yes but not much has changed internally new leader same hat!!!!!
856 Your right. If Rick gets reelected he better give Mike Lewis an awesome Christmas present.
Mike is making Rick look great and Rick knows it and that's why he is always around Mike trying to get in on the picture. At least Rick is smart enough to know Mike is his bread and butter.
918 It sounds like you are on the inside so I have to respect what you say. But from the outside looking in it seems that much more is being done since Mike became sheriff.
Was there no paperwork?did they not inventory supplies and have each truck driver or equipment operator keep manuals on the mileage,fuel consumption and mechanical condition of the vehicle?There a real accounatability issue here....
I think what Mike Lewis is most responsible for is returning the pride to the uniform of WCS deputies. In his short time in office look at all the tools the deputies have acquired to perform their jobs expeditiously. New cars, fully equipped, training, and most of all supportive leadership. These guys are now working in the 21st century.
It should also be noted that most of the new cars and high tech equipment has been generously donated to the Sheriffs office by those free trade entreprenuers we all know as DRUG DEALERS.
If I was a dope dealer, I'd find a new town. The WCSO has proven this town ain't big enough for both the dope peddlers and the Sheriffs department.
So who is providing the juice for all you to drink?
What about all the promises that Lewis did not keep when he was running? You have have all the equipment in the world, but crime is still the same and we do not feel any safer in the county.
631 you are correct and what about the promises about taking care of the deputies it is worse now than under nelems ask any deputy if they are true with you they will tell you the same.
948 sheriff lewis has updated the sheriff office and this is good but deputies are STILL not treated fairly. so many internal investigations are handled the same way nelms did, they still put the cart before the horse deputies will most likely not say anything due to fear of being fired or something as far as more being done well the press loves sheriff lewis that why you hear more about the sheriff office i have more to say but have to go now. later
Every taxpayer in Wicomico County should be able to file criminal charges against ALL of the individuals involved in the theft. Also EVERY department in the county needs to be audited to gain any trust with the citizens. How much of this has taken place over the years, I am sure there is much we don't know! To all of the hard working people in our county especially those who have been affected by the current economic conditions but strive everyday to make a honest living as least we can lay our heads down at night, those individuals involved in this horrific criminal case have sold their souls for the price of GREED!
Awesome Job Sheriff Lewis!!
There is a lot of things even beyond the criminals on the front line that puzzles me. How in the world can the leaders of this county not see this happening? It's not like someone stole a few ink pens off Rick's desk. This is an unbelievable amount of money and the ones at the top of the food chain didn't have a clue. If we didn't have a sheriff by the name of Mike Lewis who is so hands on this would still be going on. Should we just turn every operation in this county over to Sheriff Lewis and rest easy knowing he is in charge? The criminals are the ones to blame don't get me wrong, but where is the check and balance? One thing for sure we know who the Sheriff is.
They need to check into the mail use at Planning and Zoning. Find out who is using all of the preaddressed envelopes and postage to run their personal businesses. It starts out with a 41 cent stamp and ends up being millions of dollars of goods.
Audit ALL the departments. Make them all earn their keep
White collar crime--alive and well in the city and the county!
I would like to know when our sheriff is going to put all the prisoners in pink boxers & jump suits, deny them coffee, tv, exercise rooms, put 'em in tents, make 'em work for the county for a dollar a day & house 'em in tents with 3 squares a day, no frills incarceration...much like an Arizona sheriff, who has recently deputized
Ronnie Morris, People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones!
Hey Ronnie, I was wondering if you had more of those truck tires for sale? You know the one's right? wink, wink.
okay. first - i'm glad whatever it took to catch these thieves, it got done. but man, gimme a break - sheriff lewis "decides" to patrol up rt. 50? and just "happens" to spot the truck that needs to be found? yep. right. storybook sh!t! i don't buy it. no sale here, dude. NO SALE. there's a LOT of BULLSH!T here, folks. A LOT.
rick politt says there's "serious" accounting problems in the county? he can bet his A$$ there is. no kidding. maybe sheriff lewis oughtta stick his flashlight up some more A$$E$!!!!!!
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