The case against the Fire Fighter in Hebron will be postponed immediately based on the situation referencing States Attorney Davis Ruark.
Davis vowed he would NOT have anything to do with ANY automobile cases, therefore the case that was supposed to go in front of a Grand Jury this Monday will be cancelled.
I don't know who's luckier, Davis or the Fire Fighter?
He may not have anything to do with automobile cases but are there not other State DAs that can fill in?
i feel so sorry for this ladies family. having to deal with the sorrow these people have had to deal with is so sad my heart goes out to all the family.
This is a travesty of justice. I'm embarassed that this could happen in this country. And shame on all of us for not speaking up and protesting this decision to drop this case. How do you think you would feel if your family member had been killed in this accident?
I think he meant he PERSONALLY would not have anything to do with those cases, not that the OFFICE won't have anything to do with them. There ARE assistant states attorneys who can do the jobs.
Words have meaning. Did they POSTPONE as in RESCHEDULE or did they in fact CANCEL? I seriously doubt they cancelled a grand jury just because the SA got a DUI. Anyone in his office can handle this case, they are all good people. Give it to Liz Ireland, she'll get the job done.
hy joe is this cancelled 4 good did hebron get away with this after responding this unit after sence was under control. steve brown is a gr8 guy but i thik there is a guy that should be where he is at and all u gotta say is alchol that why this station dose what they want they hve no control a unit should not respeond after under control but wat can u do there are sum gr8 people id the fd but there need to be a line and for this case to be cancelled is not good at all so is it really cancelld i dont wish anything bad t happen to stave which it shouldnt cause his rite away was taking form him but regretingly he know speed and lights were not needed in this case
Davis Ruark is dropping Monday's Grand Jury Case. The case will continue on another date based on what happened to Davis yesterday. The entire thing is not dropped, just Monday's Grand Jury.
Anonymous said...
hy joe is this cancelled 4 good did hebron get away with this after responding this unit after sence was under control. steve brown is a gr8 guy but i thik there is a guy that should be where he is at and all u gotta say is alchol that why this station dose what they want they hve no control a unit should not respeond after under control but wat can u do there are sum gr8 people id the fd but there need to be a line and for this case to be cancelled is not good at all so is it really cancelld i dont wish anything bad t happen to stave which it shouldnt cause his rite away was taking form him but regretingly he know speed and lights were not needed in this case
10:53 PM
Go back to school and get an education. You idiots shouldn't drop out of school to become a FARMIN!
Bubba, my guess is that you dropped out of school in the 4rth grade at the age of 16. It is obvious you didn't pay attention when you were there. It is not to late to work on that education. They have programs to help you get your GED and I would highly recommend it.
Mayb his tieping isunt sew good, but he does make sum cents. Take a break. This isn't a grammar lesson.
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