Look, after 34 years of service, you don't get called into Rick Pollitt's Office on a Saturday and resign. Rai Sharma, (IMO) has been terminated and Rick Pollitt, (in a classy way) terminated him.
It is the County Executive's responsibility to make such harsh decisions and I personally believe there's much more to this story than was introduced at today's Press Conference.
My guess is that Rai Sharma is in deep sh!t with this investigation and like it or not, this should tell others who have had their hands and or knowledge into ALL of the illegal/questionable charades should step forward and come clean before the Sheriff's Department comes to get you.
I guess what is really mind boggling is that these are employees with a lot of tenure. They were making way above the average salary for this area and had all the added benefits and still that wasn't enough. Just look at today's economy. At a time when way to many American families are sinking further into debt, losing their homes and unable to maintain health insurance policies that are covering less and less, we have public figures that are not only robbing us blind but doing with our tax dollars. And this is just on a local level. I shudder to think what kind of corruption gets swept under the rug on a national level.
Line Item Budgets should be immediately mandated. Could this also have spread into the City? When you have people in the SAME BUILDING for that many years, one would have to question, could this have spread elsewhere? A Line Item Budget would at least force accountability in both the County and City.
Then there's the question of just how long has or could this have been going on? I have a hunch this is bigger than anyone thinks, I could be wrong. However, I've been doing this long enough to know, something doesn't smell right, so draw your own conclusion.
Mark my words, there's more to this than meets the eye and I think the lid is about to blow clean off this investigation.
It's true that it's especially disappointing considering their tenor in office, but maybe the threat of prosecution will make one of the guilty parties sing.
Your guess? WTF?
Why can't/won't Pollitt do the same to Gary Mackes?
How do you sleep at night? First you say he does the honorable thing now you are coming back with innuendo. Leave the sensationalism out of it, this has enough drama to play out on it's own.
A man resigns right away you have to plant the seed of doubt. Go ahead defame him. Thats what you do best anyway.
Anonymous said...
Why can't/won't Pollitt do the same to Gary Mackes?
5:57 PM
That is exactly what I was thinking.
An honorable mas resigns to salvage some humility, yet a lawbreaker will hold the position of Chief Law Officer. The shame that is bestowed on the people of this county is sickning.
I don't know if Mr Sharma is honorable, incompetant or crooked. How can a department loose 1/2 mil $$$ and not know about it? Maybe it was going on for a very lonnnnnnnnng time, therefore no red flags were raised???? Hey, does the County audits for their depts.?
Joe, something for you to inquire about. I was at a council meeting one time and I heard and expression that was unfamiliar to me,Enterprise Account.
If I understood the conversation and I not sure I did. It was all about allowing certain departments to manage their own budgets.To what degree they are allowed to do that with out oversite I am unsure of.
No department should be allowed to manage their moneys without oversite of the Finance Office as well as the Exec's Office. Obviously if the Land Fill was one of those types of budgeting than that may had lead to this fiasco.
ASAP pumping service? "pumping" is right! to the tune of 6,000 gallons of diesel fuel - how in the hell did whoever pump this much fuel, and man, dem county trucks musta been goin' to the west coast and back to burn up all the rubber off them, and NOBODY noticed any of this? somebody's fulla sugar!
so the mansteped down one day and then freaking got terminated the next how dose that work lol.... so dose he loose is retirement now lol
Well he didn't wreck a county owned car at a bar in OC and cover it up, now did he? Unlike other Chief LEO's
Ithink the Townsend guy's father is in the obits this morning in the Daily Crimes.
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