No matter how you spin the new Fire Station, the City of Salisbury is in trouble!
This photo was taken yesterday at 3:30 PM, (or so) heading east bound into Salisbury. IF there was a fire on Camden, they're screwed!
Gary Comegys can BS his way around it any way he likes, this is just more PROOF the new Fire Station was a stupid move. Pictures DO NOT LIE!
Have been saying the same thing for months now. Isn't it convenient that now the area that will benefit the most just happens to be where Barrie Tilghman, Gary Comegys, and Michael Day live? Between the congestion on Mill Street and Riverside/Carrol and the congestion on College Avenue/Beaglin Park anyone who lives on Camden/Russell etc. will be burned to the ground. But that was the idea, wasn't it.
OMG! There was so much talk about "the Westside," it never dawned on me how much better this would be for the area these 3 live in off N. Division!
Don't get me wrong. I want to see that area protected, too.
But they did it at the EXPENSE of other neighborhoods, instead of just adding a facility at lower cost.
OMG! Guess somebody just turned my light bulb on!
Can Station 1 handle that area?
Just wait until those living on Isabella and N. Division St have to listen to those sirens screaming past them all hours of the day and night. See just how long they put up with that noise. Or wait until they bust an axle going down Mill St.
What's done is done and the new station is there, but why give away city property? Why not keep the old building and still use it as a fire sub station and run an engine and ambulance out of it to speed response during congested times? Larger cities use hook and ladder or hose companies that typically house one or two pieces of equipment to fill in between the main stations. I don't understand why they are rushing as quickly as they are to give away city property. This is not a decision that should be rushed into.
thats what happends when the bridge gos up
Is Station 1 the one on Beaglin Park? If so, it is already busy as heck with Snow Hill Road and Beaglin/Mt. Hermon stuff--Don't EVER forget that Michael Day is up to his eyeballs in this with Barrie T.
Anonymous 9:57,
WRONG! The Bridge was NOT up. I took the picture, I was sitting there in traffic and believe me, if I could have had my camera out faster you would have seen me much further back with a longer line/wait.
You better believe the traffic through that area is congested WITHOUT the bridge up especially during work/school rush hour times. So is Beaglin Park/College/Rt 13 by SU. But Gary,Barrie, and Mikey are sitting pretty, and Shanie would have been too but she is so stupid she lost her house.
If Shanie is not living in her district #1 home, isn't she supposed to resign?
Can Station 1 handle that area?
8:12 AM
Station 1 couldn't handle a glass of milk! Referencing the new fire station, there's no way volunteer fire crews can get to the station when the alarm sounds. Chief See has been told this from day one and would here nothing of it. Now he admits volunteer response will be a hugh problem. Hummmm we told you so!
Firedog i do not know who you are but you need to watch your comments. I am a volunteer at station 1 and we rarely scratch a call or get realerted unlike some others. If you have a problem you come to us and discuss it. And as for handling calls on Camden and that area i believe me and my fellow firefighters would love the oppurtunity to expand our running territory.
station 1 does have trouble at times getting out just like any other station, theyre volunteers with lives and jobs also that may be a reason for this if you think thats bad look at the response of station 16`s volunteers the only time i hear them getting out is for a structure fire
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