I know this is a horrible photo but being out of focus isn't such a bad thing in this case.
Above is a photo of Michael Swartz and Cathy Bassett, (Greg Bassett's Wife) who USED to work for Wayne Gilchrest and will now be looking for a new job.
I have nothing against Cathy Bassett. I just find it IRONIC that The Daily Times plugged Wayne Gilchrest all over the place, especially this past Sunday and while The Daily Times would like to impress upon their readers that they are the know it all of politics, THERE'S A NEW GUY ON THE BLOCK GREG, we're SALISBURY NEWS!
Joe G better start kissing some a$$ on the Harris Campaign as well as Joe has not been to kind to them as well. The Daily Times was wrong and Salisbury News was right. I guess it's obvious I keep better company, eh Greg. Does everyone wonder if The Daily Times would be stuped enough to support Barrie Tilghman for Mayor the next go around?
You see Ladies & Gentlemen, it's all about the money. Salisbury News can't be bought!
Bye Bye Wayne you allowed yourself to become disenfranchised from your constituents Adios MF
That's exactly right! The Daily Times, for whatever type of compensation, can be bought and sold. The problem some folks have with Sbynews is that it reveals the truth. Yes, it can be opinionated, but by and large the comments represent the true feelings of the publisher and the commentors. Imagine the concept...truth. Where are you going to find that in the D/T? It would seem that many people don't want to hear the truth. Some would rather listen to someone blow smoke up their butts and paint some pretty picture of a perfect govt. operating the way it's supposed to when the truth is that poop is being pumped into the river, first amendment rights are being trampled, taxpayers money is being squandered, and govt. is getting bigger and more intrusive all the time.
Funny how Sbynews called the results of the Congressional primary months in advance and were instrumental in the success of Andy Harris. Even funnier is the fact that some opposed Andy Harris ONLY because he welcomed the support of Joe and Sbynews and in spite of that opposition, Harris won. It would appear that the blogs, Sbynews particularly, are an influential force in this election.
Forget the Times & the Bassetts, the Blogs are where it's at.
Joe, you've earned the trust & respect of a LOT of readers / Voters, and it showed yesterday.
Another profound prediciton by Michael Swartz--such a political savant . Congratulations to you Joe, your influence with Harris will lead to the demise of the Eastern Shore according to the genius Gunpowder, Duvall and Soapbox. You are the catalyst for every wrong that is about to befall the Eastern Shore!! And you comitted the heinous crime of snapping a picture inside the polling place,OMG!!!
You're a gem Albero. You can't even focus a simple digital camera. Yep, you've arrrived. LOL.
Hey Don't Forget WBOC and Mr. Steve Hammond. Their bias towards Wayne was shocking & just as shameful as the DT.
I wonder what drivel will fill all that space now?
The mare supporting Hillary just gave voters another reason to vote for someone else!
"The Daily Times would be stuped enough" The pot calling the kettle black. STUPID!!!
This is one great day for bloggers and you, Joe can take much of the credit for that. Thank you for standing up to the system!
YOu've got to be kidding me Anon723! Harris lost the entire Eastern Shore! Well, maybe this site WAS influential. LOL
Remember this name:
I believe Cathy Bassett would be ideal in the role of SERVITOR{one who acts as an attendant for another) to Mayor Tilghman.
These two have so much in common, what a team they would make. Berry would then have a more direct link to the Bassettman. Cathy and Greg could have pillow talk about how progressive the Mayor is. Togeather the Bassetts, both now on the Mayor's, payroll, could invent stories to enhance the Mayors visions for Berryville.
Harris won 3 counties: AA, Baltimore, Harford. Good for him, they're part of the district. He lost EVERY shore county. His message is NOT resonating with Shore voters. He has some work to do here to "shore" up the base and turn them out going into Nov. Republican turnout will be damaged by the presidential ticket. There's no enthusiasm for the top of the ticket, particularly if McCain is not running against the Hildabeast.
And Duvall self destructs too.
A trifecta.
Come on, let's be objective here; the anti wayne vote won handidly in seven out of nine shore counties. It was split, by design, with the Pipkin's last minute entrance into the race.
Despite that, the power of an 18 years incumbancy, and the daily, in your face Gilchrest media bias, Harris practically split the vote with Wayne in Wicomico County, the shore's largest.
So please do not discount Andy Harris shore support. It's actually pretty remarkable.
"Does everyone wonder if The Daily Times would be stuped enough to support Barrie Tilghman for Mayor the next go around?"
Joe, don't put any ideas in the Litter Box Liners heads. They will try their best to prove you wrong to get her elected. Try to be an ally with them and get her thrown out of office.
Anonymous said...
Hey Don't Forget WBOC and Mr. Steve Hammond. Their bias towards Wayne was shocking & just as shameful as the DT.
8:44 AM
Steve Hammond is a POS. If he was so great he would be working at a real television station. Hey Steve, why do they call you Powder Puff?
A vote for Pipkin, Banks, or Arminio is not the same as a vote for Harris. Harris lost the Shore, simply put.
Pipkin won Queen Anne's county, isn't that Wayne's hometown?
Voters want big changes and these elections are spelling that out very clearly.
The irony is, with Harris taking Baltimore, AA and Harford (a bedroom county of Baltimore), you're talking the Money Machine, the Influence Machine...the very things Shore people HATE!
So cheer on, that carpetbagger tool of the Machine. God Bless the Eastern Shore!
Tim Chaney...Gilchrest is from Kent County you boob.
LoL yes he lives in Chestertown and just how many times did he ever come to Wicomico county in the last 16 years? I doubt I'd have to remove my shoes to count that high! Grow some nads and use your name, are you scared of your own opinion or just not confident?
Are you actually that naive not to put your name to your words, what are you afraid of? Being wrong? Such is life.....
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