Following a February 26th meeting to discuss the scope of work involved in conducting an investigative audit into the alleged corruption at the Wicomico County Landfill and other operations; Wicomico County Executive Richard M. Pollitt, Jr. and the accounting firm of Twilley, Rommel & Stephens, P.A., have mutually agreed that the citizens of Wicomico County will be best served by the retaining of a Certified Fraud Examiner to conduct the investigation.
Mr. Pollitt praised Twilley, Rommel & Stephens, P.A. for their quick and honest response to this important step in restoring public confidence in Wicomico County government. Mr. Pollitt said he expects to announce the selection of the Examiner in the very near future.
Way to go Rick. I want to trust you and this will make for a clearly independent audit.
I know you are busy or I'd send you an e-mail and I know I would get a reply no matter how busy you are. I feel that either you've had a lot of e-mail, look at this blog or both and there is nothing wrong with that.
Your decision is the will of the people and I thank you.
Good Move, Rick
I sure didn't know there was such a person available. A "Certified Fraud Examiner" sure sounds good and I'll be happy to read about his findings.
A. Goetz
Kudos to both Rick and TRS!
Maybe TRS had no choice, but based on this announcement, they showed class.
Mr Pollitt, I have been quick and frequent in my taking you to the wood shed for not doing what you have just done.
Your decision to hire a Forensic Auditor and then stand back and let the chips fall where they may is appropriate.
You have been way to kind to way to many of your subordinates, it is time for them to pay the piper. They have embarresed the county and you as the Executive, shame on them.
Dump Mackes before things get much worse!
Forget Mackes, his job is secure as long as Henry Parker lives. No one is going to mess with the last King of Wicomico.
A Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) is one that is certified by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. You can check out www.acfe.com There is a chapter in Baltimore Maryland. Mr. Pollit may want to search there website for a qualified person.
How are the taxpayers going to make out on all of this?
Joe could you put together something to let us know who pays for the stolen property, the accounting nightmare and the cost of prosecution?
Mr. Pollitt, Please send the forensic examiners over to the city Internal Services dept as soon as possible. If you can't do that, please send the FBI.
Pollitt said he turned it over to the insurance carrier and we're covered, I hope he is right as the amount is ever increasing. I'm sure the county (we) will have to pick up the tab on prosecution. If we do, they should sieze all of their assets and sell them off at auction to pay for any costs incurred.
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