While the County dispatched two or three trucks from Taylor Oil to pick up the 6,000 gallons of stolen diesel fuel this past weekend from Ray Lewis Construction, they were turned away after learning the tanks at the County Landfill had been topped off on Friday and the County had no place to put the fuel.
The Sheriff's Department did secure the tanks with locks and measured the amounts in each tank. I'm told once their reserve tanks are available they will collect and transfer the diesel fuel then.
I hope so...if not, Ray will find some way to suck the fuel right out of those tanks...hahaha he's a THIEF!
Doesn't the county own a tanker?
I have a new campaign slogan to go with all of this:
Ray Lewis
"Zero of the Taxpayers"
Ha!Ha! LOL.
copy that, 2:25!!! ya need to add some OTHER folks to the list of jerks who've been screwing all of us too!!! remember, Ray hadda lotta damned help, believe it!!!!
2:13 wrote, "doesn't the county own a tanker?" YEAH. RAY LEWIS WAS OPERATIN' IT FOR 'EM. AIN'T YOU BEEN READIN'?
I think I will hold off paying my taxes to the county till they can get thier "shit" together. How much of my hard earned county taxes I paid was stolen?
I have paid him to come clean out my septic tank. If i knew he was a thief I would have just left it open and maybe he would have tipped his driver $10.00 to come steal it!!
I am sure lewis will land on his feet because........... He's use to taking shit from people! LOL
He should be ashamed of himself for being so greedy!!
I wonder if any gasoline[ not diesel] has been put into private cars for those lucky employees.County taxes will probably be reduced now after Mike Lewis arrests all the theives and all perks disappear like using county vehicles to run personal errands,providing transportation to and from work, etc.
You mean like the sheriffs do with their cars? Is that where you were going with that? 'cause it sure fit didnt it. BTW, when are more arrests coming, and why did it take so long to find these last 6000 gallons of fuel.
7:33 says county taxes will be reduced after mike lewis did what?
SH!T. have you bumped yer friggin' head on sumpin' or what? the county fat cats ain't even done robbin' an' stealin' yet.
SHHHEEYAT! this ain't the first time, just the first time so many friggin' people had they hands innit at one go-round!
man, ray lewis ain't the only COC-SUC---R WHO WAS STEALIN'.......
I think they deserve to get arrested because what they did was wrong!! They knew what they were doing. I would have never thought Ray would do anything like that!!! Now they have to pay the consequences for what they have done. Where do you think he is getting all of his money from he steals, and he pays people to steal it for him thats how he gets his money..
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