This is the series of photos Monday night where Louise Smith simply lost it and ultimately adjourned the meeting.
NOW, here's what's important Folks. Last night, Louise Smith announced on WBOC that from here on out the City will be hiring Security for every meeting! Look, this is a move to intimidate and discourage Citizens from attending meetings.
The idea is to make it seem as if this is how ALL the meetings go. That's simply not true. The City placed the Taxpayers in a very awkward position. You see, we entrusted the City to PROFESSIONALLY handle OUR money, just like a publicly held company.
Well, something fraudulent happened and all of a sudden in the past few months, $19,000,000.00 has suddenly showed up, PLUS a 14%, (perhaps illegal) Tax Increase to boot!
Certainly the STOCK HOLDERS are going to be upset. Now, does that mean someone would become physical with a 70 year old Council President? I'll personally kick anyone's ass if they ever tried! However, no one would ever think of it and Security is bullshit! It's more wasted Taxpayers money and this is all a show!
Do NOT allow them to intimidate you and PLEASE do show up for these Council Work Sessions tonight at 4:30 and tomorrow night at 4:30. Either you care and want to see a change or you don't and that's all there is to it.
Many of you are retired. This is NOT going to be on PAC14, so get off your ass and get out to these meetings. Leave your guns at home, thank you.
Security Officers Beware:
You may not have the same degree of immunity as a police officer if you abuse someone's rights at the order of Louise Smith!
PS -- has you salary been approved by the council (in the budget) yet???
This is blatant suppression of dissent. Is there now any doubt in anyones mind about the depths to which some of these elected officials will sink in order to push their own agenda in the face of public opposition? This is like a Fidel Castro regime. If you don't like what we're doing tough shit. If you say anything we'll have you removed. I know my grandfather would be spinning in his grave like a top if he knew he fought overseas to preserve a democracy that would permit all they fought for to be stomped into the mud. These people (not all) are representative of the way our country is headed. If "we the people" don't stand up and take advantage of the safeguards our forefathers put in place, we will be leaving behing a legacy of a dictatorship for our grandchildren. Come on folks......freedom isn't free. It's hard work, but the benefits outweigh efforts put forth to preserve it. Don't you think?
so if they miss placed 19 million, how much of it padded their pockets. when they resign if they move to Aruba, I guess we will know
The security will be there to protect the guilty and escort them out, "IF" they come out with the TRUTH!
In these pictures, she was doing precisely what she accused Mrs. Cohen of doing at the previous Council meeting - grandstanding! I don't like to quote The Daily Times however, in their editorial today they state, "It is impossible to overreact when financial accountability has been questioned". How true, and how dare that woman point her finger and direct anyone to leave a meeting when no one was out of order. As far as I know we still live in the United States of America and we are still entitled to our opinion, even if Louise doesn't like it. She is not conducting a classroom for a bunch of teeny boppers, these are taxpaying citizens, who are angry because of the shenanigans of the Mayor and City Council (with the exception of two) and want answers. If she is not capable of having a question and answer session without getting out of order herself, grandstanding, and hitting the table saying this meeting is over, she needs to excuse herself from the meeting. I don't think she is scaring anyone away by saying the police will be present at future meetings. No one, was out of order at the last work session, except Mrs. Smith herself. In order to be arrested or taken away you have to do something wrong first and if having an opinion is wrong, then Lord help us all.
Louise--do you remember your very first appearance at the podium on l/8/07 when you demanded the then-Council to be mindful of the citizens, to put no restraints on their speaking, etc. What the heck has happened to you, Louise? You are definitely overdue for one of your 'trips'.....
If your classroom demeanor was anything like last Monday's meltdown, you must have been a strange teacher is all I gotta say.
Speaking of the Times editorial, did anyone hear Terry Cohen on Bill Reddish this morning?
She mentioned that quote about "overreacting" and chastised the Times for contradicting itself saying that those not overreacting were "skeptics and critics."
DAMN the Times! Can't have it both ways, fellas!
Many good things in the show, but Mrs. Cohen nailed it when she said the Times article (Latshaw's) today showed the Tilghman Administration was in "full-blown damage control mode."
Amen, sister!
The council does not have to approve funds for city police, they are already on the citys payroll. Chiefy will be sure to have his men taken off the gang infested streets to be there to protect the citizens from all those senior citizens.
AWESOME letter to the editor from Tim Chaney today!
Thanks, but I'll take listening to Terry Cohen "grandstand" over Louise Smith's real grandstanding any day.
Cohen's got something relevant to say. Smith? Just another bunch of lies.
An All-American Banana Republic
I foresee closed meetings coming up. I went to the city website, and note the addendum at the bottom of the page on the council agenda for tonite and tomorrow, that they have the right to close the meetings.
Just an unrelated comment--I notice on the blog page the # of comments listed are markedly less than when you actually click on the comments and get to that page. I never noticed that before.
there will be a gathering in front of the meeting at 4:00 to sing kumbya, and hold hands...so no one is feels uncomfortable, and sheriff John Brown can do his real job, keeping us safe from our elected officials!!!
Anon 9:43 and anyone else who is interested. There are state rules on when and how the City can close public meetings. This can be found in the Maryland Code, Annotated, State Government Article Section 10-508. Also, they have to give notice that part of a public meeting will be closed per Section 10-506. They cannot close a public meeting for anything other than those items listed in 10-508, so them trying to shut the public out from public information isn't going to fly. I hear there are still a few lawyers in town with some integrity who will have no problem filing suit against the City if they do try this.
The City of berryville is getting just exactly what the majority of voters asked for. It's not like they had not already had 4 yrs of this type of government.
If there is not and immediate effort to recall berry and the 3 incompetents than let the citzens wallow in their own misery.
Bitching ain't going to accomplish squat as you are up against arrogant and power hunger people.
Truth is the greatest enemy of the berryville city council.
There is some good stuff about the open meeting - "sunshine" - law and also the freedom of info law on the Attorney General's website -
Did you get a release from Geico to post that picture that included the CAVEMAN in it? Hmmmmm...maybe that Weezies new slogan: ACCOUNTABILITY. So Eazy a Caveman can do it!
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