The Coast Guard Recruiting Office in the Court Plaza is closing down. At first I thought perhaps they were worried about being shot by stray bullets but it's far worse than that. On June 1, 2008 they will close their doors for good and leave Eastern Shore applicants having to drive to Baltimore or Hampton Roads Virginia.
Why, might you ask, are they closing their doors. Because the Dee, Dee, Deeee's graduating from the Kiddy Warehouse CAN'T pass a simple Aptitude Test! It's bad enough the Coast Guard can't get in your face during Boot Camp any more, they even lowered the length of Boot Camp from 10 weeks down to 8 weeks.
It's getting easier to join, yet Wicomico County youths aren't capable of making the grade.
That's the most dangerous thing I've ever seen on one of our waterways. A Coast Guardsman in a very small craft with a fully loaded 50 caliber machine gun. Are they nuts or have a death wish for us all? The recoil from such a weapon, if fired as is, should drive this little dingy into the river or bay and only the Lord knows where the rounds would go. Too bad they have lost their recruiting station locally.
A. Goetz
Could this be related to the cause of the SU Students are scared post??? Dumber people= more crime.
Goetz, do you seriously think that's an actual Coast Guard boat?
UHH YEAH! the coast guard just got a new fleet of paddleboats, havent you heard?
Where can I get one? LoL Isn't there a Coast Guard office in Ocean City and Chincoteague?
Fear not Officer Goetz, the USCG has not lost its marbles...not yet anyway. No 50 cal on paddle boats maybe a .45 or a little M-16 here and there. However they do have them on white ones and 5 inch guns too.
Tim, there are USCG stations in OC, Crisfield and Chincoteague, they are not recruiting offices.
What branch of service did you serve for Joe? Too scared to serve!!
I serve the most honerable of them all, the Public.
Just as I thought a person that has no idea about any branch of service!!
Unbelieveable they cut bootcamp back to 8 weeks. What's wrong with the recruits, can't take it or what?
There was a time when the USCG bootcamp was 2nd to the USMC. There were no games other than the standard headgames played during hell weeks. Big deal, it's where weaklings are broken and characters are built. It is not as easy to enlist in the USCG as it is in the US Army since they are not DOD and their numbers are small. They have the luxury of setting higher standards, rejecting those that are not fit to wear the uniform. To not be able to pass the aptitude test is mind boggling. What is the actual level of knowledge obtained by those with diplomas? It makes you wonder.
Can't get in their faces in bootcamp, that's the funniest thing I've ever heard. Whats wrong, will they make them cry? Geez what is this world coming to. I guess there are no more white tornados either. All this PC BS has taken the fun out of what is some of the best memories in life. Who ever served in the military and doesn't remember something from bootcamp? I can remember being marched out into the ocean at 3am with seabags held high. Wasn't fun then but it's funny as hell now. We survived. Imagine that.
In today's day and age it is amazing what we see and read. It is also so amazing what persons will believe. After spending 10 years in the Coast Guard (had to leave thanks to a Clinton) and now living here on the shore and working with those in the Coast Guard, I am honored to call myself a "coastie." Twenty two years ago, I had to drive over an hour to get to a local recruiter to enlist in one of the finest agencies in the federal government. With the leaving of the recruiting office here in Salisbury it will be a loss. Most people don't realize, the entire operating budget of the United States Coast Guard equals the advertising budget for the other four armed services. Even though the other branches of service are bigger, the Coast Guard is one of the oldest. Talk to a past coastie and you will realize the history and pride many of us have for serving in such a fine organization.
I think we should extend our thanks to the recruiters who worked in the schools and communities to mold and educate the youth of service to their country. We as past veterans and adults have the responsiblity to educate our children the pride we all have for serving our country. There was a time when many people returning from combat or deployment were spit on and ridiculed. Thanks to the recruiters and best of luck on your next assignment.
"Semper Paratus"
PS I do remember winter nights during my ten weeks of boot camp, doing duck walks with my sea bag on my back in the ocean, in the middle of the night. They weren't fun then but times like that made me into the man I am today.
My Brother and his wonderful Wife are both Coast Guard Academy Graduates. As a mater of fact, my Sister In Law joined the very first year they allowed women into the Academy and her Sister and two Brothers followed.
We are extremely proud of the Officers they have become. My Brother retired and was re hired back as a civilian on Norfolk and is current assisting in writing much of the Law for Homeland Security. I spent many a days at the Academy as I would take the train up to visit him often.
Yeah, I poke fun every so often with a picture like this and I sent it to him and he too cracked up. I also spent a lot of time on Governor's Island in New York hanging with them when I moved back to NYC in the 80's. COOL PLACE!
Thanks for your service. I'll stay away from the Clinton thing.
Joe, I'm sure you are proud of your brother and his family attending the academy, as you should be. Fact of the matter is, it is no more than a military college, their only hands on is when they take their Med cruises on the USCGC Eagle. Shes a beauty, no doubt about that. Those actually running that ship are enlisted deckapes and snipes. You don't think the academy students get their hands dirty do you? They do swing from the yardarms when pulling into port, I'll give them that. Anyone in any branch of military service knows the chiefs run the navy and CG, the sergeants run the army, air force and marine corp. Personally, I have more respect for the Warrant Officers that made their way up through the ranks than I do anyone from the academy or the bastard factory aka OCS. It's just the way it is. Don't get me wrong, I always showed and gave respect to the uniform, not often to those wearing it. Simply because they were clueless yet barked out orders. My job was to follow orders, not respect the person issuing the orders.
I enlisted in 1974 and am a part of an elite group of firsts. We, Kilo and India 90 were the first co ed trained companies of any of the armed forces. Our company commanders BMC Royce Jones and BMC John Miller had their jobs cut out for them considering the USCG had been an all male service for centuries with the exception of the few SPARS. We trained with the men. The bar was not lowered to accomodate us and we were screamed at just as loudly as the men. Our squad bays were tossed as often as the mens. I regret not one day of my enlistment or the lessons learned. If anything it has strengthened me in ways that living and working in what was deemed a womans role would/could never have done.
Losing this station is a great loss to this community and those that would opt to serve in the oldest branch of the military in the history of the USA.
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