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Here we go again Ladies & Gentlemen. Here is a Salisbury Deputy Fire Chief and a Salisbury Vehicle being USED to go to work in Delaware. That's right, Mr. Gordy obviously doesn't give a sh!t what the Taxpayers think, he's using your car and your gas to get there too. This is the second time I've driven past this business location and it's the second time I've snagged him doing so.
What say you now Mayor Barrie Tilghman and Fire Chief See? Taxpayers, here's your opportunity to say how you feel as I can assure you ALL of them are reading this Blog!
Fire that sob!
Im sure he puts gas in it out of his own pocket.
GTFOH! Who in the hell is this that would actually believe Gordy puts his own gas in that vehicle? Not at all true!
Gordy is a worthless p.o.s.
joe im just screwin around i wouldnt believe it at all
LMAO! I didn't think there was actually someone that stupid BUT you never know.
After all, they re elected Marion Barry in Washington, DC!
Here you go again, Joe- running your mouth about things you know nothing about. It is not uncommon or unethical for volunteer (or even paid) officers to take command vehicles home or to work to respond to emergencies with, at taxpayer expense. Look around Delmarva, heck look around America, and that is what you will see. There's nothing wrong with it. Once again you prove you are totally clueless about the fire service.
Oh kiss my ass. He's taking this vehicle out of state when he lives in the City of Salisbury. The ONLY emergencies I've seen him at are DELMAR fires. Fire the S.O.B. like the other guy said and let him earn a job back in Delmar, where they won't have anything to do with him.
And people bitch about the State Police and it's going on right here at home.
ANON 3:41 We dont care about around the world we dont pay around the world taxes we pay salisbury city taxes
Are you freakin kidding me! He can't get to an emergency in his own vehicle? So we're supposed to provide a 24/7 vehicle at all times for these people so they can get to an emergency? Are you implying they have to speed to get there and that's why they need these vehicles?
Good point! So why do they need an emergency vehicle to drive in at all times? Do they have to drive so fast, (LIKE HEBRON) to get to a car crash?
Thanks, Joe, for keeping them in the cross-hairs. You're on them!
That's funny because everyday a Laurel Police Officer drops his child off at a school in Fruitland, MD and lives in Fruitland as well. I'm just saying.
Hey Jocker,
You just DON'T get it. Sorry I ever tried.
Nothing will be done about this. Gordy and See have complete control over the City and the Mayor has no say with these two fat wads. I think Gordy or See have the video of her drunk at one of the parties and she can't do anything to them.
Complain all you want, Joe, but this is how things are done NATIONWIDE. Just like a 3-5 department response for a working house fire is a national standard. If you want to change things, I'm sure your local fd would be happy to send you a membership application. Well, maybe not.......
I'd give $500.00 cash for a copy of that tape!
I don't think Albero is gay, so he wouldn't join the sfd. You know, guys that like to spend more time with other guys and then get married just to fool others. Bunk buddies and soap on a roap buddies.
Jocker said...
That's funny because everyday a Laurel Police Officer drops his child off at a school in Fruitland, MD and lives in Fruitland as well. I'm just saying.
3:54 PM
Jocker said...
4:06 PM
Hey JockStrap(I am sure you meant to say "joker," but you are probably a dumb farmin that can't spell),
We aren't talking about a Laurel Delawar police office we are talking about a fat P.O.S. that weaseled his way in the Salisbury Fire Department as a volunteer that became a Deputy Chief while still on probation. The third ranking member in the entire fire department that is really the chief making all the decisions and spending as much money as possible at tax payers expense. I would love to see how much spending has increased and been wasted since he got there.
If you get rid of the 3 ranking clowns in the Salisbury Fire Department you will more than likely see more responsible spending. These clowns think that the tax paying citizens should pay for everything they ask for.
anon 5:26
are you that stupid, if you actually not albero and someone else wtf!!!!!
grow up dude, you have all this shit all this mouth and what is the first thing when an emergency happens you call the fire dept.
well for the rest of you morons including albero get a life if something happens you still call the fd.
the only reason joe post negative shit on his site is to get hits.
grow the hell up....
Comments are NOT hits, you Idiot! I don't know what fool told you that but there's at least two of you now.
I know at least 3 gay fire fighters in Salisbury. There's nothing wrong with them. I just wouldn't send my son there and gone are the days when little boys could look up to the men at a fire station. Whenever Joe calls them pussies I just have to laugh.
Gay firefighters give thumbs-up to Chuck & Larry
The nation’s oldest advocacy group for LGBT firefighters has likened the upcoming film I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry to the real process of coming out to coworkers.
“The coming-out process in the movie mirrors what I, and many of my colleagues, have gone through on the job,” said Mike Vissichelli, president of Fire FLAG/EMS in a statement. “Initially we may have dealt with disbelief, disdain, and even prejudice from our fellow firefighters. But significantly, as in our experiences, the film shows the process gay firefighters go through on the job as they move toward acceptance by their fellow firefighters.”
Vissichelli said that the Fire Department of New York’s efforts have improved to be more accommodating to its LGBT employees.
“While I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry is a broad comedy,” he said, “the reality is, there are gay firefighters in many departments across the country, including the FDNY.” (The Advocate)
Why are you out stalking this man? Do you ride by peoples jobs just to check on them? I'm still waiting for you to badger the Pokomok cop that lives in Millville DE with his marked car in the driveway, do you need an exact address to get there?
Nope, just out getting horse feed. If you want to call that stalking, so be it. Let Gordy try and sue me like the Chief of Police.
who cares thats why its called a take home vehicle every state trooper has one but do you take pictures of those vehicles at the grocery store,mall,or any other place you know they are not on official business no!!!and why not becuase for some reason you have a problem with the fire fighters, mind your own business.
Get a grip! I wouldn't care if I saw a State Trooper at a Grocery Store.
We're not talking about State Vehicles. We're talking about a municipality vehicle and an Idiot who is abusing that vehicle, IMO.
Gordy is MILKING the system and IMO is a pansy.
Bill has done nothing wrong here. It's just your rabid hatred of firefighters showing thru.
Anonymous said...
I know at least 3 gay fire fighters in Salisbury. There's nothing wrong with them. I just wouldn't send my son there and gone are the days when little boys could look up to the men at a fire station. Whenever Joe calls them pussies I just have to laugh.
5:44 PM
I thought you were talking about Gordy, See and Hoppes, but they are not firefighters and never have been!!!
Anonymous said...
who cares thats why its called a take home vehicle every state trooper has one but do you take pictures of those vehicles at the grocery store,mall,or any other place you know they are not on official business no!!!and why not becuase for some reason you have a problem with the fire fighters, mind your own business.
6:01 PM
Again we are not talking about another police agency we are talking about the fat slob GORDO milking the system.
By the way the world is so much safer with off duty police officers in take home vehicles. You can't say that about a fat ass like Gordy. What the hell can he do to make the public safer?? LOSER!! His daddy should have shot that load out the window!!
why the hell do you always got an excuse everytime you take a picture. Every time you take a picture of something you have a lame ass excuse to back it up. Every shot you take there is always a special reason why you were in the area or you were there.
stalking is stalking dude
and just be a man and admit most of these comments are you.
Since you want to continue to bring up Hebron Joe. Where is your super investigation that you were going to release. Bet my facts are better than yours...LMAO
Cops that bring their vehicles home and park them in the driveway act as a passive deterrent for would-be criminals. If Gordy, See, Hoppes and co have their cars in their driveways, what are they doing? Acting as passive deterrents to fires starting? What a crock. It would be different if they ran home while on duty for a meal break, or to take a sick kid home or something like that, it would be different. To use a city car to go to your other job is just unethical
I think that you need to be aware that there have been appointed volunteer Deputy Chief's prior to Bill Gordy taking that position. Secondly, from the point at which that position included the use of a vehicle it has been SOP that the officer have use of that unit at all times, exception being whenever he might be unable to respond, i.e. vacation, out-of-town, etc. then that unit is assigned to a different officer.
This is a similiar situation to a police officer who lives outside his coverage area and takes a car home. Do you think that he only takes the vehicle home to go back and forth to work - absolutely not, he is available to respond to emergencies, otherwise he should be driving his personal vehicle to and from work. The volunteer DC in SBY is the same thing - he is available to respond to an emergency situation as needed.
Your problem seems to be more with the individual than with the policy. Your comments only excel when you are talking about the FD and most of them obviously are from just a few individuals including yourself, certainly not enough evidence or support for any change.
I would like to see a bill of all the fuel that he puts on the tax payers tab. After that he needs to start sending checks to all the citizens that pay for his life style. I'm sure there are many tax payers out there that have a lesser income than him. It's sad how heartless people can be. Next time you're putting gas in your car after driving to work look around at the people you're stealing from.
I agree, that guy shouldn't be using that vehicle to go out of state, no one really should be using or um, abusing city funds like that, but are you really surprised? We live in a city that allows a state's attorney to pay some little pregnat sluts bills when her husband is working and they are collecting from social services just because she was "supposedly" raped by a salisbury cop
Anonymous said...
why the hell do you always got an excuse everytime you take a picture......
Nice grammar BOZO Farmin!! WTF is "do you always got?" Are you a product of the Wicomico School systems drop out program? You should have stayed in school past the 6th grade, but you wanted to be a "payed farmin."
You refer to State Troopers having "take home cars". Please include the facts if you are going to bring that up. In Maryland, Troopers are permitted to use their vehicles when "off duty". However, they have a 25 mile limit from their residence. Meaning, they can only use their cars for personal reasons within a 25 mile radius of their homes. Additionally, they CANNOT take them out of state. Period. In fact, they actually need a supervisor's permission to cross state lines when ON DUTY. Lastly, in Maryland, Troopers are PROHIBITTED from living in another state. As a Maryland State Trooper, you are REQUIRED to be a Maryland resident.
An earlier poster commented on a police vehicle being a passive deterrent to crime. When a police officer uses their vehicle "off duty" it gives the public the impression that ther are more police on the road. People on the highway see the acar and naturally slow down. Parking a police car in a conspicuous location (ie grocery store, restaraunt or shopping center parking lot) deters crime and criminal activity. It also works in neighborhoods. Also, police officers who use their vehicles off duty take enforcement action. From assisting disabled motorists, to stopping traffic violators and backing up fellow officers on calls. When they take this action, they are still "off duty" and not being compensated for their actions.
How does using a fire vehicle when "off duty" deter fire or prevent fire from happening? It doesn't. This is a monumental waste of tax payers money and is unnecessary. If off duty and he wants to respond, he should respond like every other off duty volunteer...IN HIS PERSONEL VEHICLE. Why does he have to respond lights and sirens to a call when he is off. Isn't there a qualified officer on the engine or other apparatus when it responds? IF so, his need to respond lights and sirens as if it is a dire emergency shows he has NO confidence in his fire officers handling the scene until he arrives. Even if a major fire occurs and he is "off duty", why is he needed so bad that he must respond lights and siren in a furnished vehicle? Are you telling me that there is no one else "on duty" that can command the scene and make decisions? If he is that critical, we should put him in a glass box with bubble wrap between calls so that nothing happens to him. What the hell happens when he is on vacation or in Indianapolis putting out "other fires"? Who makes decisions then? Does he call the fire ground officer on the phone and direct the scene from wherever he is?
why do you really care so much? do you pay tax dollars to the city?
Like it or not, a take home vehicle for a volunteer chief/duty officer is a national SOP.
If you want to go after some waste and abuse, you should look at the many Wico cnty school administrators who have county-owner and maintained SUV's for their personal use. They don't even have county stickers on them, because they try to keep this boondoggle hush-hush. Oh, yea- I forgot. You don't care about stuff like that because it can't be manipulated to make the mare or Salisbury look bad.
Just more negative comments from people who know nothing about the fire service. Why don't you just get an application and see for yourself how things are really done. If you still don't agree with it than change it from within instead of babbling more useless rhetoric and spreading hate. I know that things are not perfect but I really think they are trying to make a positive difference. The reason the top 3 have city vehicles is so they can respond to major incidences from home if necessary. It is a part of the job. I don't think they are abusing anything. If Gordy's car was in Delmar, so what? Last I heard Delmar was still a Wicomico county fire department. I do believe that Salisbury still responds to county incidents. If Delmar didn't want him responding to their incidents then let them take care of it. But they won't because we all still try and still work together to get the job done and that is why you non-fire service members will never understand that.
Salisbury Public Works employees ride around all day and don't do shit and they burn more gas than Gordy does.
Anonymous said...
Like it or not, a take home vehicle for a volunteer chief/duty officer is a national SOP.
If you want to go after some waste and abuse, you should look at the many Wico cnty school administrators who have county-owner and maintained SUV's for their personal use. They don't even have county stickers on them, because they try to keep this boondoggle hush-hush. Oh, yea- I forgot. You don't care about stuff like that because it can't be manipulated to make the mare or Salisbury look bad.
9:22 AM
Can you prove that this is a national SOP????
No, I didn't think so @sswhole!!!
Anonymous said...
How does using a fire vehicle when "off duty" deter fire or prevent fire from happening? It doesn't. This is a monumental waste of tax payers money and is unnecessary. If off duty and he wants to respond, he should respond like every other off duty volunteer...IN HIS PERSONEL VEHICLE. Why does he have to respond lights and sirens to a call when he is off. Isn't there a qualified officer on the engine or other apparatus when it responds? IF so, his need to respond lights and sirens as if it is a dire emergency shows he has NO confidence in his fire officers handling the scene until he arrives. Even if a major fire occurs and he is "off duty", why is he needed so bad that he must respond lights and siren in a furnished vehicle? Are you telling me that there is no one else "on duty" that can command the scene and make decisions? If he is that critical, we should put him in a glass box with bubble wrap between calls so that nothing happens to him. What the hell happens when he is on vacation or in Indianapolis putting out "other fires"? Who makes decisions then? Does he call the fire ground officer on the phone and direct the scene from wherever he is?
6:39 AM
Finally an intelligent comment from a firefighter. I knew there were some out there. Thank goodness.
"Salisbury Public Works employees ride around all day and don't do shit and they burn more gas than Gordy does.
12:39 PM"
Look! Look! someone else does it, it's OK if I do it. Sounds like the reasoning of a four year old.
you can't fire a volunteer retard.
I'm sure a fire officer having a take home vehicle is not a "national SOP". It is up to individual departments whether or not they decide to assign take home vehicles. There are many good reasons related to the job depending on an individuals responsibilities. Even Delmar has a vechicle that individuals take home on assigned nights so that they can respond directly to the scene. It helps them get someone on the scene quicker to be able to provide a size up of the situation in a timely manner. If you have anymore questions just ask someone "face to face" and maybe you'll get a satisfactory answer.
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