On 1-9-08, a Deputy with the WCSO stopped a Mercury Grand Marquis for exceeding the speed limit on Quantico Rd. just North of the Village of Quantico. As the Deputy exited his vehicle and approached the operator, the operator then accelerated quickly in an apparent attempt to flee from the Deputy.
The Deputy returned to his Patrol Car and pursued the Grand Marquis southbound the Quantico. During the pursuit, the Deputy observed the lone operator throw what the Deputy recognized as a large bag of marijuana from the vehicle.
As the Grand Marquis approached Catchpenny Rd., the operator lost control of his vehicle and struck a power pole belonging to Delmarva Power.
The pursuing Deputy was able to apprehend the operator of the Grand Marquis who was identified as Kieth A. Jackson of Philadelphia, PA.
Deputies from the WCSO were able to recover to what amounted to approximately half a pound of marijuana from the roadway. Because of the amount, Jackson was believed to have intended to distribute the marijuana.
Jackson was transported via ambulance to PRMC, (remember that siren call I mentioned yesterday) for evaluation and was released after it was determined Jackson was uninjured. Jackson was taken to the WCDC where he was held on $100,000.00 Bond!
1. Speeding
2. Attempt to Flee and Elude
3. Reckless Driving
4. Unregistered Vehicle
5. Driving Without a License
6. Possession of Marijuana with the Intent to Distribute
7. Possession of Marijuana
A half pond of marijuana is about 250 Grams. There are 28 Grams to an Ounce. Meaning this bust had around 9 Ounces at a minimal street value of $300.00 an Ounce or $2,700.00 minimum. I'm told some Marijuana is valued more than $2,000.00 an Ounce!
$300.00 an ouch? That's not true. An averave price for an ounce these days is approximately $180- $200. For middy.
Sheriff Lewis would like your name, number and address in order to discuss this further. ROTFLMAO!
I've heard that but I have to go with what I was informed by the Sheriff's Department.
This explains why Westside Primary School was placed on lockdown yesterday. Glad that our schools are notified and take precautions to make sure our kids are safe.
I have to agree with 5:12 on this one. Hydro is running for about $3500- $5,000 per pound. That is much better than the mid grade marijuana that makes up 90% of the marijuana being distributed on the eastern shore. Basic mid grade down here runs as low as $160.00 per ounce. BC on the other hand most dealers can't even afford to front the money to get their hands on a decent amount.
Check out www.usdoj.gov
Check out the DEA section.
Great collar by the way. "A" level work.
Yes - you can buy and ounce for less than that. But if you break it down to the more common, smaller sizes the cost goes up. Like if you bought a 1/4 ounce on four seperate occassions the total amount purchased would be an ounce - but the cost would be higher than if you had just bought an ounce at one time. It's broken down into the smallest amount usually purchased and the value has been titled "street value".
When you buy a quarter pound you pay less per ounce than if you purchased a dime bag. It's like buying in bulk as Sam's.
If it's $2k an ounce it must be that kick ass Kona or Maui Woweeeeee. Only dumbasses on the east coast would pay that price.
What is a 1/4 oz? Where did that come from? I never heard of buying 1/4's until I came here unless you were talking about a 1/4lb. Back in the day I could buy the whole damned pound for $50 and that was Jamaican mon.
Joe stated the words "minimum" and "minimal" granddad. Key words, you may have missed them.
Great work!! Good comment Grand dad. But it is clear that not many of you have not had the oppurtunity to interview any marihuana users lately. On average users around here are paying approx $100.00 - $125.00 per oz. Yea you can get the better stuff and pay alot more. If you are LEO's you need to get back out there on the streets and start talking to these users again.
9:48 You have a point, but the prices you are speaking of is for the base line homegrown crap. Yes I do interview not only the users but many dealers. I was speaking of mid grade, read again.
It was king lewis that quoted to joe the exagerated prices. $100 to$125 an ounce? that's gotta be worst weed in the world!
If you're a LEO you should stop smoking it with the cheap people you interview. What does DW mean? "DOIN WEED"?
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