The Daily Times wants readers to believe that the traffic situation here on the Eastern Shore is ridiculous. I beg to differ. This photo was taken around 4:30 PM last Saturday on the Washington Beltway. As we moved on into the "S" Curves things came to a complete stop in most lanes. Was their an accident? NOPE!
What I found really cool was the fact that they now have 10 LANES on Rt. 50 from Davidsonville all the way into Washington, D.C. and the speed limit is 65 mph. Now THAT'S thinking!
However, when you get here to the Eastern Shore, come one now, who's kidding who, there's no real traffic. That is, unless you're talking about Rt. 13 from Delmar through Salisbury. However, you CAN'T fix that stupidity.
Is the Daily Times manufacturing news again?
I know that stretch of road very well, I have family not far from there. YOUR right that is Traffic!
Nice photo of the sunset over the Mormon Temple
9:51 LBUCK Same here. Go to STAFFORD,VA.Sometimes it takes almost 2 hrs from the Wilson Bridge.Salisbury should stop complaining and drive these roads.
It's not Salisbury, it's the Daily Times.
Well, there is lots of traffic at rush hours Joe, lots more than when I moved here 30 years ago. Rt. 13 is a real problem at about 4:30 or so, but no problem at ^:00 am in morning.
A. Goetz
30 years is a huge amount of time Art.
30 years ago I lived in Bowie and there was no traffic there either. It took 20 minutes to get from Bowie to Washington and everyone was complaining then. When it got so bad it started taking 1 1/2 hours to get into Washington, they finally changed things.
Salisbury is nowhere near the problem Bowie and other metropolitan areas are experiencing. I'm not saying this shouldn't be considered down the road but right now you can't even get the Mayor to pony up tax money already collected to pave the roads.
Manufacturing situations like The Daily Times is doing here is wrong.
I agree, Salisbury has no traffic problem other than Rt 13 business from Delmar through downtown Salisbury area. However, I hear people complaining all the time about the traffic in and around Salisbury - as if it's a horror that it takes 10 minutes to get to the Salisbury Centre! Not that I'm taking up for the Daily Times but some people have no idea what true traffic is. I moved here a few years ago from a large metropolian area and it took me 60-80 minutes to drive approx. 20 miles to work - each way - on a good day. That's traffic...what we have locally is...not even worth talking about!
I travel this road every day and there are only 3 lanes in each direction from Davidsonville to west of the MD 301 interchange. That is where the HOV lanes begin making 4 lanes to I-495. Also if you are traveling at 65 mph over there, your going at a snails pace.
I drive through there when I go back down to Virginia. Traffic here is NOTHING compared to there. 65 is SLOW. In order to not get killed you have to do about 80. A guy going 55 nearly caused an accident. I do have to say my personal favorite bottleneck is on 66 W heading towards 29 S, where it goes from 4 lanes down to 2.
BTW, beautiful shot of 495 N, Joe. The view of the tabernacle is just gorgeous.
Surrender Dorothy!
So what are all you guys suggesting, that we should wait until traffic here is as bad as it is elsewhere before we do anything about it? That's real helpful, guys. I don't know, but I think when it takes almost 30 minutes at lunchtime to travel three or four miles along Route 13 to get lunch and go back to the office, there's a problem. We should be glad it's not as bad as the beltway, and we should be thinking about ways to make sure it never gets that bad.
That will be for the State to take care of, NOT the City of Salisbury.
Anonymous said...
So what are all you guys suggesting, that we should wait until traffic here is as bad as it is elsewhere before we do anything about it? That's real helpful, guys. I don't know, but I think when it takes almost 30 minutes at lunchtime to travel three or four miles along Route 13 to get lunch and go back to the office, there's a problem. We should be glad it's not as bad as the beltway, and we should be thinking about ways to make sure it never gets that bad.
8:47 AM
Where the hell does that happen? I used to work on the north side of Salisbury, and I could go through the traffic to the WaWa, get lunch, and drive back about 3 or 4 miles all within 10 to 15 minutes. That included waiting for lunch. Gee, Barrie, get some facts before posting.
When I was working downtown I would drive 13 to my bank south of the college during lunch then drive north up 13 for Chick-Fil-A and pick up something to eat before heading back to the office downtown - all in about 20 minutes. Guess I missed the bottlenecked 3 miles or so on 13 that takes 30 mins. to drive through...
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