Well, here it is Folks. Another wrecked Fire Truck. I'm told the other totaled vehicle was a FF's personal vehicle.
I can see it now, THAT ISLAND WASN'T THERE WHEN WE WENT BY THE FIRST TIME, as the Fire Fighters try to explain how they just totalled a $800,000.00 Fire Boat. LOL
You can make all the claims you want about certain people in Hebron drinking on the job. These Fire Fighters don't even need to drink and they're wrecking everything they have. I thought about adding the Salisbury sunken Fire Boat to the Post just to add flavor to it but you know what, this photo says enough.
What will they do when the Fire Station sinks in Salisbury too? Do they have tie down ropes to keep it afloat and upright?
There begs to be another question here. Were these Fire Fighters drug and alcohol tested ON THE SPOT after wrecking these vehicles?
Someone said earlier in another Post,
"well we all know you can't believe everything you hear."
How do you feel now?
when did another fire truck from westside wreck
It has been suggested by other commenters it hapened less than 2 weeks ago and that truck was allegedly totaled.
OMG a firefighter wrecked HIS own truck, not a fire truck.
and you are relly smart, station 12 is westside, not the west side of salisbury, its bivalve, tyaskin, nanticoke area
whats this have to do with SFD?
I was gonna say, the truck says "Westside Vol" so that's not Salisbury.
But OUCH, that's gotta hurt!
Close enough. LOL
A Ford Pinto
I Heard that there was more to it than just a wreck. Joe i think i smell cover up for paid sff.
you dumb fuck... you didnt even know where westside is.. i got a screen shot of that to show how stupid you were..
u dumb ass!
real mature r.j.
Welcome back WB! How's daddy's home smelling right about now?
anon 2:03 WTF?
Shhhhh, don't tell him. It's not his real daddy.
ANON 2:00 Cover up?
i think i smell a jealous husband
ANON 2:52 I am a female. and i dont even know this guy that well i said it was 3rd or 4th party.
i'm not talking about you being jealous, it's a bit of an inside joke. sorry for any offense taken.
I got it and found it very funny lmfao
I'm not a fireman because of the demands placed on them.Now I guess its harder than ever for them to do their job.If they wreck a truck going to someones aid most likley it was because someone was in their way.It seems that in other area's of the country or were ever these people moving here come from you don't have to yeild to an emergency vehicle.Give them a break they may be going to your house some day. THANK YOU FIREMEN
some of us still respect what you do for us
Joe, for the second time I have to take issue with you concerning Emergency Services personnel. This post insinuates that every person in the fire service is either a drunk or an drug addict. Westside's incident was unfortunate but both you and some of your commenters are depicting this as another one of those drunken firemen gone astray again.
I am a paramedic in south Worcester County...although I live just 2 miles down the road from you. Just 2 months ago, while on the way to a hospital, I hit and killed a dog and then 3 miles later I hit and killed a deer. Did about $2,000 damage to the ambulance, too. Was I drunk, or high? Nope, I don't do either. In fact, I was driving less than 50 mph and had NO emergency lights on and it was 11:30PM.....the patient had a dime-sized bruise, didn't need seek medical attention, but adamantly insisted to be transported to a hospital. It just happened, unfortunately.
This engine crew and its driver probably feel as bad as anyone could....and Westside doesn't need the extra cost for repairs. They're a small department in that Nanticoke-Bivalve area with not a lot of revenue to draw from. Was this wreck on purpose...NO. Was it some drunken drug addict...NO.
You referred to another wreck. Yep, this fine young man wrecked his vehicle a couple weeks ago. I know him well, and I feel horrible for him. He made a mistake...and it hurt ONLY him. His insurance will skyrocket and he's out a nice vehicle. But what that has to do with this engine wreck is totally beyond me.....it's just sensationalism, that's all. Yep, he's a volunteer FF in one department and a paid FF in another department. So, are you to have us believe that because he volunteers and is paid and wrecked his personal vehicle that he's the devil out to destroy the world?? Well, I gotta tell you, that's just not true. He's a fine young man who made a judgement error, just as I have done in my 56 years of life.....apparently he and I are the only ones to have ever erred.
You and your commenters seem relentless to make the people of Emergency Services look like raving idiots who spend most of their free and working time drinking and using drugs and scheming how to screw up all the holier-than-thou people of the world. Well, I'll bet there are just as many stupid bloggers and idiot mailpersons and drunken nurses and drug-using plumbers as there are people in Emergency Services that fit those descriptions. Oh, yeah, we've got out dumba$$es, but I submit they're few and far between....loud, yes, but few in number. Give us some credit for what we attempt to do...just as a plumber or an electrician or a nurse, we try to help you when you need it and we try to make your life a little better, a little safer. I'll not refer to all bloggers as idiots just because a couple are total idiots....and I'll not call all highway workers lazy just because a few sure seem to be........but please be specific when you accuse a group of stupidity or drunkenness or drug use, don't include all of us.
I'd welcome you or any of your readers to contact me....come do a ride-along on a paramedic unit in Worcester County, see what the vast majority of Emergency Services people are really like and what they really do. I can be reached via email at nebojoe@juno.com And, I'm proud to post my name: David Twilley, NREMT-Paramedic
Anonymous said...
i think i smell a jealous husband
2:52 PM
What are you doing so close to his drawers??
I'm proud to post my name: David Twilley, NREMT-Paramedic
You still work in Pocomoke? I thought they fired you?
melonman, I don't think the question of drug/alcohol testing was meant to imply ALL emergency personell are loaded. It's the law, and should be followed. Everyone that drives for a living is required to be tested after a wreck.
Honestly, the ones that should be tested and tested regularly are not. SCHOOL TEACHERS.
Well written Marvin.
Thanks for taking the time to comment. I was by no means trying to imply he was drunk and or drinking. If you were a Police Officer, that's the first thing they do is test you immediately. I believe the same responsibility should hold for anyone driving a Taxpayer Owned Vehicle, that's all. Id there's NOTHING to hide, what are you so worried about then, respectfully?
I respect what you guys do. However, I'm tired of this Good Old Boy System where no one is accountable any more. What has become of the Hebron accident????? It would make more sense for them to come up with something, wouldn't you agree?
Anyhow, as for the unfortunate part, PLEASE! If you've been here 56 years, how many time have you ever driven off the road? In my 45 years, NEVER! If I had, I shouldn't be qualified to drive a million dollar vehicle that could very easily kill others. His driving career should be over, sorry.
"Well, I'll bet there are just as many stupid bloggers and idiot mailpersons and drunken nurses and drug-using plumbers as there are people in Emergency Services that fit those descriptions."
Show me where they are and I'll report on it. For now, don't be pissed at me because I've exposed the Fire Department. Look, I've got TONS more stories that could REALLY harm their reputations but I have no interest in private things, including the Mayor. However, if they do something publicly like wreck a Fire Truck and or they're wrecking their own personal vehicles, that shows their abilities to drive and that's something else to be considered, especially after Hebron.
Sorry Dude but that accident in Hebron is what screwed ALL Fire Fighters. You're NOT going to hit and kill my Wife because some asshole wants to make it to an accident and he doesn't need to be there. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?
"but please be specific when you accuse a group of stupidity or drunkenness or drug use, don't include all of us."
I DID! Go back and read it again. Let me assure you of one thing. With your own track record with deer and dogs, you can take that free ride and forget it. Besides, who the hell wants to ride in an ambulance?
Thanks again for being man enough to use your name, unlike 99% of the other pansy ass girls in the FD.
To: 7:11PM poster Nah, that was another one of those Daily Times shoulda asked around before reporting stories that you read quite a while back. In fact, yes, I'm still in Pocomoke....but the former Amb Capt is no longer with Pocomoke and is now in north Jersey. We've done quite will without him and a couple other wild and crazy friends of his.
To Joe: Yes, I agree that all of us should be held to the same standard of drug & alcohol testing, mandatory at the time of a vehicle accident and random otherwise. In our case at Pocomoke, that is the situation. The City has random testing and mandatory testing if you're the driver of a vehicle involved in an accident. It protects all of us, employer and employee.
As to accidents in MY past, only 6 of them before I turned 21....LOL. Luckily all were single vehicle, just me...and the only injury was a broken nose in the last one. The only other accident was in 1987 when a lady hit the ambulance I was in(caring for a seizure patient in the back) was hit broadside by another vehicle....and we did have our emergency lights on and siren going. I was out of work for 3 months. But would I wish my driver or the driver of the other vehicle any ill will.....no. And even after all those accidents years ago, I think I turned out to be a pretty safe and alert driver, whether in my private vehicle or in an emergency vehicle.
You ask who wants to ride in an ambulance....apparently everybody, as they don't need an excuse to call 911, only a phone. We see it every day. I carry many more non-injured, non-sick people than really injured, ill people. Although to each of them, their situation is a true emergency. Is it a waste of time and use of an emergency vehicle....yes. But it is reality.
I'll not get drawn into the situation in Hebron. I, too, have heard the stories, some true and some not true. I'm keeping the faith that our legal system has and will make the decisions regarding this tragic situation. I do understand your frustration but I also have seen many situations where the investigation timeframe is quite extended, for reasons I couldn't understand. Hebron has some very dedicated and fine people....all three of my kids and their families live there, so I'll stay away from being the judge and jury on this one, for now.
Thanks again!! David Twilley
Joe, Yes each and every firefighter on the engine was taken to the med center and tested for drugs and alcohol. Though the guys at Westside like to have a good time they aren't Hebron and don't show to fires or accident drunk or under the influence. I am in Pittsville Fire Department and know many of these guys very well.
anonymous 8:43,
Thanks for sharing that information and I completely understand what you're saying about having a good time and knowing when to go and not to go, if you know what I mean?
However, you mention you're in Pittsville but you know these guys real well. There is not a mandatory test for these guys to take, so why are you so confident they did so when it's not required at this point?
Let me guess Joe, now you’ve become an insurance adjuster with an authority on such. How do you know this fire engine is totaled when the insurance adjuster hasn’t even looked at the vehicle yet? Once again you’ve got your nose where it doesn’t belong!
Its called an accident.....they are called that for a reason....If I am correct a majority of calls the engines and trucks(not ambulances) respond to are accidents(someone correct me if I am wrong and by that I mean with facts)You don't see them judging you for every accident you have or they have to come to so why should the driver of this be judge so harshly. c
Do paramedics get free pills from their jobs or something? READ the article again, Idiot.
You are correct; a very large majority of calls are for motor vehicle accidents. Now, that doesn’t count all the accidents that are not injury ones. Non injury accidents are probably five times that of injury accidents.
md paramedic=Nerdo!
I'm told the other totaled vehicle was a FF's personal vehicle. This statement implies two vehicles were totaled asshole! Where's the other vehicle idiot?
md paramedic=Nerdo!
Why because you can't argue with me? Idiot!
Thanks for re reading it again. I now know I have complete control over you, IDIOT! Oh, by the way, you still don't get it.
md paramedic = Nerdo
"a very large majority of calls are for motor vehicle accidents. Now, that doesn’t count all the accidents that are not injury ones. Non injury accidents are probably five times that of injury accidents."
md paramedic = NERDO
I'll bet you live day in and day out talking about what you do. I know people like you that think they are so important. You know, like wanna be doctors and after a few years actually think they're just as qualified.
You'll always drive a Ford Pinto or AMC Gremlin because you're a Nerdo. The bumper sticker says, "My Other Vehicle Is An Ambulance.
Thanks for re reading it again. I now know I have complete control over you, IDIOT! Oh, by the way, you still don't get it.
Nice try idiot! Dee Dee Dee, thanks for re reading it again. What’s wrong Joe, can’t you admit when your wrong? Idiot!
Anonymous said...
Joe, Yes each and every firefighter on the engine was taken to the med center and tested for drugs and alcohol.....
8:43 PM
Nah! I doubt that is the case. Only the driver would be required to be subjected to a drug/alcohol test. Good try though!!
melonman said...
To: 7:11PM poster Nah, that was another one of those Daily Times shoulda asked around before reporting stories that you read quite a while back. In fact, yes, I'm still in Pocomoke....but the former Amb Capt is no longer with Pocomoke and is now in north Jersey. We've done quite will without him and a couple other wild and crazy friends of his.
He was an ass... good thing he is gone. Did he take that whacko homewrecker with him?? Damn she was UGLY!!
Wrong again idiot! I ride the fire engine every shift but, have my “P” card for the extra change and only use it when I have to! Ambulances suck. Once again you're wrong.
saw the wrecker draggin the rescue engine from the station right as it pulled off. it really didnt look that bad but I really wasnt looking hard since I didnt know at the time that it was wrecked. i just got a glimpse of a unfamiliar Heavy duty tow truck (simpsons is the REAL only one around here) with the rescue engine on the back.
Did they drive it home after they towed or drove it out of the ditch on green hill chruch road? I saw where the engine went in. wasnt too smart of driver. the crew most likely wasnt wearing seat belts (could be wrong) putting on their gear on the way and that stuff weighs alot when you factor in newtons laws and a ditch. What kind of call were they enroute to? Who was driving? and who totaled their personal vehicle?
also one more question to anyone who has driven down green hill church- What if that rescue engine struck another car in the windy section of green hill church road? granted traffic aint that bad. but to be doing 50mph and in that heavy ass $800,000 vehicle down that narrow windy road with slick pavement when wet is just retarded. dont know the nature of the call but you were less than half a mile from the end of the road with a 40 mile an hour speed LIMIT. Think its time to send some of these engineers to get CDL's so they might care and might know a bit more about these $800,000 machines. educate them and we might still have a rescue engine at station 12 when somebodys loved one really needs it. Also it might be a good time to consider making station 12 alot more professional. seems to be more fun and problems than we really need.
CDL or not,I believe DOT protocol is to immediately drug test any operator after an incident in a vehicle with a GVW of over a certain amount.Anyone out there know for sure?
And granted,CDL licensing should probably be required for some of these top heavy vehicles.It could save a life.
maryland paramedic, it's not called a motor vehicle accident (mva) anymore. They found most accidents are avoidable and are now called motor vehicle collisions (mvc). Listen to your dispatch a little closer.
Joe, all fire apparatus drivers that are involved in a collision, regardless of fault are tested for drugs/alcohol asap. I've got a friend at station 2 who was on engine 210 when a motorist hit it and the driver had to be tested before he was even allowed to return home. It is mandatory in the state of maryland. Oh, and fyi I talked to a member at station 12 (westside) and the truck wasn't totalled it is now under repair and that driver was avoiding a collision. Ditch or car that crossed the center line, he made the right choice, ditch.
Maryland law stats that you can drive the fire truck to the call without a Class B but you cannot drive it back.This is for fire trucks only.
Also they are drug tested after an accident.
The man that wrecked his vehicle was not responding to a call and was not part of any fire department function.So why are we even talking about him..
If some of you would get your big FAT ass out of the chair and do some research instead of coming on here and acting like you know what you are talking about half of these comment wouldn't be on here.
If you want info on West Side and the accident why don't you just call the Chief, I'm sure he would be more thna willign to answer any questions you may have about the incident or the department.
Wahts the nubmer, 401-724-FRIE? LOL
Hey Joe how many cigars do you go through a night from chewing on the end from us making an ass out of you.
driver was avoiding a collision. Ditch or car that crossed the center line, he made the right choice, ditch.
See now that would have been breaking news and would have been facts.
LMAO! You guys truly have to be the dumbest Idiots I have ever seen.
You'll bite on any bait.
You mean, asshole drives into ditch because the Idiot was on his cell phone with another Fire Fighters Wife.
You must really like being on the floor,whats it like to roll over with the big fat belly.Most likly feels like falling off a cliffI bet.
so how long is station 12 without a rescue engine??? what is the total time expected to get it back and what are they doing in the mean time? hebron may be able to get on the truck fast and these trucks will surprise you how fast they go, but if somebody playin rolls there car on hickman lane or say a structure collaspes as a result of ice or heavy winds bringing down a heavy tree on the structure on one of the farms near the end of nanticoke road, how are yal gonna resolve it with no rescue engine and things off that truck? Hebron will take too long to get there if someone has suffered life threatening injuries and needs to be cut out or materials lifted off him or her.
anon 9:49 because he is getting special treatment because of hes one of the boys. anon 9:52 why dont you get your hick ass out of the chair and prove otherwise.
The car never stopped
But Mommy, uh, uh, uh, a deer jumped out in front of me and then uh, uh, uh, a large hairy man came through the woods and uh, uh, I had no choice but to uh, drive into the ditch.
uh, uh, uh, a large hairy man came through the woods
Joe were you hiding in the bushes again.
Why don't you prove him wrong instead.Idiot.
Joe has hairy man boobies What a freak show He should join the circus instead of having a blog
Oh, I'm so hurt by your words! Please, please, don't attack me like that any more. ROTFLMAO!
i hope you poeple from westside that are making these stupid comments dont think you are helping brian out cause you are doing just the opposite by not being able to prove these allegations wrong,, so if you cant show proof like (his truck not wrecked)or somthing then your better helping him by shutting up
You are being a fool of fools! If he'd stayed on the road and hit the oncoming car you would be reporting about how another fire fighter killed another person! You're the one who looks more and more of an ass everytime you comment. Your whimsicle comments show you have no real reply to the facts! You say something like it is fact when it's not. Or you twist the ones you have. We'll make sure if we get a call from you to take our time and drive the speed limit and watch out for all the bunnies, deeres, gueese, turtles, and make sure we don't waste your tax money by geting mud on the paint and having to wash them off and let you bleed to death of your place burn down because we were so slow responding to you the next time! then you can reprt how slow responce times are causeing uneeded mortalities and or injuries to be worse than needed because we were so slow.
I can't wait till you have a child in need and it feels like it's taking forever for us to get to you so you know what it feels like!
You're just defending a worthy but REALLY poorly writen and to few facts and many MISS FACTS story!
Can't you admit when you wrote poorly and just find out the facts and rewrite without poor personal opinions.
Your duty if you're going to report is to report facts and not insite personal opinions of false or even just possible truths.
PLEASE! Stay out of Salisbury and Fruitland if your going to be this way. Have fun with your next snigh remarks we all know is coming if your man enough to allow it to post. We know your so fair and all by the past coments we've seen!
Michael of Fruitland
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