Leave it to Mayor Barrie Tilghman to feed you even more BS perhaps to get her name on something, anything!
The first plan of attack, should anyone be in the alleged position the Library is in would be to go to your neighbors and ask if they would consider selling their property to the City for the right price.
Not Barrie Tilghman. Instead, she'll come up with a Rockville $300,000,000.00 scheme to create a new Town Center and NOT look at any other options. In all fairness here I should say that it would probably be a cold day in hell before Bob Cannon would even think about selling anything to Barrie Tilghman, she'd have to be removed from Office before he'd even consider selling.
Nevertheless, when I spoke to the Cannon's and came to learn NO ONE has confronted them about purchasing their building next door to the Library, (which makes perfect sense) I realized this is yet another scam by the Tilghman Administration. Sure, make it look like there's no other way out. Don't expand, built new and put Barrie Tilghman's name on it to boot.
Ladies & Gentlemen, be very careful of what comes out of their mouths any more because they're completely out of control. The Library brings NO economic & development to the Downtown area, just like a Theater won't either. Barrie Tilghman needs to be removed as Mayor in this next election and someone with some serious business sense needs to step up to the plate and bring Salisbury back to the gem it used to be before Barrie and her Developer friends took over.
Shame on the Library Director as well for not searching this avenue as well. I'm truly disappointed.
Isn't there plenty of parking also adjacent to the Cannon building? If it is practical, logical and serves the city taxpayers interests you better believe that Barrie won't be supportive of it.
Joe: Your barking up the wrong tree here. Barrie doesn't control the Wicomico Library, the County Council and Executive Rick are in control of the library. I had designs on seeing if we could buy the Cannon Building when I was director and or building out the top floor over the parking lot behind the Cannon Building (creating a covered parking lot and giving the library quite a bit of more floor space on that level. I still believe, as I did when I was there, that the Regional Library downstairs can be done away with or moved, freeing up quite a bit of additional space. Yes, I agree, we really don't need to build a new library in a mall configuration just to appease those that believe the old downtown must be revived!
A. Goetz
I think LouWeasle would be the point person regarding Cannon--remember the campaign.
Does Cannon still own the Jean and Ken's lot--what an eyesore that place is.
The Salisbury Library Scam????
Isn't it a County library?
Yes, the Salisbury Library is in the County. Perhaps you haven't followed the story whereas the Mayor wants to work with the County by creating a multi million dollar Town Center?
Ask Brad Gillis about this one. He's had a master plan for creating a "town center" downtown for a while. And he's serious, he has sketches drawn up, and has been working with the people at GMB for a while behind the scenes, secretly feeding his plans to Barry.
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