The Parsonsburg Fire Department called for a special meeting last night at WORWIC College inviting the Fire Chief's throughout the County to attend as well as County Executive Rick Pollitt and the County Council.
While they proudly displayed some of the equipment they have recently purchased outside the building, the Parsonsburg Fire Department announced they were in fact creating a Special Operations Team.
The City of Salisbury is funded by Wicomico County for their Special Operations Team but as usual, the Salisbury Team has been funded by the Taxpayers. Parsonsburg wants to recruit special individuals from throughout the County who are qualified and willing to go through more extensive training to be on the Team.
Parsonsburg currently has 60 active Fire Fighters, 5 of which are trained for Weapons of Mass Destruction through Homeland Security. They too are currently holding Plans to build a new Fire Station, much like almost every other municipality on the Eastern Shore.
"Working together is what we're all about," said Captain R. Whittington, (the key speaker for this event). Mr. Whittington said he wants Delmar, Salisbury, Willards, Sharptown and others to join forces and creating a County Wide Special Operations Team.
Chief See from the Salisbury Fire Department raised his hand and said. how are you going to insure outside Fire Fighters if someone gets hurt. Mr. Wittingham replied, I have spoken with the County Attorney and IWIF and they agree it can be done because they would be a "TEAM". Chief See replied in disbelief, "I couldn't even get that agreement." See then asked to see the letter showing such.
At this point I chimed in and asked, will this compete with the Salisbury Team or complement it? I added, how much money are you asking the County Executive and Council for? Mr. Whittingham responded, it would certainly complement Salisbury. An example would be the Water Tower accident some 14 months ago. Salisbury couldn't handle it on their own, nor could Parsonsburg and this is why we need a TEAM to handle these difficult situations.
Mr. Wittingham went on to say it would cost around $90,000.00 to put the whole thing together. However, get this Ladies & Gentlemen, the very first photo shows one of the many pieces of equipment and supplies it would take to accomplish such a TEAM and Pasonsburg already raised ON THEIR OWN $53,000.00 of the $90,000.00 necessary to complete their project.
Unlike Salisbury, who goes after the Taxpayers to fund just about everything, these men and women worked their butts off holding fundraiser events and BBQ Chicken sales to fund what they could so far and everything they have is PAID FOR! I then asked, what happens if the County refuses not to participate to make this a reality? Mr. Wittingham replied, well, I guess we'll have more BBQ sales and fundraisers.
Joe Holloway and Gail Bartgovitch were present and shared their support by stating they fully support ALL of the Fire Departments throughout the County and would entertain their package during budget time.
Parsonsburg also hopes that FEMA aid and grants will also help complete this TEAM and they have met with the Director of FEMA.
IMO, it's truly REFRESHING to see the equipment and efforts these men and women have delivered. Their meeting was one of the most organized meetings I have yet to attend in this County and when it came to questions or suggestions, barely anyone, (besides See) had anything to say. It was well put together, they were extremely confident in what they introduced and clearly the many Chief's who attended from Fire Departments throughout the County welcomed the idea with open arms. Congratulations to all and I hope you are able to achieve your goals sooner than later.
I'll add, I hope the County Executive and Council recognize all the hard work that has been put into it already as well as the money raised, (more than 50%) to achieve their goal.
UPDATE: I just spoke directly with County Executive Rick Pollitt and he clearly stated to me he knew nothing about the meeting. I do know he also spent the entire day in Annapolis yesterday with the Governor but I wanted to confirm why he was not there and again he said he was not made aware of the meeting.
FYI Perdue farms donated 40,000 of the money they received. Also the funding is great for the startup but who is going to pay for the upkeep and annual HAZMAT physicals for the members. The physicals are around 2100 and are not covered by insurance?? Hats off to the burg but i just dont see it being a long term operation as equipment and training get more and more expensive.
Exactly it would be great to have a team like this on this side of county but the fire departments here already work themselves to death to just provide the everyday equipment that they need. The SO team in salisbury is only used a handful of times in a whole year. Incidents like those at the water tower do not happen often, how can companies justify spending all of this money when it isn't used. I just don't think these fire departments can swing that kind of money. Yes, it is a fantastic idea for the volunteers of wicomico county, so we can stand as one and not have to rely on others (salisbury FD) but they get tax dollars to fund that, guarantee parsonsburg won't and their team would probably more put together than that of salisbury. But we all know Wicomico county won't do anything to help.
FYI: Every Wicomico County Council Member received their invitation at home & the County Executive's was mailed DIRECTLY to his office.
Joe- Good story on Parsonsburg. They do have their crap together, I must say they have come a looonnngg way in the past few years. KEEP IT UP p bug
Salisbury started a team in 2001.On several occasions there were incidents which showed a need for such a service. Funding was sought and granted through federal, state and local avenues. At that time Captain David See was the leader of this group and wanted very much for there to be participation from all departments in the county. Several members from each department had expressed an interest in participating. Issues such as physicals, training and insurance were a major consideration if a team were to exist and function. The purchase of equipment was easy, but providing trained personnel to todays standards was paramount to its success.
Things were going well for a while, but the legal/political obstacles quickly arose. It is my understanding that the legal advisors to the City informed Chief Brezler that county firefighters could not belong to the team because of some liability. This immediately caused hard feelings toward Salisbury from outside departments . It wasn't Chief Brezler or Captain See's fault. It was the legal advisors and "The System" as we call it. It is still Chief See's vision to have a team with county participation I believe. It only makes sense in this field to have as many trained members as possible.
I admire Parsonsburg for trying to add to their services provided.I believe that Perdue has donated around $40,000 to their team. I am unsure as to where the rest of the $53,000 came from. This is only a drop in the bucket compared to what it will cost to run a team right. The folks in Parsonsburg FD are great people and I wish them well. However, a united force of ONE team would be a wonderful team. Its better to pool your resources together than duplicate services. To the taxpayer its called cost effective.
"The purchase of equipment was easy,"
Because I want to know, did you raise the money through fund raising events for your package, or was it so easy because the Taxpayers funded it?
I don't care if Perdue gave Parsonsburg $40,000.00 or not, they raised the funds, period. Salisbury could do the same and I know they do in fact raise funds but I want to know about the Salisbury Special Ops Team. Did the County help fund that team? Did the Taxpayers of Salisbury fund it??????????
Shit, Jay Jester keeps enough equipment in the back of his 4-runner to pull off that water tower rescue.
for once Captain R. Whittington organized a function and showed up. he must be sick, normally he is a no show
On a personal note, every time I attempted to take a picture of See he would instantly lean back in his chair and hide behind the person next to him. When he finally leaned forward to ask a question it allowed me the opportunity to take his picture. After that, he would stare me down like I was his little biotch, such a Tough Guy!
Grow Up Chief, you're in the real world with real MEN.
Joe-There is an agreement btw. the County & City. It clearly states that the County will fund the City special Ops. Team UNTIL a Vol. Fire Dept. in Wicomico Cty. begins to function in Special Operations.
Parsonsburg may have received $40,000.00 but it didnt just appear in the bank. They had to seek it and work for it. Also where did the other $13,000.00 come from, hay ride, etc. Exactly! Now, other County's have a team and work with their city depts. DO WE SEE A PROBLEM HERE... Hmmm, Salisbury!
Also, Salisbury wanting to work with other Vols. is not true.
Who was at the meeting last night? What response was given when Chiefy See asked questions about the team working together? Who answered them for him? Just curisous as to how it went...
with regards 2 cap whittingham being there... He ran the show and had his crap together. What funtions does he have and doesn't show up for? Answer please, mr. anonymous....
I wish you had put a name to that last coment.
VERY interesting information. If you read the Post again, it said they raised the funds through fundraising and selling BBQ Chicken. They also said IF the County wasn't willing to help them out, they would be willing to raise the rest of the funds. A FAR CRY from the City of Salisbury Fire Department.
This is how it's done Ladies & Gentlemen. A grass roots effort involving those people who WANT it to happen and will do whatever it takes to get it there.
Salisbury is all about gimme, gimme, gimme. See seemed to be quite botherd by the idea of someone else partnering up. I would believe IF See wanted a true Brotherhood throughout the County, they would have continued to research what it would take to make it happen or work similar to Parsonsburg.
You Snooze, You Lose. Business is business Folks and if others want to do the work while See sits on his ass, so be it. Their empire is crumbling by the day.
You think that emergency services should pay for themselves? When is the last time your beloved sheriff's department had a chicken bbq to pay for their squad cars, or bullet-proof vests?
You think that emergency services should pay for themselves? When is the last time your beloved sheriff's department had a chicken bbq to pay for their squad cars, or bullet-proof vests?
4:33 PM
The Sheriff's department doesn't have to have fundraisers they got dope dealers to fund their wants and needs.
Anonymous said...
The SO team in salisbury is only used a handful of times in a whole year. Incidents like those at the water tower do not happen often, how can companies justify spending all of this money when it isn't used.
3:13 PM
Anon 313 brings up a good point about the so called Special Operations team being used very little if at all. One thing to note is that he/she states that it wouldn't be justified with the Volunteer Departments??? WTF!!!
If it is barely used in Salisbury then why didn't anon 313 say that it isn't justified in Salisbury either. Tax payers now is the time for you to speak up and demand a rebate in your taxes. You are being RAPED!!!
Yes Perdue did give alot of the money for the trailer and told Pburg they wanted to see results and the equipment used for them if not they want their money back!! Now how can Capt. Whittington be available for SO calls when he doesn't even live in the Pburg fire district or the State for that matter but I guess as long as Chiefy (and I use that loosely) White runs every aspect of that department plus gets a pay check from the county to be the paid ambulance attentant at his own department and does not let any member have an oponion other than his it's okay! As far as fund raising that much money get real when only a couple hundred people attend a hayride this past year and with the regular day-to-day operating exspenses where is the extra.
i thought chiefy was ryans little puppet
Joe-There is an agreement btw. the County & City. It clearly states that the County will fund the City special Ops. Team UNTIL a Vol. Fire Dept. in Wicomico Cty. begins to function in Special Operations.
Well there's the answer right there why Chief See is being so negative. IF the county volunteer fire departments come together to form this unit the county will stop throwing money at the city fire department. I hope and pray the vollies pull this off the city wastes enough of their own taxpayers dollars no need throwing county taxpayer dollars at them to waste as well.
Well it sounds like Parsonsburg will have to do more than a hayride to raise funds. Everyone that knows anything about volunteer fire departments knows that the best cooks in the county are part of the auxillary. Those women can cook, that is all there is to it. Pittsville women make some of the best beef and dumplins you'll ever put in your mouth. Those Westside FD in Bivalve, the seafood dinners they cook will make you want to go home and slap yo mama. Hebron, good lord last time I had a meal over there "The Biscuit Maker" was part of their auxillary. Those biscuits will melt in your mouth, let us not forget their famous oyster fritters.
While Hebron and Sharptown have their carnivals Parsonsburg will just have to come up with something on their own to draw in bigger money. Casino nights work well for Delmar, why not Parsonsburg? Lots of gamblers in this area.
It's plain to see I support all the volunteer fire departments when they put on a fundraiser. Ah jes cain't pass up a good meal.
The fact of the matter is that these special calls dont happen very often. Thats why Salisbury has such little participation from its members. All these fancy BDU's and wallet cards dont mean diddly to most of them. It takes common sense and a few tools to handle most of these calls. How much SPECIAL training or equipment did it take to pull a raft across Walmarts parking lot in Seaford 1 1/2 years ago. Why would Pburg want to mess with this crap. Because money is floating around everywhere because of Homeland Security and 9-11. Thers departments everywhere grabbin what they can get, whether they need it or not. Thank your govt. for that. Theres not much that happens special in Salisbury, let alone P'burg.
Doesnt he have a habit of organizing the bed races or hay ride and then not showing up to help.
To get it right... Capt Whittington does reside in Parsonsburg! Also, in reference to the Chief being paid, obviously he does a great job and have not had problems yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But, if Cap Whittington lives out of state the so called Lt Tyler mine as well taking home a command unit in BFE! Citizens should feel safe.
Not sure if Cap Whittingham had the opp to see what has been posted, but to be honest, he has his sh*t together when it comes to serving the citizens.
Parsonsburg did have a bad year with the hayride because of the weather. It is not their fault that mother nature got in the way. They try their best to do a good job and you can't say that for Salisbury.
And yes I am from Salisbury
Look at the third chin on that fat bald headed man in the pic with the SFD coat on. I heard that sack hanging from his chin is where you can make a healthy deposit into the sperm bank!!
anon 5:57 My thoughts exactly. Joe even though pburg would like you to think that every thing down there is just fine and dandy believe me (i live in pburg) its not, did you know that this KID ryan doesent even live in md much less the pburg. How can he run an so team from another state much less be a line officer? Its a joke. steve whites vol. fire. co.
Maybe since Parsonsburg has all this money now they don't need help from the county. I mean a new command unit for members to take home, new fire house in the works, this new trailer, new gear, etc. when other companies are struggling to just pay the regular operating exspences. I guess having a PAID chief has its benifits maybe the next time you talk to Ricky you can ask him why the county allows a member not to mention thier chief be the paid ambulance attentant at their own station, what a joke. And yes it is Steve Whites Vol fire company you better beleive no on down there better question him or have an ideal of their own.
i know parsonsburg policy did not used to be like this. i know of several poeple that moved to the next town ( pittsville salisbury) and were not allowed to be a member anymore much less a line officer or admin officer. i guess the rules change when it benifits the right poeple
Dam joe and you thought when David sea told his boys not to comment on your site they listened. Not one comment from Chief/Paramedic/president/paidman Steve whites crew.
Perhaphs someone should look into the paid person working for the same volunteer fire company they are employed by. I almost believe its illegal. How can someone getting paid recieve LOSAP?? Sounds like a tax fraud to me..
"Team UNTIL a Vol. Fire Dept. in Wicomico Cty. begins to function in Special Operations"
Salisbury Fire Department has 3 Volunteer stations. So whats the point. Volunteers are on this team.
This could be a positive thread. Since Parsonsburg has found a need to get into the Special Operations Field why have they not contacted the Salisbury Team to see if they wanted to do a regional type team. When the call does come in they can work together jointly.
the team wishes to train with the salisbury team from the rumors i have heard yet not join it because this is a county team and salisbury wishes to remain a separate entity. parsonsburg has worked hard to go out and get this money. they deserve the credit.
If anyone goes along with what Parsonsburg wants to do is crazy. This is the same company that is going to try and also build a new firehouse for about 2 million and it won't be any bigger than their exsisting structure. I know their building is in bad shape and they need a new one but don't you think building a larger one makes more sense they community is only going to grow and the need for more equipment, what are they going to do park a $500,000 fire truck outside? Save your money Parsonsbug and just build your firehouse. Dont let Ryan Whittington talk you into everything there is, he just wants to be like Salisbury and those Delaware companies he works for. Delware has a lot more money to operate with than the companies in Maryland.
Why cant more of you grow balls like Joe and give names? Insted you hide behide anonymous....
Would the person making the snide, unfounded, and downright disrespectful remarks concerning the Parsonsburg Volunteer Fire Company, Chief White, And Captain Whittington happen to have the initials V.W., JR.? Sure does sound like the kind of crap that comes out of his mouth on a daily basis. If he only had a clue.....
Ole Capt. Whittington, just wants more "poles" around. Thats why he wants a county team. Talk about a pansy..The only thing he is missing is his tu-tu..What a joke.
ANON 2:13 you say why doesn't someone have the balls to put their name to what they write but yet you don't put your name on what you just wrote?? I am not even the one posting this stuff thought that was VERY funny.
at some point Ryan is going to realize that he is gay and come out of the closet. have you ever talked to him, he talks more girly than my 10 year old girl does.
just like the boy from salisbury.
Anonymous said...
at some point Ryan is going to realize that he is gay and come out of the closet. have you ever talked to him, he talks more girly than my 10 year old girl does.
4:34 PM
no i have never talked to him but i saw him kiss a member of the salisbury fire department and the member had a member if u catch my drift!!! ;-)
This whole thing I am sure seemed like a good idea at the time. But Parsonsburg has went ahead and purchased a trailer to haul equipment etc... If they wanted other fire departments to join and most likely help foot the bill it would have been a good idea to meet with them before. In order to be a TEAM everyones input is required so they want everyone else to help but yet they already started by themselves, doesn't really sound to me like they want everyone to be involved if wasn't for the fact they are going to need money to pay for all this.
It looks like they see Salisbury recieving funds for Spec Ops and they want funds for it also. The same way it was with everyone getting an ambulance. Oh I can get money for thats do that also.
I'd like to hear more about the Chief there who is also their paid paramedic? How does this work?
Just Wondering said...
I'd like to hear more about the Chief there who is also their paid paramedic? How does this work?
8:35 AM
For the most part he is an incompetent EMS provider and always has been. Why do you think he doesn't have a better job in one of the bigger departments. After all there is a paramedic shortage and paramedics are in demand.
He also has a convenient job. Makes his own schedule and does gives his self raises. Gets to eat dinner at home, visit with the wife, do his shopping at his convenience and gets to sleep whenever he wants. Does he ever thank the county for giving him that great opportunity.
Wow...this guy's name is STEVE WHTE? Is that correct?
If true, this is quite disturbing? Can someone, (perhaps Joe?) check this situation out? If he is the Chief and he's getting paid with dollars from my taxes, I'd like to know.
Someone...anyone...check this out please! On the surface, it looks to be a HUGE scam of my hard earned tax dollars.
First of all he is getting paid to be a paramedic. You are right there is a shortage of paramedics but what bigger department do you mean? could that be salisbury? lets be honest not many people choose to work in salisbury. If you could get
paid to serve a department you have been in for thirty years would you??? you would be stupid not to try to work close to home and where you are familiar with??? For the incompetent EMS provider part that is your opinion and you have the right to express that, but dont express it as a fact because it is an opinion. You wish you had a job like he does and you would never be as grateful as he is.
Why would a paramedic want to come work in Salisbury where the call volume is probably twice more than other places and for less money and benefits. It only makes sense to go elsewhere. As for Steve being incompetent, If you have a problem with him file a complaint with miemss
I guess everyone else gets an opinion on this so I will too. 1st with the special ops in Parsonsburg, I admire that they want to make the special ops team a county wide deal. Not just ran by the SFD. However, if this is going to be a 2nd Special Ops team, I don't think it is needed. They county doesn't run enough calls for 2 teams. Now lets say this is a go, there is 2 teams in Wicomico County. Me being a white hat at a FD in Wico Cty would have a choice of what special ops team to call. And it would obviously be Salis. The majority of there members are paid staff. Each shift has several Special Ops members. So not only do they train much more, but they are usually always readily available. So do I want a team on the rd. in 2 to 3 mins or do I want to wait 10 to 20 if not more for the volunteer team to gather. For myself and the citizens in harm, I want the most qualified team ASAP.
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