So, how many of you actually said they'd do something as a resolution for New Years?
I personally think it's a crock but many people are so weak, they have to use a special date to get started. That's cool. Now, how many of you told your children, you're going to quit smoking on that day and then you failed your children? You know, the people that look up to you and you set examples for them to follow the rest of their life.
I'm going to lose weight. OK, did you throw out all those munchies in the cabinets or are you telling everyone, as soon as we get rid of this stuff I'll get started?
How many of you are still so stupid you're paying as much as $7.00 for a pack of cigarettes, yet you could even drive over the Delaware line without having to pay the same taxes?
I have one friend that I know of who quit smoking over New Years and I'm quite proud of her. I'm not exactly sure she quit on New Years Eve but I believe it had more to do with the price per pack than anything else and that SHOULD motivate people.
Now if only the stupid smokers would smoke twice as much, the state of Maryland would be out of debt in no time at all! Do any of you know just what will happen when they do get caught up? Does our Government give out reports showing if Cigarette Companies are up or down in their volume of sales? Especially per state! I want to know, did the increase work and how soon will they be able to reduce the price back down once they've reached their goal? I mean, the debt shouldn't last forever, right?
So let's see how many people are willing to admit they have already failed at their New Years Resolution. My guess is that this Post will get very few comments of such.
Happy New Year!
I swore I wouldn't spend so much time on these blogs! I failed,hey what can I say I retired at 45 (reads better than it is and it is a long story)
I made no New Years Resolutions, same as every year. I like my bad habits and we get along well together.
About the taxes going down....don't hold your smoking reduced breath. Back when the Bay Bridge was built they were just going to charge tolls till it was paid for. Guess what? Fifty some odd years later and we are still paying on that bridge. Once they realize that we will pay for something we will be forced to continue to pay that price or more till the end of time.
nzeiI didn't make THAT resolution!For starters,I am not a heavy smoker to begin with AND my husband works in Delaware alot so I just don't buy cigs in Maryland.I admit it-i am weak willed LOL.The ones who really are gonna be affected are those 2 pack a day smokers
I did not set a resolution, b/c I hate to fail, and more than likely, I would. Smoking increase does not affect me, I live in DE. THANK GOD!!!!!
Taxes never go down. Once in place, they stay, then go up.
I didn't quit smoking as a new years resolution, I quit because, just like Joe, there are some things I am not going to pay the price, cigarettes is one of those things. Cheapskate? Yes, I am. It would cost me $3400 a year if I kept smoking, thats a nice piece of change, going up in smoke. No thanks, I can find something else to spend it on, no problem.
I did smoke 2 packs a day and when I drove OTR I burned up more than that and I wasn't really smoking them, I was lighting them and letting them burn.
Just doesn't make sense to keep burning my money up like that anymore. I truly hope I am successful because it is not easy. The first 3 days I would have fought a bear, bare handed. These past few days it is getting easier but its not over yet. The addiction to nicotine is greater than any of us will ever admit.
It is now cheaper to smoke pot at $40 a quarter ounce compared to $50a carton of cigarettes. It is also cheaper to buy a 6 pack of beer than it is to buy a gallon of milk. Someone please tell me what is wrong with this country?
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