Lisa Tate currently serves as Region 5 Director, USHGA Vice President, and Planning
Committee Chair. She was an active BOD participant from 1982 to 1992, chairing the Public
Relations Committee and serving on the Competition Committee and Membership and
Development Committee. Lisa has worked in the non profit sector for over 20 years and as
the Ethics Director of the Dobson Foundation for 9 years. She has assisted with strategic
planning for several non profit organizations including : Des Arab, International Human Rights
Action League, AZA Taxon Advisory Groups, Idaho Non Profit Development Center , Torture
Victims Interpretive Services, Glass Arts Society, Arabian Horse Trust, and the American
Ornithologists Union. She is a Nationally Certified Fund Raising Specialist and grant writer.
Lisa currently serves as North American Population Management Plan Manager for the Black
Crowned Crane and is an elected member to the Andean Condor Species Survival Plan
Steering Committee. Lisa is an advanced rated pilot and has been flying hang gliders since
the late 1970’s. She has been the organizer and meet director of the King Mountain Hang
Gliding Championships for the last 10 years.
http://ozreport.com/docs/USHGASTRATEGICPLAN10.10.pdf (pg 8.)
The City's Press Release said she was currently working at Zoo Boise, NOT true.
Well, she looks mighty good on paper and I recind my earlier remarks about her not appearing to have any supervisory background. She is also big in volunteering and that's a big plus for her. Wonder if she is aware of the problems she will face at our zoo?
Good also that she is a fund raiser!
A. Goetz
Maybe this is an older bio, pre-tennis elbow and time with Zoo Boise??? I wouldn't think she'd be able to hang glide with bad elbows, would she?
How long did the city pr say she'd been with Zoo Boise?
She's got some good credentials, though. Certainly better than Rapp had. Let's give her a chance.
An ethics director? In Salisbury?
What does her experience have to do with running a zoo, anyway?
What's "USHGA" and "a BOD participant"?
Wow, ethics director, in Salisbury, MD...imagine that. Hey Barrie, you should go down and take some classes at the zoo when this gal gets here.
Last people that worked for Barrie and also had pilots license are not with us any longer.
Anonymous said...
What does her experience have to do with running a zoo, anyway?
7:55 PM
A summary for the hard of thinking...
Let's see, several years as a keeper - indicates a working knowledge of zoo operations. Apparently she, like Jennifer, managed to survive in a job for an extended period. That should speak for itself.
Several commitee seats, including commitee chair. Also Ethics Director, assisting with strategic planning for several non-proffits. Certification in fund raising and grant writing. The NA Pop Mgmt Plan Manager for Black Crowned Crane also shows leadership potential.
Getting ELECTED to the condor SSP steering plant commitee probably wasn't a gift either. As far as the hang gliding, again planning and organizing.
From where I sit it appears the woman has much to offer.
Maybe try reading and comprehending the resume before typing. If that seems to be too much for you try sitting back, shutting up, and observing.
She turned down the offer due to "medical reasons." See WBOC.com
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