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The Wm. G. Willikers Antiques Store on Downtown Race Street went up in flames this morning in Cambridge, Maryland. This was a 6 Alarm Fire, yet there were Fire Companies from all over the Eastern Shore there to support Cambridge.
The first photo was about 3 miles from the actual fire as I came into Cambridge. I will put up more photos as I go along here but I wanted to get a few up to get started. You could see the smoke for many miles and in the last photo, (or so) you can see where they were pumping water directly out of the River, (NO FIRE BOAT) where it appeared as if the only building with major damage was in fact the Antique Store.
More to come..........
This was all over the mainstream media - Daily Times, WBOC, etc. -- so why post it?
Is anyone there using the "A" word?
And there was no fire boat because the building was not on the water>>>DOUCHE BAG!!!! The engines were doing what is called "drafting">>>>>DUMB ASS!!! That is when an engine pulls water out of a open water source, and feeds it to whatever the operation calls for. It allows for larger volumes of water to flow, and It helps save the city's water supply. LEARN about what it is your speaking of. >>>>IDIOT!!!!
Well, since you ASKED, allow me to respond.
First of all I am only ONE person, NOT an entire crew of Reporters and Cameramen.
As you will see later, I also covered the County Council Meeting today, which will bring even more stories to the table.
That being said, YOU are one of the Anti Albero Bloggers who hopes to bring me down and ultimately get me to quit Blogging, STUPID!
I deliver MY SIDE of what I see and experience. The regular MSM can't be opinionated and let me tell you, I know ALL of these people VERY well and it drives them NUTS that they can't be like me.
Oh, rag on me all you want about that statement. However, they know so much more than the stories they deliver and they have to deliver it in a protocol kind of way. What they wouldn't do to get out there with their own Blog and really give it to the people.
That being said, they can't. So they all enjoy what I do and they certainly respect all the effort I put into it.
Then there's always, why do you even think people live on WBOC, WMDT & The Daily Times? They don't, trust me.
That being said, I have a responsibility to the thousands of people who come here every day, (not 50 people like your Anti Albero Blogs) and deliver them everything I can and I happen to believe they appreciate what I offer.
You may not agree with me, that's cool. However, I give you so many other angles that NONE of the MSM is willing to do. Take the Michael Day thing today. Who knows what's really going on with that thing but let me assure you, you don't go to that Parking Lot at 4:30 AM every Saturday and Sunday for the good of the people, believe me. Therefore, my Blog opens the mind and challenges just what's REALLY going on out there.
I'll leave it to others to comment if they appreciate this Fire Story and or the Photos. One thing I CAN tell you is, YOU weren't there.
I guess if we look here we dont have to go to those places to get it.the same question could be asked to them.
Look at how quickly YOU did in fact come here. When I start an article the time starts on it when I start drafting it, NOT when I publish it. I can tell you this. It took only 2 minuted before you put up a comment. Therefore I know I'm more popular to you than any of the others. Thanks for coming! LMAO!
NO FIRE BOAT, you say.
perhaps our firemen & women could do that "drafting" thingy & KEEP US FORM SPENDING $800,000 on a fireboat we don't need because of this scienticic marvel.
ain't technology great?
Anonymous said...
And there was no fire boat because the building was not on the water>>>DOUCHE BAG!!!! The engines were doing what is called "drafting">>>>>DUMB ASS!!! That is when an engine pulls water out of a open water source, and feeds it to whatever the operation calls for. It allows for larger volumes of water to flow, and It helps save the city's water supply. LEARN about what it is your speaking of. >>>>IDIOT!!!!
2:50 PM
do you really think all the name calling was needed?! Why cant Salisbury Fire Dept. "Draft" water from the Wicomico River? b/c if I recall the properties are ON THE WATER. why a new huge expensive fire boat? There isnt even someone responsible enough to tie it up right! I'm a woman and it doesnt take a rocket scientist to see that the tides were very extreme those couple weeks!
The Salisbury fire dept can draft from the river but you have to be able to position a heavy piece of equipment (fire engine) near a water source and that is not always an option.
They should just let Cambridge burn to the ground and start over.
How do you know I wasent there?
Because you were here commenting, Idiot.
Joe,see a draft is like the wind that blows in your one hear and out he other because you have no brains.
9:24 PM said "Joe,see a draft is like the wind that blows in your one hear and out he other because you have no brains."
Thats funny shit. I think you mean more like a "backdraft" because when the truth is suddenly introduced to his pea brain, it explodes.
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