Jim Ireton adds to his extremely long list of accomplishments, the appointment of becoming the President of the Democratic Club last evening.
As a former City Council Member in Salisbury and my God, the list read off last night of his accomplishments went on for more than 5 minutes, (seriously). Many spoke under their breath about what they might expect out of Jim in the future and one stood up and showed their support should Jim choose to run again for a position in the City of Salisbury. Could they be suggesting Mayor?
I asked Jim what his thoughts for the future might be in the City of Salisbury and quite frankly he replied, Joe, we'll see what the future and the will of the people bring.
Congratulations Jim! With your enthusiasm I'm sure lots of people will have tired feet by the time you're done with your one year term going door to door.
I worked with Jim on the last election campaign, he is very energetic and a man of the people.
His first action is to let Barrie Tilghman spread her BS at the Club's next meeting in Feb. I've seen that before at the meetings -- but never again.
He has my vote!! He is a real threat to the Barrie machine and they are already trying to not only lump him in with the "terrible" likes of Campbell and Cohen but attack him personally as well. Obviously he will be a formidable opponent--IF the next election does not bring about the change needed to reform this corrupt city government there will be a mass exodus of the last city residents that are the heart of the city, and Barries legacy of converting owner occupied to transient flophouses and packed rentals will be realised.
Like Tim, I worked with Jim during the City Council election. He is ENERGETIC, HONEST,a GENTLEMAN and truely Cares about the condition of the city and its citizens. I do not live in the city and am not a Democrat. If I lived in the city, I would support Jim in every way possible regardless of party affiliation. We Care and Jim Cares.
How can you be a Democrat and have accomplishments?
Please name the people who are standing in the middle photo.... and what are they doing (a line dance-?).
I also worked with Jim during the last election. In addition to his energy and caring about Salisbury, he's got a mind like a steel trap. He remembers details of things that I struggle just to understand. I've seen him put the smackdown on this administration's shenanigans a number of times. He is a very impressive speaker with all the facts.
Having gone to a few of these meetings, Anon 11:32, I can tell you that the group of people standing in the photo were more than likely the new officers of the Democraic Club being sworn in to her positions.
Beach Boy - how can you be a Dmocrat and have accomplishments? Let's compare the resumes of Bill Clinton, Al Gore, and others to yours and then see who has accomplished more. Don't be so narrow minded. Lots of boys on your side of the aisle are less than adequate as well.
Jim Ireton for mayor! This guy has more integrity than anyone in the Tilghman administration. They have already started a smear campaign against him (the jerk in the Story Chat on the Daily Times), but Democrat or Republican, we should all unite behind this guy.
Final Frontier
I believe in accountability and responsibilty and the power of the individual.Those are principals abandoned by the modern Democrat Party.
As far as Clinton/Gore? You would have been better to use J.F.K from the other Democrat Party.
Final Frontier, adjust your compliment. It's not difficult for anyone to have more integrity than those in the Tilghman Administration. How about he has more integrity in his pinky than all of them combined?
Hey Final Frontier, I thought you liked him? He could be a scoundrel and bum and still have more integrity than the Mare and her flying monkeys. You need something higher to compare Jim to.
farm boy
They attack Jim Ireton and they attack Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen because they are ALL "real "threats to the Barrie machine."
But not because they are attacking the mayor. They aren't. They are asking questions that so many of us either want asked or don't know to ask. It's because they are intelligent, honest, diligent and committed.
These are qualities the "Barrie machine" fears and worst of all -- government in the sunshine! (Now, where's that Louise Smith campaign brochure?)
Now, WHY would anyone fear government in the sunshine?
Ireton is another breath of fresh air, on top of what Campbell and Cohen have brought. A few more good people, and perhaps we can blow the stench over Salisbury away.
You all are right--it doesn't make sense to compare Ireton's integrity to the present administration's. For a valid comparison, there must be two items to compare, and since there is no integrity in the administration, we are lost. It kinda reminds me of the old tag line from the Alien movies: "In space, nobody can hear you scream." Maybe the mayor thinks a total absence of integrity (an integrity vacuum) will stop us from screaming? Or maybe I just need some sugar since it is getting later in the afternoon . . .
Final Frontier
I hope that Jim will make it a point to stand up at Council meetings more frequently. Barrie goes into her nervous-Nellie routine whenever Jim takes to the podium--yeah! Jim, rally the troops.
Let's get ready and get the wagons in the circle to fend off the meat heads that have had their tentacles strapped around our wallets long enough~!
Maybe he will grill Barrie when she does her con job as the special speaker at the next meeting of the Dem. Club in Feb.
But, don't count on that.
Jim's job at that meeting will be to be gracious. He's the president now.
Others can do the grilling. Perhaps there will be a vote on the best sauce at the end.
Jimmy doesn't have to grill Barrie, she stutters and stammers like a school girl with a huge crush when she is in his presence. Or maybe she stutters because she knows he knows she is a liar and can take her to task on any subject.
Go Jimmy, we're all rooting for you, even us Republicans.
We need to show up and ask our questions...not like at a council meeting where we have to wait weeks or months for some silly half answer to a question. If she tried to stonewall people at the Dem meeting it wouldn't go over very well.
If you ask her a question I can hear her now, " I will look into that and will have to get back with you."
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